
佛研十问 | 李尚晔:朝阳之辉,与时并明

李尚晔 佛研青年 2021-01-22

Q&A 佛研十问

受访者 | 李尚晔(이상엽)


I am a PhD candidate at the Department of Religious Studies at Stanford and a Dissertation Prize Fellow at the Stanford Humanities Center. I received my BA and MA from the Department of Philosophy at Seoul National University. Currently, I mainly work on the history of early Chinese Buddhism. My recent and forthcoming publications include “Lushan Huiyuan 廬山慧遠” (in Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism, 2019), “The Invention of the ‘Eminent Monk’: Understanding the Biographical Craft of the Gaoseng zhuan 高僧傳 through the Mingseng zhuan 名僧傳” (T’oung Pao 2020), “Hōshō Meisōden ni mirareru ‘shi’ ‘kusetsu’ no kubetsu ni tsuite 宝唱『名僧伝』に見られる「師」・「苦節」の区別について” (『インド学仏教学研究』69.2, 2021), “The Bodhisattva Prātimokṣa of the Youposai wu jie weiyi jing 優婆塞五戒威儀經: Its Textual Provenance and Historical Significance” (The Eastern Buddhist 49.1, 2021), and “Wutai shan Fojiao xinyang zai Chaoxian bandao de chuxian” 五臺山佛教信仰在朝鮮半島的出現 (in the monograph, Yi shan er wu ding 一山而五頂, 2017).

虎丘“千人石”据说为道生 (355–434)说“阐提之人皆得成佛”之讲台,2015年作者留影于此

Q1: 最近在做什么?


I am working on completing my dissertation on the history and legacy of the discourse on the imperishability of the soul (shen bumie lun 神不灭论) in early medieval Chinese Buddhism. At the moment, I am writing the chapter on Zheng Xianzhi’s 郑鲜之 (364–427) essay titled Shen bumie lun神不灭论.



I think my dissertation differs from previous studies on the discourse on the imperishability of the soul in two respects. First, it incorporates close studies of previously overlooked texts on this topic written by more minor figures, such as Zheng Xianzhi ’s essay titled Shen bumie lun and Shi Sengwei’s 释僧卫 (fl. the late fourth to early fifth century) “Shizhu jing hanzhu xu” 十住经含注序. Secondly, it approaches the discourse on the imperishability of the soul not just as an intellectual phenomenon but also by taking into account the concrete historical, institutional, political, and cultural context of early medieval China.



Other than my dissertation, one of my main side projects in the recent years has been the study of the biographies of Buddhist monks in early medieval China. I apply the method called “qualitative coding” to medieval monastic biographies to extract data that I can then analyze by using various Digital Humanities methods such as social network analysis and statistical analysis. I have also worked on topics such as Bodhisattva precepts in India and China, and the cult of Mount Wutai in Korea.



I first became interested in Buddhism through my favorite fiction writer, Jorge Luis Borges. I read his short book on Buddhism titled Qué es el budismo (What is Buddhism?) when I was in high school, and I was immediately captivated by the philosophical and literary richness of Buddhism. I started taking various classes on Buddhism in college, and this eventually led to the decision to pursue an academic career in Buddhist studies.




Geumgang University, the university affiliated with the Choentae Order of Korean Buddhism, has organized in the past decade a number of conferences on medieval Chinese Buddhist thought by inviting scholars from China, Japan, and Korea. The proceedings of these conferences have been published as monographs in Korea, and three of them are available in Japanese as well (『地論思想の形成と変容』, 『地論宗の研究』, and 『敦煌寫本「大乗起信論疏」の研究』). I think they showcase the current state of the field. Another relatively recent and important monograph (also a collection of papers) on Chinese Buddhist thought would be A Distant Mirror: Articulating Indic Ideas in Sixth and Seventh Century Chinese Buddhism, edited by Lin Chen-kuo 林镇国 and Michael Radich.



I always find great motivation and inspiration from the pioneering works of scholars such as Tang Yongtong 汤用彤, Erik Zürcher, and Tsukamoto Zenryū 塚本善隆.



This might not be necessarily efficient, but I think it’s important to question as many assumptions as possible, no matter how long they have been accepted and how predominant they are, and go back to the original sources yourself whenever you can. 



I have participated in a number of summer and winter workshops in China organized by Professor Chen Jinhua 陈金华, and have always found them helpful. I’ve met many scholars that I closely communicate and collaborate with to this day at these workshops, not just scholars from China and Asia but also from Europe and North America.



I think that in Korean academia, there still is much more emphasis on the doctrinal aspect of Buddhism, whereas in China as well as in the West, you see at least equal, if not more, interest in the material, cultural, and institutional aspects of Buddhism as well.






There are a number of projects that I plan to work on after my dissertation. I am planning to study the corpus of translations produced by Dao’an’s 道安 (312–385)  team in the late 370s and early 380s Chang’an 长安. I also plan to resume my project on Jizang’s 吉藏 Madhyamaka philosophy, where I argue against the recent trend of reading his thought as a type of dialetheism and propose to see him as a global antirealist. I am also interested in translating Tang Yongtong’s 汤用彤 Han Wei liang Jin Nanbei chao Fojiao shi 汉魏两晋南北朝佛教史 into English, with detailed commentaries that discuss the developments in the field made after the publication of this foundational work.



I am always greatly inspired by the amazing new work being produced by young scholars in the field. I look forward to future opportunities for more collaboration with them. Lastly, the phrase “the brilliance of the morning sun grows brighter with the hours” (朝阳之辉,与时并明) is what Lushan Huiyuan 庐山慧远 (334 –416) purportedly said to encourage his young disciples to devote themselves to learning, and I think that this could be a message relevant also to us young scholars.






佛研十问 | 下期预告:


关 注
佛 研 青 年
[编辑] 李铭佳 李周渊 汪珂欣 黄凯 颜峻


