
视听说2(第三版)Unit2_P34Nature programs on TV



视听说2(第三版)Unit2_P34Nature programs on TV

I believe watching nature programs on television is not going to giveus and our children a real experience of nature. On the contrary, they maydistance us from nature – actual nature – even further. 

Because real nature experiences mean contact with nature. It meansbeing with and within nature, to experience it with all five senses. 

True, TV programs give us joy but they will never be able to help usform a relationship with nature. We watch our small screens come alive with thevivid colors and we all let out “aahhhh …” and “wooooow”. But, never once willwe feel the pleasure of being close to nature. 

Worse still – the programs such as those on  the Discovery Channel make nature seem so strange,and so far away, in the forests of the Amazon or in the wilds of Africa.Children may grow up without even realizing that the flowers, plants or acouple of trees in their backyard are nature and they are equally precious. Thetruth is – nature is so close to us. We don’t need to go anywhere far to enjoysuch experiences. It is right there in our backyards. Or, in parks, gardens,forests, or national parks. 

All we need to do is make an effort to get closer to nature – know it,appreciate it, and explore it. Feeling the soil under our feet and the wind inour hair; listening to the sound of the fallen leaves and taking in the smellof the wet soil – all these are pure joy to the senses that we mustexperience. 


Q1: What may happen to children after watching nature programs onTV? 

Q2: How should children get close to nature according to thespeaker? 

Q3: What impression might the Discovery Channel leave on children? 

Q4: What is the main idea of this passage??




