
视听说2(第三版)Unit3_P39-41Talking about leisure activities



视听说2(第三版)Unit3_P39-41Talking about leisure activities

F: I like playing music and going to concerts in my free time. Thisweekend I’m going to a bar in North London to see my friend’s band. What do youlike doing in your free time?


2.(1)  concerts (2)  a bar (3)  band

Part 2(P.40)


M1: I like to keep fit. I like to be very active. I like to do a lot ofsport. I also like to see a lot of friends. I like to go to the theater. I liketo go and see plays.

W1: I like to read er, books about … crime novels, for example. And Ilike to go running. And …cos obviously I can’t run when I am at work, so in myfree time, I like to do some exercise.

M2: Well, I have two small children so I don’t have much free time. Butseeing friends is er, is one of my great pleasures.

M3: I like er, coming up here to London to see galleries and theater,and things like that. Um, I like eating and drinking a lot. Sometimes inrestaurants, and sometimes, either having friends around … uh for that, orgoing to other people’s houses.

W2: I enjoy jazz so I quite like having friends around to listen to the... listen to some jazz or go out to a jazz club.

W3: I like to do many things in my free time. I love to read. I love tostudy different things. I’m studying oil painting and different languages now.

M4: I enjoy reading. Um, I enjoy playing the guitar. Um, I also enjoyer, creative writing, um, and watching films.

Key(1)  keep fit(2)  the theater(3)  small children(4)  seeing friends

(5)  eating and drinking(6)houses(7)  having friends around(8)  a jazz club

(9)  love to read(10) oil painting(11) playing the guitar(12) watching films

Part 3(P.41)


F: What are you going to dothis weekend?

M2: This weekend, there is alarge camping trip of, of all my son’s school friends. And we’re all going offcamping, which is going to be very interesting.

W1: This weekend I’m goingto run a half marathon in um, Nottingham for the Robin Hood Festival andraising money for a charity.

M4: I’m going to relax asmuch as possible after quite a hard week, and quite a stressful week. So I’mgonna possibly watch a film and do very little.

W3: This weekend I am goingto try to relax a little. I just completed a long trip.

W2: This weekend I’m goingto take my son to football. He plays in a local football team.

M3: This weekend I am goingto er, see some friends on Saturday night, and have dinner at their house. Andthen er, I’m gonna be er, welcoming some friends at our house on Sunday night.

M1: I have a friend, who …It’s her birthday. And I’m going to go to the birthday party onSaturday. And then on SundayI’m going to go to a barbecue.

Key 1, 6

