
视听说2(第三版)Unit4_P56-58Talking about fame

视听说2(第三版)Unit4_P56-58Talking about fame

H: I like reading about famous people and finding out about theirlives. But I wouldn’t want to be famous myself. I’m happy being a normalperson, doing a normal job. How do you feel about fame? Would you like to befamous?


2. (1)  finding out (2)  a normal person(3)  feel about fame

Part 2(P.57)


W1: Oh, I would love to be famous.

M1: Not particularly. I like to keep to myself. I’m a fairly privateperson.

W2: No, I wouldn’t like to be famous.

W3: No, I don’t think I’d like to be famous.

W4: I think I would, but not too famous.

W5: No.

M2: No.

W6: No, I wouldn’t like to be famous. Um, I think that people are tooobsessed with fame, too interested in fame these days.

M3: It’s not something I’d actively look for, no.

W7: Um, I’m not sure about that. I would like, like to be a bit famous butI wouldn’t like to be like, really really famous, because you just don’t havetime on your own anymore.

W8: I’m not sure. I think it’s very easy to get obsessed with the goodthings that fame can bring, like the free gifts, and the doors opening for you,and all that kind of side of things.

M4: When I was younger, I used to want to be an actor. And thought,yeah, being famous would be great, but er, but now I’m not so bothered.

Key 2, 3, 4   

Part 3(P.57)


H: What would you like to be famous for?

W8: I’d like to be famous for doing something new and exciting.

M4: Um, these days, I’d like to be famous for doing something worthwhile,I think. Ah, for the, sort of charitable work.

W7: Maybe being a model.

W2: I’d like to be well-known as a graphic designer, but that’s notreal fame.

W6: If I were to be famous, ah, I would like to be famous for an amazinginvention, I think, or for perhaps, a medical cure, something to cure cancer.

M3: I suppose directing films. If I was gonna be famous for anything,that would probably be what I’d like to be famous for.

W5: I prefer to be anonymous. I like anonymity when I’m in the street.


(1)  exciting (2)  worthwhile (3)  a model 

(4)  real fame (5)  invention (6)  in the street

Part 4(P.58)


H: Which famous person would you most like to meet?

W3: I’d love to meet Barack Obama.

M3: At the moment, I’d probably like to meet the President of theUnited States, Barack Obama.

W7: Maybe Mischa Barton. Because she does loads of different things,and I think she’s really pretty, and I like her style.

W6: Um, I’d like to meet Bob Dylan. I really like his music. Um, Idon’t know what I’d say to him, but I think I’d like to meet him.

W2: Famous person I would most like to meet? Probably – quite vacuous –it would probably be Johnny Depp, or somebody like that, ’cause he’s reallygood-looking.

W5: I would like to meet Johnny Depp, because I enjoy his movies a gooddeal.

M4: I think I’d like to meet er, Ranulph Fiennes – ah, just generallybecause of … of what he’s done, his sort of Arctic exploration, and the factthat he’s been able to go where other people haven’t.

W8: I’d love to meet a famous explorer. If he was still alive I wouldreally like to meet Edmund Hillary.


