
视听说2(第三版)Unit4_P69Why would you want fame

视听说2(第三版)Unit4_P69Why would you want fame

M: Michelle? Why are you dressed up like this? Are you studying actingor something?

W: Yeah Josh, I’m looking forward to a future of fame and glory.

M: Yuck! Why would you want fame? I thought you were better than allthat fake nonsense! Do you want to be another dumb girl running aroundHollywood, trying to look fashionable?

W: There’s no fake nonsense in my plans! You’re thinking of spoiledrich kids who are only famous for being rich. I’m going to earn my fame bybeing a great actress. Then, once I have my famous husband and a beautifulhouse, I’m going to use my fame to help others across the world. I’ll docharity work with starving children in Africa!

M: Oh please, if you really cared about helping people you’d sign upfor charity organizations that help feed the hungry. You just want to befamous! You want to have your picture on the front cover of magazines everytime you go out to get a coffee in your silk sleeping gowns!

W: Not true! I don’t care about those stuff – though I certainlywouldn’t mind being famous for my excellent fashion sense. And don’t make funof me! As a volunteer right now, I could work for weeks and only help a fewpeople at a time. But once I’m famous, I’ll be able to make such a bigdifference! You’ll see, one day I’ll be famous AND doing good AND I’ll send youa postcard saying: “I told you so!”

Q1: What did the man thinkof those famous actresses in Hollywood?

Q2: Why did the woman wantto be famous?

Q3: How did the man react tothe woman’s reasons for wanting to be famous?

Q4: What can we infer aboutthe woman?    



