


Unit  5  

Task 1: Focusing on the Main Ideas

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage.

1)     The first main point the speaker talks about is ________.

A)     what personality means

B)     when a person’s personality starts to develops

C)     how to express one’s personality

D)     how to solve personality problems


2)     According to the speaker, psychologists ________.

A)     often emphasize the importance offriendship

B)     often like to find similarities among people

C)     usually find it hard to explain personality

D)     usually interpret personalitydifferently


3)     Peoplecan be roughly put into ________.

A)     5 categories

B)     4 categories

C)     3 categories

D)     2 categories


4)     Toput people into different categories and compare them, psychologists often________.

A)     use tests

B)     talk to people

C)     observe people

D)     do a lot of reading


5)     With the aid of knowledge about personality, we can ________.

A)     provide more help to each other

B)     conduct some research on our own

C)     improve our relationship with others

D)     have better communication with others

Task 2: Zooming In on the Details

Listen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.

1.       Different psychologists ____________ personality in different ways.

2.       Introverts are people who are ____________ or like to ___________ reading and doing their________________whereas ____________ are those who enjoy ______________________.

3.       If we know a person’s personality, we will be able to ____________ him/her better,which will help to make our relationship with this person ____________.

4.       One way to help an introvert is to make him/her feel ____________ when he/she iswith a group of people he/she has never met before.

5.       We can change and ____________ ourselves if we know our own personality.

Task One: Focusing on the Main Ideas

1. A)  2. D)   3. D)  4. A)   5. C)

Task Two: Zooming in on the details 

1)  Different psychologists explain personality in differentways.

2)      Introverts are people who are quiet or like to spend time at homereading and doing their own things whereas extroverts are those who enjoy goingout and spending time with other people.

3)      If we know a person’s personality,we will be able to understandhim/her better, which will help tomake our relationship with this personstronger.

4)      One way to help an introvert is tomake him/her feel comfortablewhen he/she is with a group ofpeople he/she has never met before.

5)      We can change and improve ourselves if we know our own personality.



What is personality? How does knowledge aboutpersonality help us?

First of all, let us take a look at whatpersonality means. In general, when psychologists talk about personality, theyare usually looking for things that make a person different from others orthings that can explain how a person is not the same as others. However,different psychologists have different ways of explaining what personality is.They often use tests to put people into categories and compare them. For example,people who are quiet and like to spend more time at home reading and doingtheir own things are called introverts. “Introverts” is speltI-N-T-R-O-V-E-R-T-S. Others who enjoy going out and spending time with otherpeople are called extroverts, E-X-T-R-O-V-E-R-T-S. Do you know whichpersonality type you are? Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Second, how can knowledge about personalityhelp us? Well, one of the ways is that by knowing how people behave and whythey behave in a certain way, we can understand them better. This will help tomake our relationship with them stronger. For instance, if we know that someoneis an introvert, we will understand why he or she does not feel comfortablewhen he or she is with a big group of newly met people. We may then help thisperson to make friends and talk to others.

Another way knowledge about personality canhelp us is when we want to improve ourselves. If we know what personality typewe belong to and the reasons we behave the way we do, we can then try to changesome of the bad things so that they become good. In this way, we can makeourselves a better person.

So, after listening to this short passageabout personality, do you want to find out more about yourself?


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