格外团圆,惊喜上映丨inDare 出品
inDare 格外设计 成立于2015年,坐标深圳,由香港、台湾、深圳、上海等地多位资深行业人士共同创立,现拥有海内外人才150+ ,致力于为品牌提供品效合一的【全案服务】。公司经营范围包含:「品牌创新」、「产品创新」、「空间创新」、「传播创新」四大核心业务板块。截至目前,成功斩获德国红点至尊奖、德国 iF 金奖、美国 IDEA 铜奖、日本 G-MARK、比利时 Pentawards 金奖、美国 MUSE DESIGN 铂金奖等 268项 国内外知名设计奖项,成为国内最短时间内获得最多设计奖项的团队。我们助力世界五百强及新消费品牌率先发掘战略远见,高效占领年轻消费者心智,全链路驱动品牌增长。
inDare (Gewai Design) was founded in 2015, located in Shenzhen. It was co-founded by a team of senior talents from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shenzhen and Shanghai. At present, the company has more than 150 talents from home and abroad, and we are committed to providing brand performance full-service projects for clients. Our four core businesses include brand innovation, product innovation, space innovation and communication innovation.