中国可能是最擅长种族歧视的国家 China is probably the most racist country

2016-12-01 Kelsey AllTogetherNow AllTogetherNow


Have you ever thought racial discrimination had nothing to do with you?


However, this may not be true. As Asians, we may be more concerned about the news of Asians being racially discriminated while ignoring we are also involved in a part of racial discrimination.


According to relevant news, China is probably the most racist country.


Let's look at some of the facts


In the magazine on Air China plane which provides London trip tips states "precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis, and black people". This was then posted by an American journalist on Twitter, later became controversial.  This statement later caused public outrage among British people, the London newspapers pointed this is "Racist Storm“. A district council member of the London-Indian community also sent a letter to the Chinese ambassador to Britain, which was harshly worded as "an outrageous rhetoric of racism"; Even the actor of 'Raj' with India descent in US series drama show Big Bang made some spoke badly to Air China.



This matter has been exaggerated by the western medias, the problem of 'racial discrimination' indeed confirmed by the action of Chinese people. However, how did China react to this domestically? Air China had withdrawn that magazine and made an apology. Even more, there are voices like these: Air China just made a statement of fact, some places concentrated with Indians and Pakistanis are actually deficient in public security, this is common sense, how could it be linked to racial discrimination?


So, are Chinese actually racists? Do I have anything to do with it?


Maybe you think you are not a racist, but the facts can tell


If you randomly ask 10 Chinese whether they are racists, they may feel baffling and think how am I a racist? If I say some races are indeed underdeveloped, is it fact?


Indeed, in a country where other "races" cannot always be communicated, it is really difficult to ask for them a deeper understanding of the idea of ethnicity. Within the ideology of Chinese people, the racial discrimination is not directly related to our lives. Therefore, such offensive affairs always exist. 

前几个月那个把黑人扔到洗衣机里「洗白」的洗衣珠广告,在YouTube上遭到猛批,在一些把种族歧视写进法律里的国家可能要被强烈谴责但中国网友看了却觉得挺有趣,这不是艺术创作嘛,不就是一些刻板印象嘛,没有种族歧视的意思呀。A few months ago, the advertisement of laundry detergent was criticized on YouTube seriously. In countries where racial discrimination was considered unlawful, it was likely to be strongly condemned. However, Chinese media users felt it was interested, this is just an artistic creation, just racial stereotypes, noting to do with racism uh.


the above news story are taken from sohu


I'm gonna express some personal opinions upon the historical facts

“16 世纪到19世纪期间,随着欧洲社会和经济的不断发展和需求,在环大西洋地区非洲大陆人民作为廉价劳动力提供给美洲大陆殖民地地区的一种贸易逐渐出现。奴隶的来源主要是非洲西部和中部,黑人被欧洲人通过贸易或袭击、绑架等手段抓获贩往美洲大陆。这一贸易活动在近代也被称为黑奴贸易,然后实际上这一说法并不妥当,因为早在中世纪之前,就有黑奴的贸易活动出现了所以应当加上跨大西洋字样。奴隶贸易者包括(根据规模排序):葡萄牙人、英国人、法国人、西班牙人、荷兰人和美国人。部分贸易者在非洲的海岸拥有前哨,前哨有他们收买的当地的部落首领为他们提供奴隶。在长达约400年的带有强烈殖民主义色彩的黑奴贸易中,目前估计约有1200万人从非洲运到美洲的奴隶,部分学者得到的数据相对更高,尤其是从非洲得到的。将航运死亡的一千万人计算入内后,非洲人口损失数据可以达到三千万。”

以前,白人国家和社会比较发达,社会文明比较进步,而非洲国家处于落后状态。在不得已的情况下,他们被迫为欧洲人为美洲殖民地做奴隶,他们没有反抗这个压迫的途径。到了后来,美国的成立,一些当初被当做奴隶运到美国的黑人后代也留在了美国,然而他们不断地遭受到着种族歧视的折磨, 被归为社会底层。然而随着社会的进步和时间的流逝,歧视还存在。不管那些黑人后代再聪明再有能力,都会被社会忽视,他们永远无法得到和白人等同的权利。人们因为这些历史遗留问题,刻板印象的影响而忽视了这个人的本身,却更多地从种族,肤色上来评判那些和我们不同种族的人。



对于白人种族,为什么中国人总是显示地那么崇洋媚外呢?我看过一篇学术文章,在闭关锁国之后,中国想要迅速赶上西方世界的发展速度,而不得参照借鉴他们的文化,经济以及方方面面。于是洋人文化在那时候的中国变成一种时髦,变成人人爱追赶的潮流,而过分遗忘了自己中国文化中的精华,这种“崇洋媚外” 同时也是对自己文化文明的不自信。

西方世界里有个流派叫做白人至上主义(white supremacist),现在他们改叫自己为“alt-right”, 不管怎么改变称呼,改不掉的是他们无法包容种族和文化多元化的心。




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