
征稿函 | 积极的公共管理:理论和实践的新方向

Call for Contributions

Positive Public Administration: New Directions for Theory and Practice


Editors Tina Nabatchi, Janine O’Flynn, and Paul 't Hart seek contributors to Positive Public Administration:New Directions in Theory and Practice, a forthcoming book which will “make the case” for PPA, lay the groundwork for how PPA research can be conducted meaningfully and to illustrate the positive contributions of governments and governance.

One-page proposals are due on 29th of April, 2022.

Invitation: Prepare a one-page pitch

We invite proposals from people interested in being part of this project. If you are interested in being part of the project, please prepare a one-page pitch for the editors to consider. Specifically: 

1. Familiarise yourself with the above-mentioned Douglas et al. (2021) essay, 

“Rising to Ostrom’s challenge: An invitation to walk on the bright side of public governance and public service.” This essay sets out key starting points for the development of PPA and the key themes of interest in this project. 

2. Prepare a one-page pitch for your contribution to Positive Public 

Administration: New Directions for Theory and Practice. In your pitch, clearly and concisely explain: 

a. Where and how your contribution fits into section two or three of the book structure (see below).

b. For section two contributions: The case that you will explore and 

whether it centres on: public policies (programs, projects); public 

organizations; collaborative governance networks; and/or some other aspect of public administration.

c. For section three contributions: Whether your primary focus will be on theory, methodology, or practice. 

d. How your case connects to and advances the PPA agenda.

e. The connections between your case and the cross-cutting themes for the section two chapters (i.e., conceptual and normative vantage point, assessment and narration, mechanisms, and conclusions and implications – see below).

3. Upload your one-page pitch and answer the short contributor survey at: https://syracuseuniversity.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4PKc1jG6LLEIhka






