
知已知彼 | 美国人怎么评论特朗普根据301条款采取的行动?

2018-03-24 美国白宫 晓伟看世界










What They Are Saying: 

Support For President Donald J. Trump’s Section 301 Trade Actions


Members of Congress


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY): “President Trump is exactly right this afternoon to propose a plan designed to punish China for its most flagrant trade abuses. I’ve called for such action for years and been disappointed by the inactions of both Presidents Bush and Obama. I’m very pleased that this Administration is taking strong action to get a better deal on China.”

参议院少数党领袖查克舒默(D-NY): “多年来我一直呼吁采取这种行动,并对布什总统和奥巴马总统的不作为感到失望。而今天下午特朗普总统恰好提出一项旨在惩罚中国最恶劣的贸易弊端的计划。我很高兴本届政府采取强有力的行动,以更好地处理中国问题。“

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL): “President Trump’s trade actions against China are the right thing to do. China has used the wealth of the American people to crush human rights and destabilize our economic order. The actions announced today are good first steps toward re-asserting American economic leadership.”

参议员Marco Rubio(R-FL): “特朗普总统对中国的贸易行为是正确的。中国利用美国人民的财富破坏经济秩序。今天宣布的行动是重振美国经济领导力的良好开端。”

Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK): “This is the first time in a long time that we’ve had a President who knows how to negotiate…. So far the stuff that he’s been doing has worked. I think this is going to work too.”

--James Inhofe参议员(R-OK): “这是我们长期以来第一次有一位总统知道如何谈判......。到目前为止,他一直在做的事情已经奏效。我认为这也将起作用。”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC): “I’m very pleased and supportive of President Trump’s efforts to push back against China’s intellectual property theft, dumping, and other unfair trade practices. This pushback by President Trump is long overdue as a nation. I want to congratulate him for carrying out yet another campaign promise to push back against China for their unfair trade practices. If we continue this policy, China will over time change the way they do business which will be a Godsend for the American worker.”

--参议员林赛格雷厄姆(R-SC): “我非常高兴并支持特朗普总统在中国知识产权盗窃,倾销和其他不公平贸易行为上所做的努力。特朗普总统一直为国家在行动,我要祝贺他再次承诺推动反对中国不公平贸易的行为。如果我们继续这项政策,中国将随着时间的推移改变他们开展业务的方式,这对美国工人来说是天赐之物。”

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL): “I commend President Trump for his tough stand against Communist China, which has gotten away with unfair trade practices and intellectual property theft for far too long.  The President’s commonsense measures aim to level the playing field for American businesses, which have been forced to compete against the PRC’s currency manipulations, IP theft, and other dishonest or coercive business practices…. Today’s announcement by the President is a good first step toward protecting American businesses and hard-won innovation.”

--众议员马里奥·迪亚斯 - 巴拉特(R-FL): “我赞扬特朗普总统的强硬立场,中国在不公平的贸易惯例和知识产权盗窃方面已经走了太久。总统的常识性措施旨在平衡美国企业的竞争环境,美国企业被迫与中国的货币操纵,知识产权盗窃以及其他不诚实或强制性商业行为相抗衡。今天的总统宣布是保护美国企业和来之不易的创新的良好开端。”

Cabinet Members & Administration Officials


Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin: “China has sought to gain access to intellectual property and cutting-edge technology developed by U.S. businesses through such wrongful practices as systemic, government-driven investment in U.S. companies, unreasonable requirements and limiting restrictions intended to pressure U.S. firms, and cyber-enabled intrusions. This conduct threatens our national interests, undermines the value of U.S. investments and technology, weakens the global competitiveness of our firms, and harms American workers. Today’s actions are designed to counter this conduct and address the threat it presents to U.S. national interests.”

--财政部长Steven Mnuchin: “中国一直试图通过美国企业开发的知识产权和尖端技术,例如系统的,政府驱动的对美国公司的投资,不合理的要求和限制美国施压等不法行为,对美国公司和网络进行入侵。这一行为威胁到我们的国家利益,损害了美国投资和技术的价值,削弱了我们公司的全球竞争力,并伤害了美国工人。今天的行动旨在对付这种行为并解决它对美国国家利益带来的威胁。”

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer: “President Trump has made it clear we must insist on fair and reciprocal trade with China and strictly enforce our laws against unfair trade.  This requires taking effective action to confront China over its state-led efforts to force, strong-arm, and even steal U.S. technology and intellectual property. Years of talking about these problems with China has not worked. The United States is committed to using all available tools to respond to China’s unfair, market-distorting behavior. China’s unprecedented and unfair trade practices are a serious challenge not just to the United States, but to our allies and partners around the world.”

--美国贸易代表Robert Lighthizer: “特朗普总统明确表示,我们必须坚持与中国进行公平和互惠的贸易,并严格执行反对不公平贸易的法律。这需要采取有效行动来对抗中国在国家主导下的进攻、甚至窃取美国技术和知识产权的行动。多年来与中国讨论这些问题并没有奏效。美国致力于利用所有可用的工具来应对中国不公平的市场扭曲行为。中国前所未有的和不公平的贸易行为不仅对美国是一个严峻的挑战,对全球的盟友和合作伙伴也是一个严峻的挑战。”

State Department Acting Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Heather Nauert: “By taking action to address Chinese policies and practices that are harming American innovation, @POTUS is confronting unfair trade practices that harm American commerce.”

--国务院公共外交和公共事务代理副部长Heather Nauert表示: “@POTUS正在面对损害美国商业的不公平贸易行为,必须通过采取行动解决损害美国创新的中国政策和实践。”

Advocacy Organizations, Businesses Leaders, & Policy Experts


Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army Van Hipp: “This is a national security issue that should unite all Americans behind the President’s action today. China’s antics over the years have inflicted real harm to our national security. Fortunately, we have a Commander-in-Chief who understands that and who will do whatever it takes to maintain America’s competitive edge.”

--陆军前副助理部长范希普说: “这是一个国家安全问题,应该让今天美国总统采取行动背后的所有美国人团结起来。中国多年来的滑稽事件给我们的国家安全造成了实实在在的伤害。幸运的是,我们有一位总司令,他明白这一点,谁会尽一切努力维持美国的竞争优势。”

American Enterprise Institute Director of Asian Studies Daniel Blumenthal: “President Trump is finally taking much needed action against Chinese economic aggression. The United States government has long-recognized that the Communist Party of China uses a diverse toolkit of unfair trade practices to steal U.S. technology and intellectual property – the lifeblood of our economy. We have engaged in over a decade of dialogues with the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party over these and other troubling economic practices. We have made very little progress. It is past time for action, and the Administration should be commended for prioritizing the defense of our national innovation base and finally recognizing the reality that the Communist Party of China has treated us as an economic, military and diplomatic competitor for decades.”

--美国企业研究所亚洲研究主任Daniel Blumenthal:“特朗普总统终于对中国经济侵略采取了非常需要的行动。美国政府早已认识到,中国使用各种不公平的贸易手段来窃取美国的技术和知识产权 - 这是我们经济的生命线。我们与中国最高层就这些和其他令人不安的经济做法进行了十多年的对话。我们取得的进展很小。现在已经到了行动的时候了,政府应该赞扬优先维护我们国家创新基地,并最终认识到中国几十年来把我们视为经济,军事和外交竞争者的现实。”

American Enterprise Institute Resident Scholar Derek Scissors: “Whether looking forward or backward, China’s coercive practices with regard with technology and intellectual property call for strong American action. Looking backward, China has engaged in by far the world’s largest campaign to steal trade secrets. It has also pressured foreign companies for years to ‘cooperate’ with Chinese firms in developing and applying technology, which translates to handing technology to future competitors. Looking forward, China describes global technological leadership as a top priority. China claims it will respect foreign intellectual property while seeking this leadership but that promise has been made and broken many times before. The Trump Administration correctly recognizes that the US is long overdue in responding to Chinese technology and trade secret theft.”

--美国企业研究所居民学者德里克斯克奥:“无论向前回顾还是向后展望 ,中国在技术和知识产权方面的行为都要求美国采取强有力的行动。回顾过去,中国迄今为止参与了世界上最大的窃取商业秘密的运动,它迫使外国公司多年来与中国公司“合作”开发和应用技术,这意味着将技术交给未来的竞争对手。展望未来,中国将全球技术领导力视为重中之重。中国声称在寻求领导权的同时会尊重外国知识产权,但这一承诺之前已经被破坏了很多次。特朗普政府正确认识到美国早就该应对中国技术和商业秘密被盗。”

Center for the National Interest Director of Defense Studies Harry Kazianis: “When looked at as part of this bigger picture, we can see the new tariffs on Chinese products are the beginnings of a comprehensive U.S. strategy that’s in our national interest and that will protect American jobs and our economy from China’s unfair practices.”

--国家利益中心国防研究主任哈里·卡兹尼斯: “当我们把美国战略和这个宏观图景看作一部分时,我们可以看到,对中国产品征收的新关税符合我们国家的利益,这将保护美国就业和我们的经济来自中国的不公平做法。”

Center for a New American Security, Asia-Pacific Security Program Senior Advisor and Senior Director Patrick Cronin: “The truth is that preserving the so-called liberal international order requires real reciprocity. Yet an accumulation of market distortions, state-owned enterprises, intellectual property theft, and other predatory trade and investment practices by China have made it more difficult to do business on a level playing field. The Trump Administration’s bold actions on Thursday amount to a measured strategic response to China’s growing economic aggression. Since the issuance in December of a new National Security Strategy in which major-power competition rose to top priority, Washington has made clear that it will no longer neglect the right to economic self-defense.”

--新美国安全中心,亚太安全计划高级顾问兼高级总监帕特里克克罗宁说: “事实是,保留所谓的自由国际秩序需要真正的互惠。然而,由于中国市场扭曲,国有企业,知识产权盗窃以及其他掠夺性贸易和投资行为的积累,使得在公平竞争环境下开展业务变得更加困难。特朗普政府周四的大胆行动相当于对中国不断增长的经济侵略进行有计划的战略响应。自从12月发布新的国家安全战略后,华盛顿明确表示将不再忽视经济自卫权。”

Center for Strategic and International Studies Senior Fellow for Asian Security Zack Cooper: “China’s intellectual property theft and other unfair trade practices undermine not only the U.S. economy, but also U.S. national security. Economic competition must take place within a rules-based system that rewards hard work and innovation. China’s intellectual property theft unfairly erodes U.S. competitiveness and weakens U.S. industries, including the defense industrial base. Therefore, it is critical that the United States work with allies and partners to change Chinese leaders’ decision calculus in order to safeguard our workers, industries, innovations, and independence.”

--战略与国际研究中心亚洲安全高级研究员扎克库珀: “中国的知识产权盗窃和其他不公平的贸易行为不仅会破坏美国经济,还会破坏美国的国家安全。经济竞争必须发生在以奖励艰苦工作和创新为基础的规则体系之中。中国的知识产权盗窃不公平地削弱了美国的竞争力,削弱了包括国防工业基础在内的美国工业。因此,美国与盟友和合作伙伴要一起合作,来改变中国领导人的决策实施以保护我们的工人,行业、创新和独立是至关重要。”

Coalition for a Prosperous America Chairman Daniel DiMicco and CEO Michael Stumo: “Our bipartisan coalition of manufacturing, agricultural and labor members strongly supports the President’s bold actions. Beijing has engaged in ‘economic aggression’ for more than 20 years and the largest IP theft in the history of the world economy. Government-owned firms have repeatedly hacked America’s leading companies and stolen proprietary technology to build China’s economy. Several CPA members have had their intellectual property stolen by Chinese firms. US companies that attempt to do business in China are forced to sign coercive agreements that require the transfer of key technologies in return for short-term market access. Additionally, their new Cybersecurity Law requires foreign companies already in China to surrender their data and IP. These are aggressive actions by a nation taking full advantage of American companies and workers and are destructive to both our economic and national security. It is past time for America to defend itself with our strategic response to their Strategic Policy of ‘economic aggression.’”

--美国盛世美国公司董事会主席Daniel DiMicco和首席执行官Michael Stumo:“我们两党制造业,农业和劳工成员联盟强烈支持总统的大胆行动。北京从事“经济侵略”已有20多年,是世界经济史上最大规模的知识产权盗窃。政府所有的公司一再抨击美国的领先公司,并窃取专有技术来建设中国经济。几名CPA成员的知识产权被中国公司盗用。试图在中国开展业务的美国公司被迫签署强制性协议,要求转让关键技术以换取短期市场准入。此外,他们的新网络安全法要求外国公司已经在中国交出数据和知识产权。这是一个国家充分利用美国公司和工人的侵略行为,对我们的经济和国家安全都是破坏性的。对于美国来说,我们应该对他们的“经济侵略战略政策”作出战略回应,这是时候过去了。”

The Daily Beast Columnist Gordon Chang: “Chinese leaders, officials, and bureaucrats have for decades waged a campaign to undermine our companies, industrial base, and economy. This has been the fundamental challenge of our time. American leaders first ignored the comprehensive assault on our society and then to no avail appealed to Beijing to act responsibly. We now have no choice but to impose costs and President Trump’s action today is a critical step in the right direction.”

每日野兽专栏作家Gordon Chang: “几十年来,中国领导人,官员和官僚进行了一场破坏我们公司,工业基地和经济的运动。这是我们这个时代的根本挑战。美国领导人首先忽视了对我们社会的全面攻击,然后无济于事地呼吁北京采取负责任的行动。我们现在别无选择,只能付出代价,今天特朗普总统的行动是朝着正确方向迈出的关键一步。”

Former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for East Asia and Pacific Affairs Richard Lawless: “The measures announced today reflect a considered and deliberate approach on the part of the Trump Administration to pro-actively address a range of critical national security issues defined by China’s determined acquisition of critical American technology, intellectual property and market position. These U.S. policy initiatives are long overdue and address a new reality – China’s success in leveraging the international trade system to systematically penetrate and occupy selected high technology sectors, and do so in a manner that will allow Chinese firms to dominate these sectors over future generations. These are no small ambitions on the part of China’s state-directed actors, reflecting as they do a well-constructed and sustained effort to elevate China writ large to dominate positions across a number of technology and product sectors. Most of the impacted sectors involve America’s defense industrial base, the core unpinning of our long-term national security. In a parallel effort to strip US and friendly foreign firms of essential technology and know-how, China state entities require companies desiring to operate in China proper to ‘share’ or transfer this information to domestic firms, resulting in the loss of leadership and market position for the extorted foreign firms. It is time to shine a laser beam of truth on these undertakings and execute an active defense posture that protects American strategic interests. That process has now begun.”

--前东亚和太平洋事务副国防部副部长Richard Lawless:“今天宣布的措施,反映了特朗普政府积极处理中国收购美国关键技术、知识产权时的慎重,并且在以市场经济所界定的一系列重大国家安全问题时的慎重方法,美国的这些政策举措早已是姗姗来迟。如何解决一个新的现实?--- 中国正在利用国际贸易规则,系统地渗透和占领其所选定的高科技行业方面的成功,并且这样做的方式将使得中国企业在未来统治这些行业。这些都是中国以国家主导的行为体的不小野心,这反映了他们以支配一些技术和产品部门的主导地位,做了一个良好并通过持续不断的努力来提升中国地位的结构。而受影响的行业大多涉及美国的国防工业基地,这是我们长期国家安全的核心支柱。为了同时剥夺美国和友好的外国公司的基本技术和专有技术,中国要求那些希望在中国运营的公司将这些信息“分享”或转让给国内公司,从而导致领导力和市场的丧失,这是一种勒索外国公司的定位。现在是时候在这些事业上揭露真相,并且执行保护美国战略利益的积极防御姿态。这个过程现在已经开始。” 

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems President David Alexander: “American innovation is a key pillar of our strength as a nation, but unabated theft of US defense technology erodes our national security and economic competitiveness. We applaud President Trump’s commitment and follow through to shore up the United States’ defenses against Chinese intellectual property theft and economic aggression.”

--通用原子航空系统公司总裁大卫亚历山大说: “美国的创新是我们国家实力的一个关键支柱,但是美国的国防技术被不断掠夺,这侵蚀了我们的国家安全和经济竞争力。我们赞扬特朗普总统的承诺,并继续支持美国对抗中国知识产权盗窃和经济侵略的辩护。”

General Dynamics Chairman and CEO Phebe Novakovic: “In the aerospace and defense industry, our technological innovations drive our ability to deliver superior platforms and systems. Theft of these innovations poses a threat to our industrial base and to our national security. We support the Administration’s commitment to addressing the issue of state-sponsored intellectual property theft.”

通用动力董事长兼首席执行官Phebe Novakovic表示: “在航空航天和国防行业,我们的技术创新推动了我们提供卓越平台和系统的能力。而这些创新技术的失窃对我们的工业基础和国家安全构成了威胁。我们支持政府致力于解决中国这种由国家资助的知识产权盗窃问题。”

Hudson Institute Director of the Center for Chinese Strategy Michael Pillsbury: “The President’s bold action today sends a powerful signal to China’s leaders that the United States is committed to upholding its economic and national security interests against the pervasive threat of Intellectual Property theft. President Trump and his Administration have acted carefully but with determination to preserve the cornerstone of U.S. innovation and competitiveness and to protect American national security.”

哈德森研究所中国战略中心主任迈克尔皮尔斯伯里说: “总统今天的大胆行动向中国领导人发出了一个强有力的信号,即美国致力于维护其经济和国家安全利益以应对普遍存在的知识产权盗窃威胁。特朗普总统和他的政府已经谨慎行事,但有决心保持美国创新和竞争力的基石,并保护美国的国家安全。”

IronNet Cybersecurity President and CEO and Former Director of the National Security Agency Keith Alexander: “The theft of American intellectual property by China is one of the greatest transfers of wealth in history. This loss of our country’s intellectual capital from cyberattacks could impact our country for generations. And we should be using every element of our national power to prevent this activity and to protect companies and the government in cyberspace. The measures the White House has announced today are an important step to address this critical national security issue.”

IronNet网络安全总裁兼首席执行官兼国家安全局前主任基思亚历山大: “中国盗用美国知识产权是历史上最大的财富转移之一。我们国家的智力资本如果继续从网络攻击中丧失可能会影响我们这个国家几代人。我们应该利用我们国家权力的每一个要素来阻止这一活动,并保护网络空间中的公司和政府。白宫今天宣布的措施是解决这一重大国家安全问题的重要一步。”

Leidos Chairman and CEO Roger Krone: “Across sectors, there is an urgent need to protect our economic and national security interests. The Administration is taking tangible steps to not only protect US companies in the marketplace, but also to protect billions of dollars of research and development that can make the difference in the battlefield as well as in the balance of global trade. Our goal is to ensure that in a decade we will not look back to see a loss of market share, industrial capacity and billions of dollars in research and development that were all taken right under our noses.”

--Leidos董事长兼首席执行官Roger Krone: “在各个行业中,我们迫切需要保护我们的经济和国家安全利益。政府正采取切实措施,不仅保护美国公司进入市场,而且还保护数十亿美元的研发成果,从而在战场以及全球贸易平衡方面发挥重要作用。我们的目标是确保在十年后我们回头看时,我们的市场份额,工业产能和数十亿美元的研发成本都在本不如我们的人手里。”

Lockheed Martin Chairman, President, and CEO Marillyn Hewson: “Lockheed Martin welcomes the Trump Administration’s focus on the critical need to protect U.S. defense and aerospace industry intellectual property.”

--洛克希德马丁公司董事长、总裁兼首席执行官Marillyn Hewson: “洛克希德马丁公司欢迎特朗普政府关注保护美国国防和航空航天工业知识产权的关键需求。”

National Bureau of Asian Research President Richard Ellings: “The Administration is acting to protect American interests in the face of coordinated political and commercial pressure from China to take the intellectual property of American companies and force their transfer of technology. Our system must respond as an integrated whole to this challenge, and so charging the secretary of the Treasury to limit Chinese investment in the U.S. economy where it runs counter to American national security interests is a good first step.”

国家亚洲研究局局长理查德艾伦斯(Richard Ellings)说: “面对来自中国通过政策和商业压力,以夺取美国公司的知识产权并强制其转让技术,美国政府正在采取行动,保护美国的利益。我们的国家系统必须作为一个整体来应对这一挑战,因此要求财政部长限制中国投资美国经济,对美国国家安全利益来说并非背道而驰,这是不错的第一步。”

National Defense Industrial Association President and CEO Gen. Herbert “Hawk” Carlisle (Ret): “NDIA supports the Administration’s specific and targeted response to this threat. We see these actions as the first steps in a strategy that includes sustained, robust engagement with our international allies and partners. This will ensure U.S. actions have the maximum influence on China, bringing it into harmony with international norms and practices to ensure a reciprocal, fair environment for U.S. and allied industries and to secure a peaceful, productive and prosperous future.”

国防工业协会主席兼首席执行官Herbert“Hawk”Carlisle(Ret)将军: “NDIA支持政府针对这一威胁采取具体和有针对性的反应。我们将这些行动视为战略第一步,包括与我们的国际盟友和合作伙伴进行持续,稳健的接触。这将确保美国的行动对中国产生最大的影响,使其与国际规范和做法保持一致,以确保美国和其他相关行业的互惠,公平的环境,并确保和平,生产和繁荣的未来。”

Northrop Grumman Chairman and CEO Wes Bush: “Northrop Grumman applauds the President’s focus on protecting US intellectual property and strengthening our national security.”

诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司董事长兼首席执行官韦斯布什: “诺思罗普格鲁曼赞扬总统关注保护美国知识产权和加强国家安全的行为。”

Raytheon Chairman and CEO Thomas Kennedy: “Ongoing cyber threats and IP theft undertaken by state sponsors pose a national security issue for our country and weaken the competitiveness of American industries and workers. The public-private partnership supported by the Administration – and the penalties outlined today – are key to our collective ability to defend against future threats.”

雷神公司董事长兼首席执行官托马斯肯尼迪说: “中国的国家资助者持续进行网络威胁和知识产权盗窃,给我国带来了国家安全问题,削弱了美国工业和工人的竞争力。政府支持的公私合作伙伴关系以及今天的处罚措施是我们防范未来威胁的集体能力的关键。”

Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA Chairman and Former Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair: “It has been almost five years since the Intellectual Property Commission recommended strong action, rather than words, to stop the flow of America’s precious innovative edge to China. We welcome the President’s action today. This is the first time foreign intellectual property thieves face real consequences beyond hearing lectures. This is a solid first step towards dealing with Chinese economic aggression against this country. It is unlikely to be the last.”

Sasakawa和平基金会美国国家情报局局长兼前国家情报总监丹尼斯布莱尔: “知识产权委员会建议采取强有力的行动而不是仅靠言辞来阻止美国宝贵的创新优势流向中国,这已经做了快五年了。我们欢迎总统今天的行动。这是外国知识产权盗窃者首次面临的实际后果。这是应对中国对这个国家的经济侵略的坚实的第一步,这也不可能是最后一次。”

U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission Member Michael Wessel: “Intellectual property is fundamental to the national and economic security of our country. For far too long, U.S. Administrations have essentially stood by while China, by hook or by crook, has harvested our intellectual property. This action makes clear that we’re not going to simply have more dialogue about the threats to our economy, our manufacturing base and our jobs. China’s direct and coercive theft of our intellectual property has had a huge cost to our country and the 301 response makes clear that we aren’t going to continue to allow it to happen.”

美中经济与安全评估委员会委员Michael Wessel说: “知识产权是我国国家和经济安全的基础。长久以来,美国政府基本上已经站在了中国的旗帜下,而中国则是通过各种手段收获了我们的知识产权。总统的这一行动表明,我们不会就对我们的经济、制造业基础和就业方面的威胁进行更多的对话。中国直接盗用我们的知识产权给我们的国家带来了巨大的代价,而301行动表明我们不会继续允许它发生。”






















