胶囊上海 | 黄海欣跑哪儿去了?
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | 画廊小姐们的下午茶 Gallerinas and Their Afternoon Tea | 2013 | 布面油画 oil on canvas | 203 x 163 cm
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黄海欣近日在完成其于德国莱比锡驻留项目时向来自BRIC当代艺术的Hallie Ayres说道。
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Hallie Ayres (HA): 你的主题非常幽默。你可以谈谈是什么启发了你用绘画记录这些尴尬的场合与遭遇的?这些场合是你亲生经历过的还是想象的?以及为什么着重突出它们的尴尬性?
Huang Hai-Hsin (HHH): 我所画的场景多为我亲身经历而后夸张化的。我想尴尬感有一部分可能来源于我未经训练的绘画技巧…但它却和我的主题相契合。尴尬的强调来源于我作为一个外国人对生活的失望。很多时候事情不会按照我的期望发生。
“莱比锡单身俱乐部”(Good German Asparagus):tinder成为寂寞芳心异乡艺术家的创作灵感 @ Salon Similde,莱比锡,德国,2017.07.17 | "Leipzig Singles Club" (Good German Asparagus): a tinder inspired one night stand show @ Salon Similde, Leipzig, Germany, 2017.07.17
HA: 从台北搬到布鲁克林后,你是否意识到你的艺术实践也因要体现作为外国人的笨拙性而随之大变?
HHH: 我在台北的时候并没有做很多作品。我那时年轻不敢做很多事,特别是绘画,虽然现在绘画是我人生中最喜爱的事情。我从未经过专业培训,所以我从没认真想过从事绘画。大约十年之前,年轻的酷的艺术家会做数码作品,艺术教育便质问他们:“你为什么要做这样的作品?”有很多要去想;我觉得我需要大量的阅读与研究才能开始做点什么。来到布鲁克林后,我看了比我之前所见都要多的画作,大开眼界。我有了下笔的冲动,所以我认为纽约是我成为画家的原由。
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | 維多利亞的秘密 Victoria's Secret | 2017 | 布面油画 oil on canvas | 164 x 203 cm (L), 127 x 102 cm (R)
HA: 你的工作惯例是什么样的?你作画的速度是快是慢?
HHH: 我喜欢按照白领的日程工作。我会早起去跑步,做咖啡和食物,然后我会在工作室里一直待到晚饭时间。我作画的速度很快:我可以在一两天内完成一张50*40英尺(127*102厘米)的画。但我必须有一个触发点才能开始作画。
黄海欣在莱比锡的工作室,2017 | Huang Hai-Hsin's studio in Leipzig, 2017
HA: 我喜欢你的博物馆系列,很好得把握了平庸与怪诞之间的平衡。你可以谈谈创作此系列的过程吗?
HHH: 我在2013年末开始了这一系列的第一幅,我一开始并没有准备画这么多,但我画下了我在博物馆里所见,特别是在大都会艺术博物馆。我在有空或是无聊的时候都会去那边,总可以得到很多灵感。这些灵感来源不仅来源于艺术作品,也来源于来自各国的访客。那里有许多不同的能量,十分有趣。我认为那里是最好的观察地点。逐渐地我发现我画了许多关于博物馆的作品,所以为什么不给自己来一个“博物馆展览”呢?
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | 大都会 MET | 2016 | 纸本绘画 drawing on paper | 28 x 35 cm
HA: 你现在在德国莱比锡城的PILOTENKUECHE作驻留艺术家,进行的怎么样?你现在(风格上,理论上)有在做任何事情吗?
HHH: 我在莱比锡城一直在收集怪异的,工业的和科幻的视觉元素,但我还没有找到一个方法将他们以绘画形式表达。所以我最近会把他们集合做成折叠书那样的长形图画。我正视图将它们与我多层的作为外国人的经历融合,然后我准备和我在莱比锡城认识的几个艺术家朋友一起做一个关于异国人的孤独的快闪展出(pop-up show)。
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | 德国哥们儿 German Dudes | 2017 | 纸本绘画 drawings on paper
采访原文翻译:Nora Wang
德国,图片来自黄海欣的 Instagram | Germany, from Huang Hai-Hsin's Instagram: @hhh510, @hhhstudio
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | 吃施蒂策尔巴赫香肠的人 Stuetzerbach Bratwurst Eater | 2017 | 布面油画丙烯喷绘 oil, acrylic and spray paint on canvas | 100 x 80 cm
Artist Huang Hai-Hsin keeps things light by magnifying the tension. Rather than gloss over the inconvenient truths and inherent awkwardness of everyday life, she chooses the opposite strategy by exaggerating uncomfortable details to the point of hilarity. A sense of discomfort and banality pervades Huang's drawings and paintings, but her playful style mitigates any irony and vulgarity, ultimately revealing a world full of warmth and humanity, warts and all.
"I'm trying to show audiences the uncanny beauty of single moments, the humor and tragedy that is in us, life's grandeur as well as the frailty of humanity."
Huang recently spoke to Hallie Ayres from BRIC's Contemporary Art program upon completing her residency in Leipzig, Germany.
Interview from www.bricartsmedia.org
Click [Read More] to link to the original article
Hallie Ayres (HA): Your subject matter is very humorous. Could you talk a bit about what inspires you to immortalize in paint such awkward situations and encounters? Are these circumstances that you actually witness, or do you imagine them? And why focus on the awkward?
Huang Hai-Hsin (HHH): I mostly paint scenes I witness and then exaggerate. I think part of the awkwardness probably comes from my untrained painting skill... but somehow that works with the subjects I choose. The focus on the awkward comes from my frustrating life experience as a foreigner. Lots of times things don't work out as I had expected. I've found that nothing is as romantic and ideal as expected once you execute it, from cable service to dating experiences, etc. A sense of humor is the most important strength to survive, in my opinion. Life is full of tedious things and maladjustments. However, I'm trying to show audiences the uncanny beauty of single moments, the humor and tragedy that is in us, life's grandeur as well as the frailty of humanity.
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | 红毯梦#4 Red Carpet Dream #4 | 2015 | 布上油画 oil on canvas | 102 x 127cm
HA: After moving from Taipei to Brooklyn, did you notice that your artistic practice changed a lot to incorporate that awkwardness of being a foreigner?
HHH: I actually didn't make much work when I was in Taipei. I was young and scared of making anything, especially painting, even though painting and drawing are now my favorite things in life. I had never been trained, so I had never seriously considered painting. Young, cool people were making digital works about 10 years ago, and art education tended to question young artists: "what's the reason you're making this work?" It was a lot of brain work; I felt that I needed to read and research a lot before making anything. After I came to Brooklyn, I saw much more painting than I ever had before, and it was an eye-opening experience. I got the impulse to pick up some brushes myself, so I think New York is the reason I became a painter.
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | 美国精神 American Spirit | 2015 | 布上油画 oil on canvas | 164 x 127cm
HA: What is your studio practice like? Do you work quickly or slowly?
HHH: I like to work like I'm on an office lady schedule. I wake up early and go for a run, make coffee and food, and then I'm in the studio until dinnertime. I work really quickly on paintings: I finish a 50x40" painting in one or two days. But I have to find a trigger before starting a painting.
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | 上东城 #2 Upper East Side #2 | 2014 | 纸上铅笔及彩铅 pencil and colored pencil on paper | 28 x 35 cm
HA: I love your museum series. You strike a really excellent balance between the absurd and the banal. Could you talk a bit about the process of constructing that series?
HHH: I started my first museum painting around late 2013, and I didn't plan to make a whole bunch of them in the beginning, but I just painted and drew what I saw in museums, especially in the MET. I go there whenever I have time or I'm bored, and it always inspires me a lot, not only the art collections there but also the audiences and tourists from all over the world. It's a lot of different energies, and it's just really fun to watch. I think it's the best place for observation. Little by little I found that I have quite a few works about museums, so why not have a "museum show" for myself?
黄海欣应邀使用莱比锡视觉艺术博物馆的画廊作为临时工作室,为期一个周末,此房间将于2017年10月展出新作品 | Hai-Hsin was invited to use the galleries of the Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig (MDBK) for a weekend as a temporary studio. In October 2017, the room will showcase the new work
HA: Right now you're doing the PILOTENKUECHE residency in Leipzig, Germany. How is that going? Are you working on anything (stylistically, theoretically) in particular?
HHH: I've been collecting some weird, industrial, and sci-fi visual elements in Leipzig, but I haven't come up with a solution to paint them. So I'm currently assembling them on long drawings in the style of folding books. I'm trying to mix them with my layered experience of being a foreigner, and I'm going to do a pop-up show with a few of the artist pals I've met here about the foreign lonely hearts in Leipzig.
“莱比锡单身俱乐部”(Good German Asparagus):tinder成为寂寞芳心异乡艺术家的创作灵感 @ Salon Similde,莱比锡,德国,2017.07.17 | "Leipzig Singles Club" (Good German Asparagus): a tinder inspired one night stand show @ Salon Similde, Leipzig, Germany, 2017.07.17
Doing residencies and moving around a lot is difficult for painters especially, but I'm learning to be able to work under any circumstance. It's always challenging in the beginning, but the advantage of being an artist is having this freedom, and there's always some surprise waiting at the end of a tough process. And Leipzig really is awesome. It's small and raw, and there's great energy in their arts and lifestyle. Some people say it's a new Brooklyn, except that you can't buy delicious and filling meals in Brooklyn for 2 euros!
莱比锡,图片来自黄海欣的 Instagram | Leipzig, from Huang Hai-Hsin's Instagram: @hhh510, @hhhstudio
Huang Hai-Hsin takes the show on the road, photographic travel diary
Nonghao Shanghai! Here for Capsule's inaugural show, When We Become Us.
黄海欣在上海,2016 | Huang Hai-Hsin in Shanghai, 2016
When We Become Us exhibit at Capsule.
《忘物志》,胶囊上海展览现场,2016 | When We Become Us, Installation View at Capsule Shanghai, 2016
Quick side trip. Suzhou sistas.
苏州,图片来自黄海欣的Instagram | Suzhou, from Huang Hai-Hsin's Instagram: @hhh510, @hhhstudio
苏州,图片来自黄海欣的 Instagram | Suzhou, from Huang Hai-Hsin's Instagram: @hhh510, @hhhstudio
Jiangnan reflections.
苏州,图片来自黄海欣的 Instagram | Suzhou, from Huang Hai-Hsin's Instagram: @hhh510, @hhhstudio
New leporello series.
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | 我去了江南 I have been to Jiang Nang | 2017 | 折页书 leporello drawings | 27.7 x 480 cm
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | 我去了江南 I have been to Jiang Nang | 2017 | 折页书(局部) leporello drawings (details) | 27.7 x 480 cm
Back to Brooklyn. Post-election feels.
纽约,图片来自黄海欣的 Instagram | New York, from Huang Hai-Hsin's Instagram: @hhh510, @hhhstudio
Just about sums it up.
Snow in Brooklyn!
布鲁克林, 图片来自黄海欣的 Instagram | Brooklyn, from Huang Hai-Hsin's Instagram: @hhh510, @hhhstudio
Hello Hämeenkyrö! Residency at the Arteles Creative Residency Program in Finland.
芬兰,图片来自黄海欣的Instagram | Finland, from Huang Hai-Hsin's Instagram: @hhh510, @hhhstudio
Made some new friends.
芬兰,图片来自黄海欣的 Instagram | Finland, from Huang Hai-Hsin's Instagram: @hhh510, @hhhstudio
New painting, inspired by the locals.
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | 我去了北極 I've Been To North Pole | 2017 | 布面油画 oil on canvas | 190.5 x 254 cm
When in Finland...
芬兰,图片来自黄海欣的 Instagram | Finland, from Huang Hai-Hsin's Instagram: @hhh510, @hhhstudio
Sauna social hour.
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | 芬兰坦佩雷桑拿浴 Rajaportin Sauna | 2017 | 布面油画 oil on canvas | 127 x 102cm
🇺🇸 / 🇩🇪
Quick trip back to Brooklyn to prepare for Leipzig residency.
The Paris climate deal is in the air...
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | “特朗普论巴黎协议:‘我们要出去了'" "Trump on Paris accord: 'We're getting out'" | 2017 | 数码绘画 digital drawing
VS. 德国
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | 文化震动 Cultural Shock | 2017 | 数码绘画 digital drawing
The residency at PILOTENKUECHE in Leipzig, Germany.
Leipzig ladies.
莱比锡,图片来自黄海欣的 Instagram | Leipzig, from Huang Hai-Hsin's Instagram: @hhh510, @hhhstudio
Leipzig ladies who lunch.
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | 哥特 Gothic | 2017 | 纸本绘画 drawing on paper
In Paris to present my new leporello at WONDER/LIEBERT.
“爱好者杂志!节 — 移动的山 — 我们的书”,奇迹/自由,巴黎,法国 | “Fanzines! festival — Moving Mountain - nos:books", WONDER/LIEBERT, Paris, France
French Kiss
黄海欣 Huang Hai-Hsin | 法式问候 French Greeting | 2017 | 数码绘画 digital drawing
Asia Women Artists group show at the Jeonbuk Museum of Art in Jeonbuk, South Korea!
韩国,图片来自黄海欣的 Instagram | Korea, from Huang Hai-Hsin's Instagram: @hhh510, @hhhstudio
and back to Brooklyn!
布鲁克林,图片来自黄海欣的 Instagram | Brooklyn, from Huang Hai-Hsin's Instagram: @hhh510, @hhhstudio
Current Exhibition "Alice Wang"