

三亚发布 2022-04-26

国庆假期,少不了游购娱。当下,游艇成为了三亚新的消费热点。10月7日,CGTN在《Global Business》播发题为《Yachting Goes Popular in Sanya during the National Day Holiday》关注国庆期间,三亚游艇消费。除了游艇,免税购物也是游客们的心头爱。10月8日,央视[晚间新闻]播发《高质量发展在中国》,画面中许多游客在三亚进行免税购物,成了今年国庆旅游市场的一大亮点。





中国旅游集团中免股份有限公司副总经理 高绪江:整个销售情况还是非常好的,远远超出了我们的预期。进店人数比去年同比增长大概超过20%或30%。整个销售也比去年会有大概超过50%以上的增长。






During the National Day holiday, yachting continues to attract people in Sanya City, Hainan Province. Demand for yachts has even exceeded availability.

Sanya Yachting Association data shows an increase in yachting in Sanya during the National Day holiday, with an average daily reception of about 4,000 people, and there are between 900 and 1,000 daily yacht trips out to sea.

ZHU WANTING Secretary of General Manager Hainan Poseidon International Yacht Club Co., Ltd. "During the National Day holiday, we dispatch 50 to 60 ships every day on average. That includes sailboats, which is uncommon. The average number of tourists we receive every day is 500 to 600."

Yachting used to be a "high-end" experience out of the reach for most, but has now become a public leisure activity. The time-sharing mode of yacht leasing makes it affordable for more people. Tourists can experience a yacht tour for 200 to 400 Yuan.

ZHANG XIN Tourist "I came from the beautiful prairie of Hohhot. Every time I come to Sanya, I will rent a yacht out to sea. The scenery is very gorgeous, and the entertainment is also very attractive."

In addition, motorboats, sailboats and wakesurfing also attract tourists. These activities bring people closer to the sea.

SHE YUANTING Tourist "We were wakesurfing for two hours, which was very exciting. I will come back next time to do it again."

The Sanya Yacht Monitoring Platform will be put into trial operation this month for more supervision and safety.

ZUO ZHIYONG Deputy Secretary General, Sanya Yachting Association "We will coordinate with other relevant departments to form a single window for yacht supervision. It's an effective way to ensure the safety of tourists."

To expand the reception volume of yacht tourism and meet the needs of more tourists, more berths are being built for leasing enterprises to park newly purchased yachts. Linwo, Sansha TV in Hainan for CGTN.




主编:陈    惜

