
科爱合作期刊 Plant Diversity 被PMC 收录

王晓婷 科爱KeAi 2022-12-31


Plant Diversity

CN: 53-1233/Q

ISSN: 2468-2659

Plant Diversity 是由中国科学院昆明植物研究所和中国植物学会共同主办,与科爱合作出版的的英文期刊。Plant Diversity继被 BOSIS, DOAJScopus 收录后,在本月又收到被 PubMed Central (PMC) 收录的好消息。 

PMC 是美国国立卫生研究院提供的一项服务,存档生物医学,生命科学科研文献,PMC 获得 NLM(National Library of Medicine)的授权,收录存档生物/医学文献,以电子副本的形式储存。Plant Diversity 被PMC收录是国际学术界对于期刊的认可,也意味着期刊的权威性和国际性得到了进一步提升。

Plant Diversity 前身是1979年创刊的《云南植物研究》,其间曾更名为《植物分类与资源学报》,在第一任主编吴征镒院士的关心和支持下,历任主编和副主编投入了极大的心血和努力,《云南植物研究》成为国内植物研究最有影响的学术期刊之一。

之后为顺应植物学学科的发展需求,搭建更加国际化的学术交流平台,继续保持研究所特色和学术影响力,昆明植物研究所决定将这本有着良好作者和读者基础并在科技期刊界有良好声誉的期刊改版为英文版期刊,本刊于2016年2月底正式出版,至2018年8月已发表到第40卷,第3期,期刊全部的文章都可以在ScienceDirect免费获取: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/plant-diversity

Aim and Scope:

Plant Diversity (formerly Plant Diversity and Resources) is an international plant science journal that publishes substantial original research and review papers that

- advance our understanding of the past and current distribution of plants,

- contribute to the development of more phylogenetically accurate taxonomic    classifications,

- present new findings on or insights into evolutionary processes and mechanisms that are of interest to the community of plant systematic and evolutionary biologists.

While the focus of the journal is on biodiversity, ecology and evolution of East Asian flora, it is not limited to these topics. Applied evolutionary issues, such as climate change and conservation biology, are welcome, especially if they address conceptual problems. Theoretical papers are equally welcome. Preference is given to concise, clearly written papers focusing on precisely framed questions or hypotheses. Papers that are purely descriptive have a low chance of acceptance. 

Fields covered by the journal include:

- plant systematics and taxonomy

- evolutionary developmental biology

- reproductive biology

- phylo- and biogeography

- evolutionary ecology

- population biology

- conservation biology

- palaeobotany

- molecular evolution

- comparative and evolutionary genomics

- physiology

- biochemistry



Chinese Roots Global Impact

植根中国 影响全球

同时也热烈欢迎各位学者进行投稿,期刊网页: http://www.keaipublishing.com/cn/journals/plant-diversity 。


