

地建师 2022-12-14

The following article is from UR城市再生 Author UR

June Thematic








Urban Regeneration 

■ No.001


Foshan Lingnan Tiandi locates in the city center of Foshan, Guangdong province, is the largest urban regeneration project developed by Shui On Land. With the successful experience and business model of Shanghai Xintiandi and Taipingqiao community.





Lingnan Tiandi , the complexity of culture heritage buildings and historical preservation and urban intervention has led to the creation of a unique destination in China. The project should get recognized by the development community in order to promote the conservation and value of urban regeneration throughout China. This project also made known of our master plan development to the coverage of entire Southern China inclusive of Hong Kong and Macao.


The layout is based on the strategy to keep the original character of the streets and restore all the culture heritage buildings like Jian’s Villa, Long Tang Poet society, the Marriage House, etc. Many historical buildings and historical lanes are also refurbished. Within the area, we carefully inserted new architecture and installation to enhance the existing fabric. Place making was enforced by keeping a lot of existing open spaces and green areas. The buildings are then inhabited with restaurants, bars, cafes, cultural installations, retail, and offices to create a mix-use community. 




New building was carefully added in to the preservation of existing heritage buildings and historical buildings.



The restoration of the traditional Lingnan architecture was the unifying concept of the project. It includes the Guo Er gable wall, Hui-su (the traditional scale of plaster sculpture to decorate the building), brick caving etc. Most materials are also local sourced and applied into new buildings.



Unique Archite ctural Features found on Site:


In order to increase the COP, the Commercial Distrust is central air conditioned. The Ally stone was carefully numbered and kept in the store duringthe construction of  chiller waterpipe. Those aged stones was carefully put back into the original position to enhance the old memory of the alleys.


The landscape design also focused on local materials and applied the local ceramic artifacts into the paving and water feature.


The unique water feature was created by Architect and landscape designer, with the influence of local materials like terrazzo and ceramic chips, but didn’t simple copy any existing design. This water feature is located at the main entrance and vitalized the open space. 

项目大量保留再利用原有建筑,再利用旧建筑材料,大量保护保留原有树木,种植本地植物,太阳能灯具,中水收集并用于植物灌溉和地面清洗。另外项目独创了蒸发冷却风扇系统,在低能耗的前提下有效降低室外温度,以在炎热的天气鼓励人们走出户外,享受自然。项目获得LEED CS金级认证。

The project received LEED-CS Gold Certification that includes the following sustainable design measures: Reuse of existing building materials, evaporative-cooling wall helped reduce the outdoor temperature, photovoltaic lighting fixtures, grey water recycling for irrigation and cleaning.


The traditional local building details are marterials and efficient against the hot and humid climate. Our design used the traditional double layer roof tiles to stop  most of the heat gain from the sun while introduced the nature ventilation between the tiles. We improved the traditional detail by introducing the isolation layers to increase the thermal performance. All the unique details and building materials met the requirement for LEED ND and LEED CS gold level.


Special designed cooling system to cope with hot and humid weather in Southern China region.


Recycle the wastewater and stormwater, treated for landscaping and public toilet  flushing:


The use of photovoltaic power generation in some public areas such as the basement stairwell area, municipal supply as a supplementary energy. 


Recycling Materials

现场大部分树木被保留:Tree Conservation:


Through the regeneration of Lingnan Tiandi, not only did the project created a new destination but most importantly revitalized the city center. It also helped restored many historic significance properties that extended the cultural and historical character of the area.


Through the conservation of the cultural heritage, it increased the commercial value of our development. The character of our project cannot be recreated without the restoration of its existing fabric.


Overall aerial view rendering:


Real Scene:


Martial Arts – Wing Chun Training Academy:


Marriage House-Organizing marriage ceremonies to public:



‘Foshan Lingnan Tiandi’, 2019 ULI International Award for Excellence winner is a unique urban renewal development in Foshan China. Composed of reconstituted traditional mid-19th century classical Lingnan architecture with narrow alleys of brick and stone, The landscape environment reflects a very strong indoor/outdoor scaling relationship. Texture and color found in ceramics, lush tropical trees used to shade hot days of South China and cooling water features are all designed using local materials that add to the true spirit found in the ancient sector of Donghuali. This $300 million commercial achievement of urbanization, demonstrates what modern metropolitan China can be: pedestrian streets full of quirks and life defined by aesthetics of our time and place.


Unique Qualities of the SiteChancheng is one of the most historical and cultural areas in Foshan. The Donghuali area of the Ancestral Temple ZuMiao, with the core position of Foshan Old Town, is an area with considerable historical and cultural heritage and distinctive traditional features. There are 22 historical cultural relics protection units in the area, including two national-level historical relics protection units: Zumiao and Donghuali.


A renovated old town of “in-between” spaces, Foshan Lingnan Tiandi is defined by the narrow streets, courtyards, small gardens, alleyways and rooftop gardens with bird cages and flowers that occupy the balconies and bay windows. It is a feeling that cannot be conveyed by the architecture of a single building or even a style of building. As a team, we remind ourselves daily that it is dramatically more important to conserve the human scale of the spatial framework of the alleyways, doorways, courtyards and lanes.


The goal in the creation of Foshan Lingnan Tiandi was to capture a feeling and character that feels true: a place where everything seems to fit together. Careful attention during the design phase was taken to document existing stone pavers, existing old trees and other artifacts before the heavy machinery were moved in on site. This documentation became a significant part of the design process as the project evolved. Texture and color found in ceramics, lush tropical trees used to shade hot days of South China and cooling water features are all designed using local materials that add to the true spirit found in the ancient sector of Donghuali. With indigenous tropical flora, playful water features and tree-sheltered lanes and plazas, Lingnan Tiandi, a $300 million commercial achievement of urbanization, demonstrates what modern metropolitan China can be: pedestrian streets full of quirks and life defined by aesthetics of our time and place.


Master Plan Layers


Existing View Conditions from Zumiao Temple Courtyard

“山和谷的概念”- 场地中心区域保留了历史建筑以及更好的空间比例关系,场地边缘则进行了更高密度和更大比例的开发。

The concept of “hills and valleys” -In the central area of the site, historical buildings and better spatial scales are preserved and higher density and larger scale developments are carried out at the edge of the site.


The master plan was dedicated to create a new development model for the Donghuali area of the Ancestral Temple ZUMIAO in Foshan Old Town, integrating future development synergies into the urban context with a long history. The development density is sufficient to support the district as a new, multi-purpose urban center oriented to the public. With it’s new historical protection and urban renewal model, Foshan's historic old town has been transformed into desirable and dynamic work, life, shopping and entertainment venues in South China.


Master Plan


Master Plan


Architectural Valley’ After Construction


Historic Streets and Alleys; Saving Existing Stones


The goal in the creation of Foshan Lingnan Tiandi was to capture a feeling and character that feels true: a place where everything seems to fit together. Careful attention during the design phase was taken to document existing stone pavers, existing old trees and other artifacts before the heavy machinery were moved in on site. This documentation became a significant part of the design process as the project evolved. 


Streets and Alleys


Green Corridors


Public and Private Courtyard and Plaza's


Open Space and Pocket Parks


Open Space Network and Pocket Parks; Plaza and Event Space








Project Information

Project Name: Foshan Lingnan Tiandi

Project Area: Foshan, Guangdong

Owner: Shui On Land

Project Scale: 55,020 sqm

Floor Area: 61,219 sqm

Landscape Area: 650,000 sqm

建筑规划/设计单位:Studio Shanghai主持设计师:Ben Wood设计团队成员:Matt White联合设计单位:巴马丹拿设计工程有限公司施工单位:瑞安建业设计周期:2008年1月1日-2011年1月1日建成时间:2013年5月1日

Architectural Planning

Designer: BenWood Studio Shanghai

Principal: Ben Wood

Team Member of Designer: Matt White

Joint Designer: P&T Design and Engineering Limited

Constructor: Shui On Construction

Cycle of Design: 2008.01.01 to 2011.01.01

Date of Completion: 2013.05.01

景观规划/设计单位:DLC 地茂景观主持设计师:Dwight Law设计周期:3年建成时间:2020年12月

Landscape Planning

Designer: Design Land Collaborative Ltd

Principal: Dwight Law

Cycle of Design: 3 years

Date of Completion: 2020.12



城市再生项目 金奖


景观设计 金奖

Project Honors

2TH CREDAWARD Gold Award - Urban Regeneration

6TH CREDAWARD Gold Award - Landscape Design





4、投稿方式:图文打包命名为 公司名+项目名+日期,发送至邮箱ur.china@zamchina.com

Long-term ContributionⅠ、Contributors: real estate developer; domestic and overseas design company; domestic and overseas architecture, landscape and interior association and academy; domestic and overseas design media and etc.Ⅱ、Content: domestic and overseas regeneration projectsⅢ、Requirement: The details of project in Chinese and English, including design illustration, owner, design company, design team profile, project scale, project location, project cycle, completion time and etc; The brief introduction of project is no more than 200 characters in Chinese, 600 words in English; The realistic pictures of project are no less than 10.Ⅳ、Contribution Method: All the material and graphic are packaged into a Zip file; The Zip file is to be named in company name+project name+sending date; Send the Zip to ur.china@zamchina.com






