The legendary Kingdom of Dahomey Amazons are the real-life all women’s army in Black Panther.
As the latest Hollywood movies are rocking the world, Marvel Studios just released another “BLACK PANTHER” feature, this time spotlighting the all-female army whose role has been shown to be essential to the story being told in the film.
Another star of Dahomey will shine in “THE WOMAN KING” movie coming soon!!
Danai Gurira talk about their characters’ relation to the Dora Milaje, the women’s army in the fictional African nation of Wakanda in Black Panther. The American actress of Zimbabwean ancestry, who also serves as the general of the Dora Milajeshares that, “the Dora Milaje are women who pledged their lives to the throne and to the security of the kingdom”.
祖籍是津巴布韦的美国女演员达娜吉瑞拉,同时也是电影《黑豹》里的皇家护卫队队长,谈到了她们在《黑豹》的角色与《非洲国家瓦坎达》的女子护卫队Dora Milaje之间的关系。她说到 Dora Milaje是其一群誓死保卫王权和皇家安全的女自护卫队。
Dora Milaje is history brought to life. Dora Milaje 就是历史的再现.
In the 1800s, there was an all-female army in the kingdom of Dahomey, modern-day called The Republic of Benin that pledged a similar loyalty to the throne. They were known as the Dahomey Warriors and were praised for their bravery and strength by local leaders and European colonizers alike who encountered them. Their role in preserving the mighty Dahomey kingdom cannot be overstated.
The growing conversation about the Dora Milaje, therefore, presents a perfect opportunity to learn about the Kingdom of Dahomey and Dahomey Amazons.
“THE WOMAN KING”inspired by true events and based on an original story by Maria Bello, starring Viola Davis (Annalise Keating in How to Get Away with Murder逍遥法外)and Lupita Nyong’o (Black Panther 黑豹).
“THE WOMAN KING’’ is the powerful true story of an extraordinary mother-daughter relationship, said,Hannah Minghella, president of TriStar Pictures. “And there’s no-one more extraordinary than Viola Davis and Lupita Nyong’o to bring them to life.”
Inspired by true events that took place in the Kingdom of Dahomey, one of the most powerful states of Africa in the 18th and 19th centuries, “The Woman King” tells the story of Nanisca (Davis), general of the all-female military unit known as the Amazons, and her daughter Nawi (Nyong’o), who together fought the French and neighboring tribes who violated their honor, enslaved their people, and threatened to destroy everything they’ve lived for.
The growing conversation about the Dora Milaje and the Woman King, therefore, presents a perfect opportunity to learn about the Kingdom of Dahomey and Dahomey Amazons.
Located in Sub-Saharan Africa, Along the Atlantic Coast of West
Africa, Present Day country of Benin Republic.
The origins of Dahomey (DANXOME) can be traced back to the Fon people of the interior of the African continent,who banded together in a conglomerate in order to oppose the political authority of the Yoruba People of Oyo (modern Nigeria). Technically an official subject of the Yoruba of Oyo, the Fon people were forced to pay tribute to their political conquerors and were subjected to cavalry raids made by the Oyo armies in order to supply the slave trade.In order to unite the Fon people in opposition to the Yoruba, leaders who rose to positions of power capitalized on the ability to perform well on the battle field. With military skill being prized as the ultimate expression of authority, the king of the Fon came to embody uncontested authority, and his will was enforced by the army.
达荷美王国现代称为贝宁共和国,是西非埃维族的一支阿贾人于17世纪建立的封建国家。国家全名为“达恩·荷美·胡埃贝格”,意思是“建在达恩肚子上的国家”,简称“达荷美”。13世纪初,阿贾从多哥迁入贝宁南部,建立阿拉达王国。16世纪末~17世纪初,阿拉达王国分裂为阿拉达、阿波美和波多诺伏 3 个王国。1625年阿波美国王达科通过征服毗邻部落而扩展了领土。其间,他们建立了一系列城邦国家。沿海主要有小波波、大波波、维达、小阿德拉,内地有大阿德拉、阿格利等国。其中,大阿德拉国最为强大。
Under King AGADJA (reigned 1708–1740) Dahomey overran the coastal area, conquering the city of Allada in 1724 and the commercial centre of Ouidah in 1727, thus establishing itself as the dominant power in the area. A section of the royal family of Allada, however, founded the new kingdom of Porto-Novo (actual capital city of Benin Republic), on the coast to the east, which successfully resisted Dahomean authority and competed with Ouidah for control of the Atlantic trade. Dahomey itself was attacked and defeated by the kingdom of Oyo, to the northeast (in modern Nigeria), to which it was obliged to pay tribute from 1730 onward.
Dahomey attained the height of its power under the kings GUEZO (1818–1858) and GLELE (1858–1889).The king GUEZO liberated Dahomey from its subjection to Oyo by defeating the latter in 1823. Dahomean attempts at expansion eastward, however,brought it up against the powerful state of Abeokuta (also in Nigeria).Dahomean attacks upon Abeokuta in1851 and 1864 were decisively defeated. In the late nineteenth century, it was conquered by French troops from Senegal and incorporated into France's West African colonies.
Kings of Dahomey (达荷美国王)
King | 国王 | Start of Reign | End of Reign |
DAKO DONOU | 达科 | 1620 | 1645 |
HOUEGBADJA | 阿奥 | 1645 | 1685 |
AKABA | 阿卡巴 | 1 685 | 1708 |
HANGBE | 1708 | 1711 | |
AGADJA | 阿加扎 | 1711 | 1741 |
TEGBESSOU | 特格贝苏 | 1741 | 1774 |
KPENGLA | 克本格拉 | 1774 | 1789 |
AGONGLO | 阿贡格罗 | 1789 | 1797 |
ADANDOZAN | 阿当多扎 | 1797 | 1818 |
GUEZO | 盖佐 | 1818 | 1858 |
GLELE | 格莱莱 | 1858 | 1889 |
GBEHANZIN | 格贝汉津 | 1889 | 1894 |
AGOLI AGBO | 阿格博 | 1894 | 1900 |
In 1902 Dahomey (DANXOME) was declared a French colony and the king was later arrested, deported to Martinique,then Algeria where he died. Dahomey then became a French possession between German Togo and British Nigeria, until The Republic of Benin declared independence in 1960.
The Republic of Dahomey changed its name to The Republic Benin in1975.
1960 - 1975年成为达荷美共和国,也就是现代的贝宁。
The Amazons of Dahomey were a military corps of women appointed to serve in battles under thedirection of the Fon king, who ruled over a nation that included much ofpresent-day southern Togo andThe Republic of Benin. They emerged during the Eighteenth Century and werefinally suppressed during the 1890s. The Amazons were chosen from among the nominal wives of the king, called “Ahosi.” Estimates of the number of women soldiers vary by accounts, yet some scholars believe the numbers to have rangedover time from several hundred to a few thousand women soldiers.
The Dahomey Warriors were traditionally called the N’Nonmiton, which means “ourmothers” in Fon, the language of the Fon people of Dahomey. Some European historians and observers called them the Dahomey Amazons as they reminded themof the mystical and powerful all women’s army called Amazons in Greek mythology.
Accordingto a beautiful comic bythe United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, the Dahomey Warriors first appeared as part of the entourage of the King of Dahomey’s bodyguard in the seventeenth century. They were to ensure his personal protection and guard the royal palace. Soon, the women’s number and prominence grew from a troop of 800 to 6000. They would later go to fight inbattles against other kingdoms as Dahomey began to expand, lost their male soldiers in war, and were threatened and attacked by the French.
达荷美勇士以前被叫做 N’Nonmiton,在丰语(达荷美王国里丰人的语言)里表示“我们的母亲”的意思。欧洲历史学家和观察员将她们称为达荷美亚马逊人,因为这群勇士让他们想起了希腊神话里神秘而强大的女子兵团亚马逊人。
The Fon women’s army had three main wings: the right and left wings, and the elite center wing or Fanti. Each of these wings had five sub groups: the artillery women, the elephant huntresses, the musket-bearing frontline group, the razor women, and the archers. They served in battles in conjunction with male troops.
The Dahomey
Warriors were known to be especially skillful, competitive, and brave.
Their drills and military parades were always performed to dancing, music, and songsand their weapons were sometimes used as choreographic props. As expressed in their songs, their goal was to outshine men in every respect, and European travelers observed that they were better organized, swifter and much braver than male soldiers. As such, the King would send them to war as opposed to their male counterparts and European soldiers would also hesitate to kill them as they were often young women.
The women also enjoyed privileged relations with the king, swearing to celibacy andliving in the royal palace, which only the king and his entourage had access to. As a testament to their power, women servants rang little bells to warn the people of the women soldiers’ presence and inhabitants were required to moveaside, bow and avert their eyes.
As early as 1728, under the direction of King Guezo, the Dahomian Army, which now included the Amazons, conquered the kingdoms of Whydah and Popos. In 1840, they helped tocapture the fortress of the Mahee at Attahapahms.
By 1748, after the Dahomey Kingdom had been subdued by the Oyo Empire (modern Nigeria), King Gezo restored Dahomey independence by defeating the Mahi nation, an ally of Oyo. With military success in part attributed to the Amazons, Dahomey attacked the Egba city of Abeokuta in 1851, and again in 1864. Both battles ended in defeat forDahomey,with many Amazon casualties.
The last major use of Amazons came in the Franco-Dahomean Wars of1890 and 1892. The French conquered Dahomey in 1892 and were particularly ruthless toward the Amazons, executing many of them partly because they noted that Amazons provided the last resistance to their conquest of the state. Thereafter, the Amazon units were effectively disbanded. One of the first decrees announced after Dahomey formally became aFrench colony was that women of Dahomey would be prohibited from serving in the military or from bearing arms.
The Dahomey women’s army only became defunct when the Dahomey kingdom fell at the end of the 19th century. According to UNESCO, after two months of fighting and previously broken accords between the French and Dahomey, the king of Dahomey took flight and set fire to most of the royal palaces, marking an end of the Kingdom of Dahomey and its army of women in 1892.
早在1728年的时候,在国王GUEZO 的领导下,达荷美军队,也就是现在包括亚马逊人的军队,占领了OUIDAH 和 POPO王国。1840年又协助攻破了 ATTAHAPAHM 的 MAHI堡垒。到1728年,继达荷美王国被Oyo帝国(现在的尼日利亚)征服后,GUEZO 国王打败了 MAHI 族,即 OYO 的一支联军,实现了达荷美王国的再次独立。由于亚马逊人军队在军事上取得了部分胜利,达荷美开始分别在1864年和1851年发起了对 ABEOKUTA 的 EGBA 城市的进攻,但是都以达荷美惨败告终。
The Dahomey king was later arrested,deported to Martinique, then Algeria where he died.
The Dahomey women are truly a testament to the real-life story of the African women depicted in Black Panther. Their importance as strategic allies in the safety and vitality of the nation cannot be overstated.
‘'BLACK PANTHER’’ just showed us how the power ofimagination and lore could reveal a world without gender and racial stereotypes.“THE WOMAN KING” will tell one of history’s greatest forgotten stories from thereal world in which we live, where an army of African warrior women staved offslavery, colonialism and inter-tribal warfare to unify a nation.”
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