
Lagos, The Megacity with Big Dreams 拉各斯, 大城市大梦想

M4Plus 2019-05-10

When you hear of Lagos, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? In my mind, it is dreams come true and so  before I bore you with too many words, let us watch the video below~



Lagos is a city in Nigeria, it is the most populous city in Nigeria and on the African continent. It is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Lagos is a major financial centre in Africa. Indeed, Lagos is the economic and cultural powerhouse equipped with an ever exploding arts and music scenes that will keep you engaged past dawn. Below is another Video~




They say ‘If you can make it in Lagos you can make it anywhere.’

This is because Lagos represents hustle, struggle and success in equal measure.

Lagos hosts foreigners from all around the world, such as Europeans, Chinese, Americans living and working in various fields (predominantly oil and gas).




The city is composed of mainland and numerous islands such as Victoria Island, Lagos Island etc. These islands are connected by bridges as seen from the pictures below.


Victoria Island


Lagos Island 拉各斯岛

National Arts Theatre 国家艺术剧院

National Museum 国家博物馆

Items Inside National Museum 在国家博物馆里的物品

Universities 大学

Business School Cafeteria 商学院食堂

Faculty of Arts building, University of Lagos 拉各斯大学艺术学院大楼

University of Lagos Main Entrance 拉各斯大学大门口

Lagos Business School 拉各斯商学院

You must have been hearing about "Afrobeat" a lot, this style of music was pioneered and popularized by the late Fela Kuti. 

你或许已经听过很多“Afrobeat”的音乐,这种音乐风格是由已故的Fela Kuti开创和推广的。

The late Fela Kuti 已故的Fela Kuti

Afrobeat is produced mainly in Lagos, Accra, and London. It has taken over the influence of Caribbean dominance in most of western style music of today. 


Beach 海滩

There are many beaches but probably the most popular beaches for tourists are Bar Beach, Coconut Beach, Akodo Beach , Eleko Beach , Takwa Bay and Kuramo Beach. 


Lagos Dream 拉各斯梦

Everyone in Lagos is always busy working or doing something that will bring them money. This is where anyone can start from the scratch and become a millionaire. Many big names started here, from the Afrobeat superstars to Nollywood(one of the largest film producer in the world) started here.

在拉各斯每个人都在忙着赚钱。这里每个人可以从零开始赚大钱的地方。很多大明星都是在这里开始的,包括很多Afrobeat巨星,Nollywood 明星(世界电影公司最大之一)大部分都是从这个城市开始的。

Traditional Dress 传统服装

Public Transportation 公共汽车

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