今天是一个值得高兴的日子。从2015年10月正式启动《MEEC:An Introduction to the Industry》一书的翻译工作到今天,历时整整1年8个月,经过4个回合,才完成了今天的定稿,确实很不容易。尽管很希望能为业界和教育界同行奉献一本高质量的译作,但因为精力和水平有限,还是不尽如人意。让我们一起期待这本书的出版,到时再逐渐修订和完善。
关于会议(meeting),APEX提出了一个总的定义:一种活动,其参与者的主要行为是出席教育会议,参与讨论和社交活动,或参加其他经过精心组织的特殊活动(An event where the primary activity of the participants is to attendeducational sessions, participate in discussions, social functions, or attendother organized events)。该定义中没有展览元素,相关概念将在下面的“行业术语与实践”部分进行解释。
一般来说,我们把有两人或两人以上的聚会(gatherings)称作“会议”(meetings)。显而易见,这个词包含了“年会”(conventions)、“代表大会”(congresses)、“学术研讨会”(symposia)等各种会议,其中,不少会议的与会者人数都能成千上万。如果某个会议上还有材料或产品展出,那么这个会议就附带了贸易展览会(trade show),或者说具有博览会(exposition)或展览会(exhibition)元素。如果会议期间还涉及体育、社交或生命周期活动(activities),这时可以用一个更通用的术语来概括——活动(events)。另外还有一个更宽泛的术语——“聚会”(gathering)。
是一种活动,其参与者的主要行为是出席教育会议,参与讨论和社交活动,或参加其他经过精心组织的特殊活动。这类活动没有展示环节。还可以参考下文的年会、展览会、贸易展览会、消费展览会(An event where the primary activityof the attendees is to attend educationalsessions,participate in meetings/discussions, socialize, or attend other organizedevents.There is no exhibit component tothis event. See also Convention, Exhibition, Trade Show,andConsumer Show explained in the following paragraphs)。
在现场向参观展品的观众展示产品、服务或促销材料的活动。与博览会、贸易展览会一样,这些活动主要聚焦于建立B2B的关系。见贸易展览会、消费展览会、展销会和公众展览会(An event at which products,services, or promotional materials are displayedtoattendees visiting exhibits on the show floor. These events focus primarily onbusinesstobusiness(B2B) relationships (same as Exposition or Trade Show). See Trade Show,ConsumerShow, Gate Show, and Public Show)。
一个经过精心组织的场合,如会议、年会、展览会、特殊活动和晚宴等。一次活动往往具有几种不同但相互联系的功能(An organized occasion such as ameeting, convention, exhibition, special event, galadinner,and so on. An event is often composed of several different yet relatedFUNCTIONS)。
为了实现共同的目标,某个行业协会或组织的代表和会员们参与的集会,其常见活动有教育研讨会、委员会会议、社交活动和协会管理会议等。年会的主要特征之一是在特定的时间循环举办。可以参考会议、展览会、贸易展览会、消费展览会的定义(Gathering of delegates,representatives, and members of a membership orindustryorganization convened for a common purpose. Common features includeeducationalsessions,committee meetings, social functions, and meetings to conduct the governancebusinessof the organization. Conventions are typically recurring events with specific,establishedtiming. See also: Meeting, Exhibition, Trade Show, and Consumer Show)。
贸易展览会(Trade Show):
向某个常规或相关行业的企业或组织展示产品和服务的展览会。贸易展览会不向公众开放,否则就是消费展览会。见展览会、展销会、公众展览会和消费展览会的定义(An exhibition of products and/orservices held for members of a common orrelatedindustry. Not open to the general public. If it is open to the public it iscalled a ConsumerShow. See Exhibition. Compare with Gate Show, Public Show, and ConsumerShow.Seealso: Exhibition, Gate Show, Public Show, and Consumer Show)。
(1) 在一名主持人的引导下,参与讨论的专家分享自己在特定领域的经验的一种讲座或对话活动(A lecture and dialogue allowingparticipants to share experiences in a particularfield under the guidance of anexpert discussion leader)。
(2) 一种有10~50名专家参与的会议或系列会议形式,这些专家拥有不同的技能但有某种共同的兴趣,因此聚集到一起来培训或学习(A meeting or series ofmeetings of 10 to 50 specialists whohave different specific skills but have a specific commoninterest and come together fortraining or learning purposes. The work schedule of aseminar has the specific object ofenriching the skills of the participants)。
(1) 一种由几个人进行集中讨论的会议形式,采用工作坊的主要目的是处理在特定学科或问题上存在的分歧(A meeting of several persons forintensive discussion. The workshop concepthas been developed to compensate fordiverging views in a particular discipline oron a particular subject)。
(2) 一种非正式、允许自由发言的公众讨论会,往往安排在正式的全体大会或者代表大会/大会的委员会会议之间举办,特定的话题由与会者自选或由主办方建议(An informal and public session offree discussion organized totake place between formal plenarysessions or commissions of a congress or of a conference,either on a subject chosen by theparticipants themselves or else on a special problemsuggested by the organizers)。
(3)一种培训性质的讨论会,参与者往往通过练习来提升在特定领域的技能和知识(A training session in whichparticipants, often throughexercises, develop skills andknowledge in a given field)。
(1)旨在开展讨论、查明事实、解决问题和提供咨询的具有很强参与性的会议(A participatory meeting designed fordiscussion, fact-finding, problemsolving, and consultation)。
(2) 一种可供任何组织使用的活动形式,旨在交流观点,传达信息,开启辩论,或者宣传对某个特定领域的相关意见。大会的形式不限,且连续举办,周期固定。尽管在时间上没有太多限制,但大会的会期通常较短,且有具体的目标。在规模上,大会往往比代表大会小。可参考代表大会、年会的定义(An event used by any organization tomeet and exchangeviews, convey a message, open adebate, or give publicity to some area of opinion on a specificissue. No tradition, continuity, orperiodicity is required to convene a conference. Althoughnot generally limited in time,conferences are usually of short duration with specificobjectives. Conferences aregenerally on a smaller scale than congresses. See also Congress,Convention)。
一种类似于工作坊的教育教学方式,参与者通过实践来学习新知识(A workshop-type educationalexperience where attendees learn by doing)。
分组讨论会(Break-Out Sessions):
围绕某个特定话题,在活动期间举办的小组讨论会、工作坊或演讲等。分组讨论会虽然不同于全体大会,但在形式上仍与整个会议相符,而且聚焦于特定的话题。这些分组讨论,在内容水平上可以是基础、中级或高级别的,或者根据行业的不同领域或细分市场来划分(Small group sessions, panels,workshops, or presentations offeredconcurrently within the event,formed to focus on specific subjects. Break-out sessions areseparatefrom the general session, but within the meeting format, and formed to focus onspecificsubjects. These sessions can be arranged by basic, intermediate, or advancedinformation,or divided by interest areas orindustry segment)。
(1) 指某个组织的全体或正式会议,参与者往往是会员代表,目的是决定立法方向、政策事宜、选举内容委员会、讨论和通过资产负债表以及制定预算等。因此,这类集会通常会遵守特定的会议流程,而且在之前的文件和章程中都会做出相应说明(A general or formal meeting of anorganization attended by representativesof its membership for the purpose ofdeciding legislative direction, policy matters, the electionof internal committees, and approvalof balance sheets, budgets, and so on. Consequently,an assembly usually observes certainrules of procedure for its meetings, mostlyprescribed in its articles andbylaws)。
(2) 将各个展示部件组合成一个完整展台的过程(The process of erecting displaycomponent parts into a complete exhibit)。
(1) 众多个人参加的定期集会,主要内容往往是讨论一个特定的主题。一次代表大会一般会持续几天,同时还要举行几场并行会议。这类会议的间隔时间大都会提前确定,通常半年或一年举行一届。绝大多数国际性代表大会都是半年一届,全国性的代表大会一年举办一届的居多(The regular coming together of largegroups of individuals, generally to discussa particular subject. A congresswill often last several days and have several simultaneoussessions. The length of time betweencongresses is usually established in advance of theimplementation stage and can beeither semiannual or annual. Most international or worldcongresses are of the former type,whereas national congresses are more frequently held annually.
(2) 在欧洲,等同于年会(AEuropean term for convention. See also Conference, Convention)。
(1)听众、座谈小组成员和主持人进行开放式的讨论(An opendiscussion with an audience, panel, and moderator);
(2)(经过注册的与会人员就某些公共问题进行开放式的讨论,它可以是单独一次会议,也可以是某个会议的一部分)(A meetingorpart of ameeting set aside for an open discussion by recognized participants on subjectsofpublicinterest)。
与会者均为某个领域的专家,专家们在会上将发表和讨论论文,并就所讨论的问题提出富有建议性的观点(A meetingof a number of experts in a particular field, at which papers are presented anddiscussed by specialists on particular subjects with a view to makingrecommendations concerning the problems under discussion)。
一种围绕一个特定的话题进行集中讨论的会议,一般具有深入的指导性(A meeting of a number of experts ina particular field, at which papers arepresentedand discussed by specialists on particular subjects with a view to makingrecommendationsconcerningthe problems under discussion.)。
一种有信息含量且具有指导性的发言(An informative and instructional speech)。
小组讨论(Panel Discussion):
一群经过挑选的发言人在特定的听众面前就每个主题进行讨论,其实质是一种教育教学的方法(Instructionaltechnique using a group of people chosen to discuss atopicin the presence of an audience)。