
<The magic of the white snake>(34-3)

2017-07-19 宋增科 草坪驿站






很喜欢德国人Helmut Matt &美国人Linda Marie Matt合著的<The Magic Of The White Snake>(白蛇传奇),现摘抄其中的片段,仅供爱好者欣赏,如喜欢,希请购买正版


Not very far away from the broken bridge there also  lived an old turtle namend Fa Hai.

For many years already,he had been watching both of  his neighbors.

Filled with a deep distrust,he secretly listened to  there private talks.

Hate and disgust filled his heart upon hearing the  two friends doting on the human world,as nothing was more forgign or alien to  his nature than disorder.

Nothing could be more condemnable than any deviation(偏离) from what the turtle considered the norms(规则) and laws of eternal(永恒的) existence.

On that particular morning as Mr.Xu rushed  home-happy and content about the cure  of his son Xian’s mysterious illness,Fa Hai,green with jealously,watched and  saw that his unloved neighbors,as if driven by a magical force,was deeply  attracted to the unique jiaozi which only moments before has fallen out of  the throat of young boy down into the calm waters of the West Lake.

In an instant,Fa Hai realized that the white snakewith the aid(帮助) of the savory  delicacy(美食),was about to escape from the depths of her native  waters.

Treason(谋反),yelled Fa Hai furiously,enraged(激怒)  about the alleged crime(所谓的罪行),Calling on his entire strength,the  turtle tried in vain to prevent the divine snake Bai Suzhen from debouring(吞吃)  the magic jiaozi.

Arsing from the pureness of her life and the many  years of abstinence(),the goddess was bestowed(给予) by such an overwhelming(巨大的) power that nothing could hinder(阻碍) her reaching the magic jiaozi and swallowing it  immediately.

After battling Fa Hai and securing the wondrous(神奇的) jiaozi,Bai SuZhen,the white snake,was quite near  her goal of living a life in human form.

She had been spare many further years of ascetic life(禁欲生活) in  the deep waters of the lake.

After a few days,the enchantingly stunning young  lady began her pursuit of finding a dewelling on the shores of the West Lake.

A small wooden house not far from the broken  bridge,whose inhabitants had left only a short  time ago,seemed to please her quite a lot.

Swiftly,an agreement was made with the owners about  the price,so that nothing now stood between her moving into the new  home.

