
<The magic of the white snake>(34-10)

2017-07-28 宋增科 草坪驿站







As Fa Hai had not the strength to transform himself  into a human,he decided to embark on a long  journey(开始行程) to  heaven-the home of the high Buddha.

Through the power of the Buddha he would be able to  succeed in taking the shape of human being.

But instead of talking with the Buddha,Fa Hai lurked  for hours in front of his temple waiting until the hour of sleep had come.

Soon after the last lights had gone out and all  residents of heaven had fallen asleep,the turtle snuck into the bedroom’s of  great Buddha.

Keep quit,Fa Hai whispered to himself continuously as he  stealthily crept past the sleeping buddha into the wardrobe.

Grasping the cloak,the wand,and the sacrificial  bowl,he silently slunk away into the night.

Equiped with these diving insignia of power,it was  quite easy for Fa Hai to turn himself into a human being-at least outwardly(表面上).

Fa Hai,the ugly turtle,had turned into Fa Hai,a not  less uglyman.

His appearance was so revolting that he was so  struck with panic upon catching the first glimose(一瞥)of himself in the reflection of the quite lake.

His exterior(外貌) had visibly become the spitting image of(……酷似)  his soul.

That such an abysmally(极度地) ugly man surely would never find a  spouse did not seem to bother Fa Hai.

At once,he proceeded on his way to the nearby  Jinshan Monastery.

Intending to go into hiding as a monk,he would then  begin the execution(执行) of his diabolic(恶毒的) plans.

Soon after entering the monstery,Fa Hai began to make  himself noticed,taking the role of (扮演)spokeperson(代言人) for the monks.

With malevolence(恶毒) and systematic(有计划的)intrigue(阴谋),distrust and jealousy were sown(sow播种-P.P)  among the brethren(同胞).

Fa Hai,continuing his machinations(阴谋) soon had himself nom-inated(提名) as their abbot(寺庙主持).

