
<The magic of the white snake>(34-13)

2017-07-31 宋增科 草坪驿站






很喜欢德国人Helmut Matt &美国人Linda Marie Matt合著的<The Magic Of The White Snake>(白蛇传奇),现摘抄其中的片段,仅供爱好者欣赏,如喜欢,希请购买正版


Oh,how nice it is,sitting here in a tea house,after  having such a wonderful evening dinner,and pondering(考虑) on god and the world.

Especially on warm summer days,the serence(宁静的) loveliness of the lake and gardens affected them  deeply.

Reveling(陶醉)in their youth,they enjoyed each moment and learned  that their dedication to others was nothing  less than a reflection of the love which they felt for each other.

It was a starlit(星光闪耀) night at the end of June.

Suzhen and Xian were sitting on a bench  at the Fairy Island in the Ocean.

I think we should decorate the nursery with colorful  silk hangings.We also have no cradle…Suzhen said,tenderly cuddling up against Xian’s shoulder.

Sitting there after a long  day’s work,surrouned by the stillness of the night,it was easy to see that  she enjoyed watching the starry sky mirroeed in the motionless surface of the  West Lake.

This was the easiest way for  her to forget all her worries,to become one with the harmony(和谐) of nuture,and to let the happiness of  the moment reflect on her soul.

Who’ll care about the sick people when I bear our  child?

This question and others kept passing  through Suzhen’s mind.

She was looking  forward to their new life of three and was convinced(确信) that she would be able to prepare a sufficient(足够的) amount of medication for the inevitable(必然的) resting days.

Knowing that there was no reason to be  concerned(杞人忧天),she nevertheless was gripped by an uncommon uneasiness  that night.

Since the early afternoon,she had several  times had the feeling of being observed.

First,she put the blame on the advanced  stage of her pregnancy.

Then,as she talked to Xian about their  child,she suddenly felt two burning eyes watching her from the nearby bamboo  forest.

At the instant that she moved her eyes  towards the direction of this ominous(不吉) observer(观察者), she heard a rusting and the quick footsteps of a  person rushing away.

Had Fa Hai really succeeded in leaving the depth of  the lake as a human being?

Bai Suzhen had an uneasy sense of the  upcoming doom(命运).

Xian,I think we are in great danger,Suzhen said.

We really have to watch our for our child.come  on,let’s go to bed.Tomorrow,a lot of work will be waiting for us!

AlarmedXian  took Suzhen’s hand to bring her home.

Never before had he seen his wife in such  a state of worry.

