
<The magic of the white snake>(23/34)

2017-08-12 宋增科 草坪驿站






很喜欢德国人Helmut Matt &美国人Linda Marie Matt合著的<The Magic Of The White Snake>(白蛇传奇),现摘抄其中的片段,仅供爱好者欣赏,如喜欢,希请购买正版


The true magic of the West Lake and its  people can only be fully experienced by knowing about the secret of the white  snake.


This was war.

In a flash,Suzhen sent a howling,wild  blast of wind towards the rock face that her opponent was only able to keep  on his feet through the utmost of efforts.

While he sent one flash of lighning after  the other to attack Suzhen,she countered by evoking the forces of the waters.

An enormous powerful tidal(潮水般的) wave rose up against the fake monk.

An entire army of sea monsters attacked  him.

Again and again,he was able to skillfully  dodge away and hold his place on top of the rock’s peak.

He,Fa Hai,also had his allies(盟友) down there in the lake and knew exactly how to  destroy an opponent (对手)with heavy sea waves.

And so,Suzhen also had to sidestep time  and time again to avoid his barrage(火力网,一堆) of sea waves and bolts of lightning.

Xiao Qing,with her rather humble magical  powers,also tried to help Suzhen as  much as possible.

She successfully managed to reach the  rear(后侧的) side of the rock from where Fa Hai continued his attacks  against them.

Thus,the evil abbot(方丈,修道院院长) had to defend himself on two sides.

At first,it seemed as if he would not be  able to keep up much longed.

Wave  after wave besieged(围攻) him from two sides,taking his full concentration(集中注意力) to keep standing and to try one counterattack(反击) after the other.

As the sun was reaching its zenith(顶峰,正午时分),the fierce(猛烈的) battle was still in full swing.

Horrified and fearful,the monks looked  through the windows of their monastery-unable to understand the dramatic  events taking  place just in front of the monastery door.

Meanwhile,Suzhen realized that this kind  of warfare would never lead to a conclusion.

At the same time,she felt her strength  slowly giving away.

The long battle and the upcoming birth of  her child had taken her toll(造成损失).

She gave Xiao Qing a sign that she would not be able to bear up against the hostile(敌方的) attacks of the opponent much longer.

Xiao Qing understood immediately.

Fighting her way back to Suzhen piece by piece,she renewed her attack  on Fa Hai’s outcrop with double intensity(强度),sending sea  wave after sea wave.

Finally,she succeeded in reaching her  friend’s hand and,in a flash,was able to liberate her from the paralyzing (使瘫痪的)force of the monk’s sorcery(魔法).

