IEEE 公布 282 位新增Fellow,华人占比28%,37位来自中国
作者 | Camel、岑峰
编辑 | 唐里
for contributions to spatial data visualization
for leadership in standardization of wireless mobile systems
for contributions to algorithmic development for influence maximization in social networks
for contributions to channel estimation and signal processing for wireless communications
for contributions to the protection of substations and traction power
for contributions to data-driven learning and control with applications in transportation systems
for contributions to neuroimaging techniques
for contributions to radio resource management of wireless networks
for contributions to neural adaptive and fault-tolerant control techniques
for contributions to iris and face recognition
for contributions to data mining and mobile computing
for low-power circuit techniques for sensor applications and design automation
for contributions to hyperspectral image acquisition and processing
for contributions to adaptive dynamic programming and reinforcement learning
for development of time-modulated antenna arrays
for leadership and contributions to the design and application of HVDC in AC/DC grids
for contributions to intelligent fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control
for contributions to the theory of mismatched disturbance rejection in industrial systems
for contributions to the application of synthetic aperture radar for ocean remote sensing
for contributions to sliding mode control and robust filtering
for contributions to switched systems and dissipativity theory
for contributions to radar imaging and motion compensation algorithms
for contributions to analysis and synthesis of neurodynamic systems
for contributions to time series management and spatial crowdsourcing
for contribution to electric vehicle technology and switched- capacitor power conversion
for contributions to high performance and resilient distributed computing
for contributions to fiber sensing networks for railway predictive maintenance
for contributions to sensor networks and low-power wireless networks
for contributions to resource allocation and optimization in wireless communications
for contributions to optimal network routing and deployment
for contributions to non-volatile memory and thin-film transistor technologies
for contributions to power electronics in sustainable energy and high power systems
for contributions to convex analysis and optimization for blind source separation
for contributions to high-mobility germanium metal-oxide- semiconductor devices
for contribution to fuzzy and grey modeling in intelligent healthcare systems design
for contributions to ultrafast fiber lasers and highspeed laser diodes for optical communications
for contributions to thin film transistor technologies
for contributions to the methodology and application of machine learning and data mining
for contributions to machine learning algorithms
for leadership in human language technologies
for contributions to image analysis for medical imaging and face recognition
for contributions to real-time automatic image annotation and image retrieval
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