目录 | 《外国文学研究》2018年第3期
目 录
Gu Mingsheng & Leland Poague | Art, Style and Modern Consciousness in the Work of Susan Sontag: An Interview with Leland Poague
傅修延 | 问题、目标和突破口:中西叙事传统比较研究谫论
尚必武 | 非自然叙事的伦理阐释——《果壳》的胎儿叙述者及其脑文本演绎
赵炎秋 | 要素与关系:中西叙事差异试探
张开焱 | 中西神话构形特征与叙事传统
刘茂生 | 萧伯纳戏剧叙事中的伦理传统
顾明栋 | 论“后文学”时代传统文学的出路——从科幻文学、电子游戏与乔伊斯的小说谈起
丁林棚 | 后人类的警示:《羚羊与秧鸡》中的语言哲学
陈 军 | 新教伦理景观图——济慈《圣亚尼节前夜》的修辞伦理批评
张 欣 | “白娘子”和“美人鱼”的斯芬克斯之谜与伦理选择
雷登辉 | 论苏珊•桑塔格“反对阐释”的伦理关怀与话语实践
王树福 | 当代俄罗斯新现实主义的兴起
陈 方 | 乌利茨卡娅长篇小说中的“家庭中心论”
包慧怡 | 中世纪文学中的触觉表述:《高文爵士与绿衣骑士》及其他文本
刘知萌 王永凯 | 第三届马克思主义文学批评的中国形态国际学术研讨会暨马克思诞辰200周年并《共产党宣言》发表170周年纪念会议综述
张 驰 | “中国外国文学期刊发展历程与国际化战略”研讨会综述
胡怡君 | 文学与经济学的对话——“首届文学与经济跨学科研究专题学术研讨会”综述
Vol.40, No.3 Jun.2018
Academic Interview
Gu Mingsheng & Leland Poague | Art, Style and Modern Consciousness in the Work of Susan Sontag: An Interview with Leland Poague
Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Narrative Traditions
Fu Xiuyan | Problems, Aims and Breakthroughs: Beginning to Think about the Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Narrative Traditions
Shang Biwu | An Ethical Interpretation of Unnatural Narrative: The Foetus Narrator and Its Brian Text in Ian McEwan’s Nutshell
Zhao Yanqiu | Elements and Their Correlations: On the Differences between Chinese Narrative and Western Narrative
Zhang Kaiyan | The Configurational Charateristics and Narrative Tradition of Chinese and Western Myths
Liu Maosheng | The Ethical Tradition in Bernard Shaw’s Theatrical Narrative
Frontiers of Literature Studies
Gu Mingdong | On the Way Out for Traditional Literature in the Post-Literary Era: Science Fiction, Digital Games, and Joycean Novels
Ding Linpeng | A Posthumanist Admonition: Language Philosophy in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake
Ethical Literary Criticism
Chen Jun | The Landscape of Protestant Ethic: A Critique of Rhetorical Ethic in John Keats’s The Eve of St. Agnes
Zhang Xin | The Sphinx Riddle and Ethical Selection in the Images of the White Snake and the Mermaid
Lei Denghui | Ethical Concern and Discourse Practice in Susan Sontag’s “Against Interpretation”
European Literature Studies
Wang Shufu | The Rise of New Realism in Contemporary Russia
Chen Fang | The Family in Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s Novels
Bao Huiyi | Haptical Representation in Medieval Literature: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Other Texts
News and Events
Liu Zhimeng and Wang Yongkai | A Summary of the Third International Symposium on Chinese Form of Marxist Literary Criticism, the Commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of Marx’s Birth, and the 170th Anniversary of The Communist Manifesto
Zhang Chi | A Summary of the Symposium on Development of Foreign Literature Journals in China and the Strategies for Internationalization
Hu Yijun | Dialogue between Literature and Economics: A Summary of the First Symposium on the Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature and Economics