
Becoming Worldwise: Our Senior Students travel to Yangshuo

德威浦西 DulwichPuxi 2019-04-22
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As part of the annual Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi residential programme, Year 8 and 9 students visited the magical city of Yangshuo where they spent just under a week surrounded by the majestic mountains of the Guangxi province.

The first full day of the trip was spent on a two-hour bicycle ride through the beautiful countryside and taking in the breathtaking scenery of the local area. Later that day, students were introduced to what was to become one of their favourite activities – the ‘City Survival’. Students were divided into three groups and were presented with the challenge of having a budget (200RMB) to buy whatever they wanted with the aim of making a profit from their items. The afternoon was spent brainstorming money-making ideas and developing some entrepreneurial skills as well as learning how to successfully work together as a team. Later in the week students were sent out to buy their products and took to the pedestrian area of West Street to mingle with locals and tourists, trying to convince them to purchase their product or play their game. It was certainly living up to our September IB Learner Profile of being a risk-taker.

On the second day students harnessed their inner artist by visiting the local village of Fuli to do some fan painting. Later in the day they took on the mental and physical challenge of climbing up inside a cave so they could abseil down the outside of a mountain. All students took part in this activity, with some defeating their fear of heights and begging to have a second turn. Later that night we camped under the stars after a marshmallow-filled campfire and DIY pasta dinner.

Other key highlights from the trip were the cooking school. Students unleashed their inner Jamie Oliver and cooked a range of dishes from egg dumplings to steamed chicken and sampled their culinary delights for lunch that day. Furthermore, one afternoon was spent trekking deep inside a dark cave which ended in a messy mud bath.

All students had an amazing adventure during their week in Yangshuo and many weren’t ready to return to reality. 

Kayleigh Eskander 
Senior School Head of Pastoral


旅行的第一天学生们先是骑自行车,以两小时穿过美丽的乡村欣赏当地远近驰名的美景。 之后,学生们开始了最受欢迎的活动之一“城市求生”。 学生被分成三组,以人民币200元为预算,购买他们所需的物品来营运生意并从中获利。 下午他们进行了小组会议商讨各种商机,发挥了营销技能并同时学习了如何以团队为本获取成功。最后几天,学生们购买了他们所需的商品,并来到西街步行街与当地人和游客交流并试图说服他们购买商品或参与游戏。 这个活动充分地展现了我们在9月份分享过的IB学习者特征之一 :成为风险承担者。

第二天,学生们参观了当地的富力村,通过扇子绘画激发了他们内心的艺术细胞。 当天下午,他们接受洞穴内攀岩挑战,然后再从山洞外沿着绳索翻下山,这对身心都有极大的挑战。 所有学生都参与了这项活动,当中一些学生战胜了他们的高度恐惧,并狠求尝试第二次。晚上,学生们在星空下露营并以营火烤棉花糖和DIY意大利面作为晚餐。

这次旅行的另一亮点是烹饪学校。 学生们释放了他们内心的Jamie Oliver精神,烹制了一系列菜肴比如蛋饺、蒸鸡并在当天午餐是一起享用。 此外,还有一个在洞穴深处艰难跋涉的下午,最后在泥巴浴中完成了远足之旅。

学生们都在阳朔都体验了一次精彩的探险之旅,许多学生还没有准备好回归现实生活。 如果您想要感受一下阳朔之旅的精彩瞬间,欢迎来到初中部欣赏此次旅程的照片及学生的见解和感悟。

Kayleigh Eskander 

Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi


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