18 pictures that prove autocorrect is ruining our lives

2016-12-30 NiubiPanda NiubiPanda

1. He meant peanuts…!!

2. He’s longing to see those…..!!

3. She had a mini-attack.

4. Mutilating?!

5. Merry Christmas!!

6. OMG!! Mike…

7. Hahah..!!

8. $300 worth Applesauce.

9. She’s having a hard time with technology.

10. What else would it be for tho?

11. Did he just speak out the truth or was it a mistake?

12. That’s one weird list.

13. Epic sh*t..!!

14. He didn’t get it the first time.

15. grandma doesn’t need to know this.

16. She didn’t reply..!!

17. That’s what happens when you type too many “Cockattack”.

18. The usual please.