我院博士后Prasanth Manohar获噬菌体研究与治疗年会颁发的青年科学家奖
近日,我院博士后Prasanth Manohar在噬菌体研究与治疗年会报告其研究成果:Characterization of a novel bacteriophage PA01_φmotto infecting Pseudomonas aeruginosa,并获得了学会颁发的青年科学家奖。
本次第二届噬菌体研究会议于线上进行,共有500多名学者参与, 15名来自不同国家的专家特邀发言,Prasanth Manohar是其中之一。
Recently, ZJE post-doc Prasanth Manohar participated in the International Conference on Bacteriophage Research, delivering a talk on his research: Characterization of a novel bacteriophage PA01_φmotto infecting Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and won the Young Scientist Award.
The 2nd International Conference on Bacteriophage Research was held virtually and there are more than 500 participants and 15 guest speakers from various countries.
个人介绍 /Profile/
导师为Sebastian Leptihn教授。Prasanth博士毕业于韦洛尔理工大学。他的主要研究领域是噬菌体生物学、噬菌体治疗和抗生素耐药性。在博士期间,他评估了噬菌体治疗对多重耐药(MDR)革兰阴性细菌感染的疗效。他在Leptihn教授实验室继续进行噬菌体治疗细菌感染的研究。已发表20多篇SCI研究论文。
Prasanth Manohar’s work on bacteriophages focuses mainly on the application of phages in medicine to cure antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. Mainly working on Klebsiella pneumonia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa phages which are top priority pathogens needing alternative treatments.
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