我院Aaron Irving团队在Cell发表合作研究成果 揭示蝙蝠ASC2抑制炎症小体并改善炎症性疾病
2023年5月,我院Aaron Irving团队在Cell发表合作研究成果Bat ASC2 suppresses inflammasomes and ameliorates inflammatory diseases,该研究表明蝙蝠ASC2可以抑制炎症小体并改善炎症性疾病。
Bats—the only flying mammal—display several additional features that are unique among mammals, such as a long lifespan relative to body size, a low rate of tumorigenesis and an exceptional ability to host viruses without presenting clinical disease. Many emerging bat-borne viruses including SARS-CoV and Ebola virus are highly pathogenic in humans, infected bats show no or minimal signs of disease even when high viral titres are detected in tissues or sera.
The role of inflammasome signaling in combating inflammatory diseases remains poorly understood. Here, Aaron Irving from ZJE together with Matae Ahn and Prof Wang Lin-Fa's lab from Duke-NUS, Singapore report bat ASC2 as a potent negative regulator of inflammasomes. Bat ASC2 is highly expressed at both the mRNA and protein levels inflammasomes. On the contrary, human ASC2 is poorly expressed or undetectable in most human tissues, with inconsistent functional results of potentiating, inhibiting, or not affecting the inflammasomes. Moreover, while ASC2 and other PYRIN-only proteins were thought to be restricted to primates, this study revealed that ASC2 is present in multiple bat species and highly expressed in bat immune cells. Importantly, in contrast to its human counterpart, bat ASC2 was highly potent in inhibiting both human and mouse inflammasomes. Transgenic expression of bat ASC2 in mice alleviated the severity of sterile peritonitis and reduced the mortality of lethal viral challenge.
It was discovered that the SARS-CoV-2 immune complex triggered NLRP3 inflammasome activation, which was also suppressed by bat ASC2. Additionally, the potential of translation of findings from bat immunity as future therapeutics is also well-demonstrated, it was shown that bat ASC2 suppresses human inflammasomes by interacting with ASC with a higher potency than human ASC2.
This paper demonstrates an important mechanism by which bats limit excessive virus-induced and stress-related inflammation, with implications for their long lifespan and unique viral reservoir status.
About lab
Aaron Irving研究员实验室的研究方向主要专注于新出现的人畜共患病病毒感染和这些病毒引发的宿主-病原体相互作用。比较生物学以蝙蝠为模型生物,并从蝙蝠中找出可用于改善人类对病原体感染的免疫反应的关键因子。该实验室的其他项目包括新的诊断技术,以确定目前或过去由人畜共患病病毒(包括SARS-CoV-2)感染野生动物,以及建立/评估可能有助于人畜共患病潜力的因素。
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