
how to bug author

2017-03-20 Y叔 biobabble





UNIX的世界里,那句”read the fucking man”,早有了属于它自己的缩写RTFM,不信你们google一下这4个字母,这里的man是指manual,因为UNIX下查看manual的指令就是man,读文档是非常重要的,很多问题在文档里已经有了答案,但用户就是不愿意花时间去读,在《为什么要开这个公众号》一文中,我也反复在说文档。






As an author of several Bioconductor packages. I found many questions from users are quite annoying. Some of them never use google and they are reluctant to read vignettes.

Step 1: make sure you are using the latest release

I found many peoples are using out-of-date packages. When they got an issue of an out-dated package, they never check whether the issue still exists in latest release.

> rvcheck::check_bioc("clusterProfiler") package is up-to-date release version $installed_version [1] "3.0.4" $latest_version [1] "3.0.4" $up_to_date [1] TRUE

Step 2: read the vignettes

All Bioconductor packages contains a least one vignette and some of them are in very details. Most of the user questions can be solved if user go through the vignette carefully.

Step 3: ask google

I received several emails asking why my Bioconductor package is not available when they try to install it using install.packages().

If they google search the package name, they can reach the landing page of the package. Then they will find installation guide of using biocLite().

User question may already have an answer posted in Bioconductor support site, Biostars or somewhere. Just google search it before bugging the author.

Step 4: make a reproducible example

If there is indeed an issue exists in latest release and it is not documented in vignette and google can’t answer it, then you need to make a reproducible example for package author to reproduce your issue.

from ggtree user is a good example. For more details, please follow the advice from or .

Then post the reproducible example on or tag with package name. Disucssion in public forum is useful since it may help other users.

An excerpt from  should convince you to post in community website.

The Bioconductor project is a community project and it benefits from users interacting in public venues. When a user asks a question at the Bioconductor support website, they are providing information that future users might be interested in. That is, the user (U1) is contributing information to the overall documentation around the Bioconductor package they are asking a question about. Ideally, a new user (U2) can then read through the question U1 wrote, check the solution, and move on. This is one of the main reasons why we (developers) want questions to be well documented. There are a couple of quick things that U1 can check that will make their question much more useful to the community.

