
R kernel in Jupyter notebook 3

2017-06-11 Y叔 biobabble

I followed the post, , to install jupyter with python3 and R kernels in my iMac. I have on my Macbook Pro and also want to have jupyter on it. The installation process is quite similar.

Install Jupyter

sudo apt-get install python3-pip sudo pip3 install jupyter

Then we can use the following command to start jupyter:

ipython notebook

Install IRkernel

To compile IRkernel, we should firstly have zmq lib installed.

sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev python-zmq

In R, run the following command to install :

install.packages(c('rzmq','repr','IRkernel','IRdisplay'),                  repos = c('http://irkernel.github.io/',                      getOption('repos')),                  type = 'source') IRkernel::installspec()

Now we can use R in jupyter. Inline image is a great feature especially for demonstration.

With  available in R and my package , R in jupyter can be a great environment for phylogenetics.


