

2017-07-23 Y叔 biobabble



以下这段豆瓣书评可以说很好的总结了这本书 https://book.douban.com/review/3017404/#comments:




譬如第13页上,对order()函数的介绍,居然有这么句绕口令“x[order(x)]等效于order(x)”,当然其实等效的是 sort(x).



作为一本实例讲解的书,根本就没有提供源码和实例样本,也就说,根本就是没头没脑的演示。有点专业精神好么,好歹也是本标价68的书,当然只有400页草纸, 本科生水平的语言文档翻译。

还有一本是我没见过,但我是不会去看的《R语言与Bioconductor生物信息学应用》,同样我也帮你们找了一段书评,不过没有前面豆瓣那段精彩 https://www.amazon.cn/review/RV9K4EFQI9J5W/ref=cm_cr_dp_title/462-0255613-8683213:

这本书的内容写着完全以SCI论文为依据,其实说白了就是作者拿着本实验室没有价值的芯片script,放在书里,然后又骗了几个小朋友,用中文注释,之所以没有过多介绍RNA-seq 基因组组装和分析,估计是老板不同意他泄露代码。




step 0. 安装包


step 1. 你好!


> require(swirl) > swirl() | Welcome to swirl! Please sign in. If you've been here before, use the same | name as you did then. If you are new, call yourself something unique. What shall I call you? ygc


| Thanks, ygc. Let's cover a couple of quick housekeeping items before we begin | our first lesson. First of all, you should know that when you see '...', that | means you should press Enter when you are done reading and ready to continue. ...  <-- That's your cue to press Enter to continue | Also, when you see 'ANSWER:', the R prompt (>), or when you are asked to | select from a list, that means it's your turn to enter a response, then press | Enter to continue. Select 1, 2, or 3 and press Enter 1: Continue. 2: Proceed. 3: Let's get going!

我选3, 开始吧。

step2. 选课


| To begin, you must install a course. I can install a course for you from the | internet, or I can send you to a web page | (https://github.com/swirldev/swirl_courses) which will provide course options | and directions for installing courses yourself. (If you are not connected to | the internet, type 0 to exit.) 1: R Programming: The basics of programming in R 2: Regression Models: The basics of regression modeling in R 3: Statistical Inference: The basics of statistical inference in R 4: Exploratory Data Analysis: The basics of exploring data in R 5: Don't install anything for me. I'll do it myself. Selection: 1  |==========================================| 100% | Course installed successfully!

我选1, R编程。于是它就帮我把课给装了。

step 3. 上课

| Please choose a course, or type 0 to exit swirl. 1: R Programming 2: Take me to the swirl course repository! Selection: 1 | Please choose a lesson, or type 0 to return to course menu. 1: Basic Building Blocks      2: Workspace and Files     3: Sequences of Numbers       4: Vectors                 5: Missing Values             6: Subsetting Vectors       7: Matrices and Data Frames   8: Logic                   9: Functions                 10: lapply and sapply       11: vapply and tapply         12: Looking at Data         13: Simulation                14: Dates and Times         15: Base Graphics             Selection: 1  |                                                                      |   0%


| In this lesson, we will explore some basic building blocks of the R | programming language. ...  |==                                                                    |   3% | If at any point you'd like more information on a particular topic related to | R, you can type help.start() at the prompt, which will open a menu of | resources (either within RStudio or your default web browser, depending on | your setup). Alternatively, a simple web search often yields the answer | you're looking for. ...  |====                                                                  |   5% | In its simplest form, R can be used as an interactive calculator. Type 5 + 7 | and press Enter. > 5 + 7 [1] 12 | That's a job well done!



 |======                                                                |   8% | R simply prints the result of 12 by default. However, R is a programming | language and often the reason we use a programming language as opposed to a | calculator is to automate some process or avoid unnecessary repetition. ...  |=======                                                               |  11% | In this case, we may want to use our result from above in a second | calculation. Instead of retyping 5 + 7 every time we need it, we can just | create a new variable that stores the result. ...  |=========                                                             |  13% | The way you assign a value to a variable in R is by using the assignment | operator, which is just a 'less than' symbol followed by a 'minus' sign. It | looks like this: <- ...  |===========                                                           |  16% | Think of the assignment operator as an arrow. You are assigning the value on | the right side of the arrow to the variable name on the left side of the | arrow. ...  |=============                                                         |  18% | To assign the result of 5 + 7 to a new variable called x, you type x <- 5 + | 7. This can be read as 'x gets 5 plus 7'. Give it a try now. > x <- 5+ 7 | Keep up the great work!

step 4. 其实我只想分段, 啦啦啦~


> bye() | Leaving swirl now. Type swirl() to resume.


> swirl() | Welcome to swirl! Please sign in. If you've been here before, use the same | name as you did then. If you are new, call yourself something unique. What shall I call you? ygc


| Would you like to continue with one of these lessons? 1: R Programming Basic Building Blocks 2: No. Let me start something new.


Selection: 2 | Please choose a course, or type 0 to exit swirl. 1: R Programming 2: Take me to the swirl course repository! Selection: 1 | Please choose a lesson, or type 0 to return to course menu. 1: Basic Building Blocks      2: Workspace and Files     3: Sequences of Numbers       4: Vectors                 5: Missing Values             6: Subsetting Vectors       7: Matrices and Data Frames   8: Logic                   9: Functions                 10: lapply and sapply       11: vapply and tapply         12: Looking at Data         13: Simulation                14: Dates and Times         15: Base Graphics


Selection: 9  |                                                                      |   0% | Functions are one of the fundamental building blocks of the R language. They | are small pieces of reusable code that can be treated like any other R | object. ...  |=                                                                     |   2% | If you've worked through any other part of this course, you've probably used | some functions already. Functions are usually characterized by the name of | the function followed by parentheses. ...  |===                                                                   |   4% | Let's try using a few basic functions just for fun. The Sys.Date() function | returns a string representing today's date. Type Sys.Date() below and see | what happens. > > Sys.Date() [1] "2017-01-05" | All that practice is paying off!  |====                                                                  |   6% | Most functions in R return a value. Functions like Sys.Date() return a value | based on your computer's environment, while other functions manipulate input | data in order to compute a return value. ...  |======                                                                |   8% | The mean() function takes a vector of numbers as input, and returns the | average of all of the numbers in the input vector. Inputs to functions are | often called arguments. Providing arguments to a function is also sometimes | called passing arguments to that function. Arguments you want to pass to a | function go inside the function's parentheses. Try passing the argument c(2, | 4, 5) to the mean() function. > mean(c(2,4,5)) [1] 3.666667 | Excellent job!  |=======                                                               |  10% | Functions usually take arguments which are variables that the function | operates on. For example, the mean() function takes a vector as an argument, | like in the case of mean(c(2,6,8)). The mean() function then adds up all of | the numbers in the vector and divides that sum by the length of the vector. ...





