
Edit partition table in NetBSD/macppc

2017-08-20 Y叔 biobabble
#disklabel wd0

可以看到原始分区如下: 7 partitions:

#        size    offset     fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs] a:  20971520  25167648     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.  24967*-  45772*) b:   1048576  46139168       swap                     # (Cyl.  45772*-  46813*) c: 117210240         0     unused      0     0        # (Cyl.      0 - 116279) d:  25165824      1824        HFS                     # (Cyl.      1*-  24967*) e:  28079456  89130784        HFS                     # (Cyl.  88423*- 116279) g:  41943040  47187744     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.  46813*-  88423*)

a为netbsd的/分区,b为swap分区,c为整个硬盘,d为mac os的系统盘。e为两系统共享分区(在os9下格式化为fat),g为netbsd下的/home分区。



  1. 第一步,也是最关键的一步,先备份好数据。

  2. 安装hfsutils。用于操作那个15M的HFS分区(格式化,拷贝文件等工具)。hfsutils是命令行的,xhfs是tk界面的。

    #cd /usr/pkgsrc/sysutils/hfsutils #make install #cd ../xhfs #make install
  3. 分区 pdisk : Apple partition table editor

    # pdisk /dev/wd0c pdisk /dev/wd0c Edit /dev/wd0c - Command (? for help): p p Partition map (with 512 byte blocks) on '/dev/wd0c' #:                type name              length   base     ( size ) 1: Apple_partition_map Apple                 63 @ 1 2:      Apple_Driver43*Macintosh             56 @ 64 3:      Apple_Driver43*Macintosh             56 @ 120 4:    Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh             56 @ 176 5:    Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh             56 @ 232 6:      Apple_FWDriver Macintosh            512 @ 288 7:  Apple_Driver_IOKit Macintosh            512 @ 800 8:       Apple_Patches Patch Partition      512 @ 1312 9:           Apple_HFS MacOS           25165824 @ 1824     ( 12.0G) 10:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 NetBSD          20971520 @ 25167648 ( 10.0G) S0 RUFS k0  / 11:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap             1048576 @ 46139168 (512.0M) S1  SFS k0  (swap) 12:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 home            41943040 @ 47187744 ( 20.0G) S2  UFS k0  /usr 13:           Apple_HFS Share           28079456 @ 89130784 ( 13.4G) Device block size=512, Number of Blocks=117210240 (55.9G) DeviceType=0x0, DeviceId=0x0 Drivers- 1:  23 @ 64, type=0x1 2:  36 @ 120, type=0xffff 3:  21 @ 176, type=0x701 4:  34 @ 232, type=0xf8ff ##可以看出9分区即为wd0d,10分区为wd0a,11分区为wd0b,12分区为wd0g,13分区为wd0e。 ##删9分区 Command (? for help): d d Partition number: 9 9 ##创建15M分区(ofwboot.xcf只有52k,这个分区只须大于100k) Command (? for help): C C First block: 9p 9p Length in blocks: 15m 15m Name of partition: Loader Loader Type of partition: Apple_HFS Apple_HFS Command (? for help): C C First block: 10p 10p Length in blocks: 10p 10p Name of partition: home home Type of partition: Apple_UNIX_SVR2 Apple_UNIX_SVR2 Available partition slices for Apple_UNIX_SVR2: a   root partition b   swap partition c   do not set any bzb bits g   user partition Other lettered values will create user partitions Select a slice for default bzb values: i i #保存退出 Command (? for help): w w Writing the map destroys what was there before. Is that okay? [n/y]: y y Command (? for help): q q
  4. 改完分区后重新启动。此时netbsd的/分区已由10分区变为11分区,而硬盘上已经没有ofwboot.xcf可用来启动系统。这个时候需要用到netbsd的安装盘,开机时按住command+option+o+f四键。进入openfirmwire。放入光盘,敲命令:

    boot cd:,\ofwboot.xcf hd:11,/netbsd


  5. 安装光盘启动。在openfirmwire里敲

    boot cd:,\ofwboot.xcf netbsd.macppc

    先择运行Shell. 查看分区

    #disklabel wd0 7 partitions: #        size    offset     fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs] a:  20971520  25167648     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.  24967*-  45772*) b:   1048576  46139168       swap                     # (Cyl.  45772*-  46813*) c: 117210240         0     unused      0     0        # (Cyl.      0 - 116279) d:     30720      1824        HFS                     # (Cyl.      1*-     32*) e:  41943040  47187744     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.  46813*-  88423*) f:  28079456  89130784     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.  88423*- 116279) g:  25135104     32544     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.     32*-  24967*)


    #mount /dev/wd0a /mnt #chroot /mnt ##修改fstab,改wd0g为wd0e #vi /etc/fstab #reboot
  6. 返回第4步启动系统。正常启动后。由第5步disklabel中的输出知道,9分区是wd0d.

    ## 将其格式化为hfs #hformat -l loader /dev/wd0d   $sudo xhfs


  7. 改变home分区

    #newfs /dev/wd0g #cd /home ##打包用户数据,并保留原始权限 #tar cjpvf ygc.tar.bz2 ygc     #mount /dev/wd0g /mnt/share #cd /mnt/share #tar xjvpf ygc.tar.bz2 #vim /etc/fstab


  8. 合并wd0e,wd0f 也就是原来的home分区和两系统的共享分区。

    #pdisk /dev/wd0c Command (? for help): d d Partition number: 14 14 Command (? for help): d d Partition number: 13 13 Command (? for help): C C First block: 13p 13p Length in blocks: 13p 13p Name of partition: data data Type of partition: Apple_UNIX_SVR2 Apple_UNIX_SVR2 Available partition slices for Apple_UNIX_SVR2: a   root partition b   swap partition c   do not set any bzb bits g   user partition Other lettered values will create user partitions Select a slice for default bzb values: h h Command (? for help): w w Writing the map destroys what was there before. Is that okay? [n/y]: y y Command (? for help): q q
  9. 重设openfirmwire

    setenv boot-device hd:9,\ofwboot.xcf hd:11,/netbsd reset-all


  10. 重启进入系统后

    #disklabel wd0 6 partitions: #        size    offset     fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs] a:  20971520  25167648     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.  24967*-  45772*) b:   1048576  46139168       swap                     # (Cyl.  45772*-  46813*) c: 117210240         0     unused      0     0        # (Cyl.      0 - 116279) d:     30720      1824        HFS                     # (Cyl.      1*-     32*) e:  70022496  47187744     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.  46813*- 116279) g:  25135104     32544     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.     32*-  24967*)


    #newfs /dev/wd0e #chmod 777 /dev/wd0e       ##让用户对其有读写执行的权限 #chmod 777 /data ## 在/etc/fstab里添加: /dev/wd0e    /data        ffs    rw,softdep    1    2



