
2024耶鲁中美峰会行前须知 | 明日九点半正式开幕!Handsome Dan在这里等你




2024年4月6日(周六全天),第十届耶鲁中美峰会将在主会场耶鲁大学Science Building和国内分会场耶鲁北京中心举行。本次峰会将以“行稳致远,合作共赢 Forge a Shared Future”为主题,汇集数十位学界、政界、业界精英,就商业金融、创业风投、医疗健康、国际事务、教育公益、AI伦理、电影艺术、科技创新、国际投资、可持续发展等话题设立十大分论坛。其中后三个论坛在北京举行。

回顾 | 耶鲁校长峰会致辞







1. 请观众携带相关证件及购票确认邮件或截图前来签到,每位观众必须携带至少一种身份证明(如:护照,驾照,学生卡等),学生票的购票人必须携带本人学生卡,或可以通过耶鲁系统证明在读学生及校友身份(如SIS系统,邮箱等)。

2. 对于转让门票的同学,学生票被转让人需要持有相同身份(如:耶鲁学生票只能转让给其他耶鲁学生)。请被转让人持自己的有效学生卡及门票签到。

3. 早上我们将在开幕致辞前45分钟,4月6日上午8:45开放签到入场,并在会场内提供茶歇。本次峰会有数百人注册,请预留足够时间排队入场。开幕式签到期间耶鲁校宠Handsome Dan将在现场迎接大家。无法参加开幕式也可以直接前往各分论坛会场进行签到。






为畅行环保理念,我们鼓励大家使用低碳交通,如学校校车或有条件的情况下步行。如需开车Science Hill (266-272 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511)及New Haven Lawn Club有少量车位,具体停车费用以停车场公告为准。



1. 请大家在会场内保持安静,并在恰当时间参与到讨论中。

2. 如需在活动期间中途离开会场或更换会场,请与我们的场内志愿者联系。我们强烈建议大家留在同一会场直到活动结束。

3. 为保障嘉宾及观众隐私,请大家不要在会场中录像。在允许拍照的会场,请关闭闪光灯,不得使用自拍杆

4. 会场内请保持手机及电子设备静音

5. 如需与嘉宾进一步交流,请与驻场志愿者咨询,部分嘉宾会在会后留下来与感兴趣的同学进一步交流。

6. 换场期间请遵循志愿者指令,同时也可以参考峰会的指示牌。自行前往各分会场的观众:

·OC Marsh Lecture Hall 

(J.W. Gibbs Lab, 260 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511)

·Sloane Physics Laboratory 57/59 

(217 Prospect St, New Haven, CT 06511)

·Bass Center for Molecular and Structural Biology 305 

(266 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511)

*纽黑文会场Yale Science Building,左滑查看



1. 午餐供应地点在Marsh12:30-13:45,请需要用午餐的同学在活动结束后排队就餐。

2. 餐食供应只针对购票的同学,不对耶鲁社区开放。

3. 对于晚间参与电影会场的同学,我们会在17:30-18:30之间提供简餐。

4. 如选择自行离开会场就餐,请持二维码和峰会小卡片再次签到入场。

感谢Steamed, Taste of China, Chef Jiang, South Bay, Lindan's Tea Space对本次活动的餐饮支持。



1. 耶鲁大学是一个多元与包容的社区,请大家尊重嘉宾及同僚的多元观点。但在包容的同时,也恳请大家在公众场合不要发表让部分成员感到不适的观点。在法律允许的范围内,我们会最大程度保护所有成员的隐私。

2. 我们尽最大努力为大家提供一个难忘的峰会体验,也希望我们的工作得到每个人的支持。如有观众违反场内秩序的行为,峰会管理员有权将参与者请出会场。

3. 我们期待明天在会场见到大家!以下为中国驻美大使谢峰大使写给2024耶鲁中美峰会的贺信。中国驻纽约总领馆代表也将线下参会并在开幕式现场致辞。

Forum Instructions


1. Please bring relevant identification and a confirmation email or screenshot of your ticket purchase for check-in. Each attendee must bring at least one form of identification (such as a passport, driver’s license, student card, etc.). Ticket purchasers with student tickets must bring their own student card or be able to prove their student or alumni status through the Yale system (such as the SIS system, email, etc.).

2. For transferred tickets, the transferee of the student ticket must have the same identity (for example, student tickets can only be transferred to other Yale students). Please have the transferee bring their own valid student card and ticket for check-in.

3. We will start check-in half an hour before the opening remarks, at 9:00 AM on April 6th, and provide tea breaks inside the venue.

4. During check-in, we will provide a summit card. Attendees can present this card to the staff at the entrance of each event (such as Keynotes, Panels) to receive a stamp. Those who collect five stamps will receive an invitation to the Joe Wong comedy show happy hour on April 7th.

5. No dangerous items are allowed into the venue.

6. To maintain order and experience, attendees who check in more than 10 minutes after the start of each event will not be able to participate in the current venue activity and will be directed to the Marsh waiting area. We welcome you to participate in the next event.


In line with our eco-friendly philosophy, we encourage everyone to use low-carbon transportation, such as school buses or walking if possible. If you need to drive, there are a limited number of parking spaces at Science Hill (266-272 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511) and New Haven Lawn Club. Specific parking fees are subject to the parking lot’s announcement.


1. Please keep quiet in the venue and join the discussion at the appropriate time.

2. If you need to leave the venue or change venues during the event, please contact our on-site volunteers. We strongly recommend that everyone stay in the same venue until the end of the event.

3. To protect the privacy of guests and attendees, please do not record videos in the venue. In venues where photography is allowed, please turn off the flash and do not use selfie sticks.

4. Please keep mobile phones and electronic devices on silent mode in the venue.

5. If you wish to further communicate with guests, please consult the on-site volunteers. Some guests will stay after the event to further interact with interested students.

6. During the intermission, please follow the instructions of the volunteers and refer to the summit's signs as well. For attendees who are moving to different breakout sessions on their own:

·Sloane Physics Laboratory 57/59 (217 Prospect St, New Haven, CT 06511)

·Bass Center for Molecular and Structural Biology 305 (266 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511)

·OC Marsh Lecture Hall (J.W. Gibbs Lab, 260 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511)

Meal Services

1. Lunch will be served at Marsh from 12:30 to 1:45 PM. Please queue for lunch after the event if needed.

2. Meal service is only for ticketed students and is not open to the Yale community.

3. For those participating in the evening movie venue, we will provide a light meal between 5:30 and 6:30 PM.

4. If you choose to leave the venue for a meal, please check in again with the QR code and identification.


1. Yale University is a diverse and inclusive community. Please respect the diverse viewpoints of guests and colleagues. While being inclusive, we also kindly request that everyone refrain from expressing views that may make some members uncomfortable in public settings. Within the limits of the law, we will protect the privacy of all members to the greatest extent.

2. We are doing our best to provide a memorable summit experience and hope that our work is supported by everyone. If any attendee violates the order of the venue, the forum administrator has the right to remove the participant from the venue and no refund will be provided in any form.








文案: 余歌  排版: 冯心卉 审核: 向杰


