巴伦主教论道 ‖ 分裂来自恶魔,耶稣的教导是共融

2017-10-15 巴伦主教 天主教玛纳工作室 天主教玛纳工作室

翻译 | Carrie

编辑 | 玛纳工作室

本栏目由美国洛杉矶教区辅理主教罗伯特·巴伦(Robert Barron)执笔,Carrie Wong翻译。巴伦是Word on Fire协会的创办人、美国多家电视台的常客、PBS倍受赞誉的《天主教义》系列大型纪录片的主持人,著作等身,并荣登亚马逊畅销书榜……因其出色的媒体福传工作,被誉为现代“天主教最棒的福音使者之一”。巴伦主教以富有人文关怀与泛社会的角度,诠释圣经、见证信仰,相信会为读者打开全新的视角,带您深入不一样的信仰反思。







Friends, in today’s Gospel we learn of a person possessed by a demon. Jesus meets the man and drives out the demon, but then is immediately accused of being in league with Satan. Some of the witnesses said, “By the power of Beelzebul, the prince of demons, he drives out demons.”

Jesus’ response is wonderful in its logic and laconicism: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste and house will fall against house. And if Satan is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand?”

The demonic power is always one of scattering. It breaks up communion. But Jesus, as always, is the voice of communio, of one bringing things back together.

Think back to Jesus’ feeding of the five thousand. Facing a large, hungry crowd, his disciples beg him to “dismiss the crowds so that they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves.” But Jesus answers, “There is no need for them to go away; give them some food yourselves.” 

Whatever drives the Church apart is an echo of this “dismiss the crowds” impulse, and a reminder of the demonic tendency to divide. In times of trial and threat, this is a very common instinct. We blame, attack, break up, and disperse. But Jesus is right: “There is no need for them to go away.”


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