巴伦主教论道 ‖ 用信德的眼光看待世界

2017-10-30 巴伦主教 天主教玛纳工作室 天主教玛纳工作室

翻译 | Carrie

编辑 | 玛纳工作室

本栏目由美国洛杉矶教区辅理主教罗伯特·巴伦(Robert Barron)执笔,Carrie Wong翻译。巴伦是Word on Fire协会的创办人、美国多家电视台的常客、PBS倍受赞誉的《天主教义》系列大型纪录片的主持人,著作等身,并荣登亚马逊畅销书榜……因其出色的媒体福传工作,被誉为现代“天主教最棒的福音使者之一”。巴伦主教以富有人文关怀与泛社会的角度,诠释圣经、见证信仰,相信会为读者打开全新的视角,带您深入不一样的信仰反思。

路   12:54-59




Friends, the famous call of the Vatican II fathers to "read the signs of the times" is grounded in Jesus' exhortation in the Gospel for today. Followers of Jesus are meant to look at the world with clear eyes, to see what is happening, to be attentive. But this attention is of a particular type. It is not the attention of the scientist or the philosopher or the politician—though it can include those. It is an attention to the things of God.

I have often argued that many of us today are still enthralled to a Deist view of God, whereby God is a distant and aloof first cause of the universe, uninvolved with the world he has made. But Thomas Aquinas taught that God is in all things, "by essence, presence, and power" and that God providentially cares for every aspect of his creation. Therefore, we should expect to see signs of his presence and activity in nature, in history, and in human affairs. 

And once we see, we are meant to speak! In a way, followers of Jesus are not looking at the signs of the times for their own benefit, but rather that they might share their prophetic perspective with everyone else. So look around, look with attention, look with the eyes of faith!


巴伦主教论道 ‖ 活着,像世间的一切都不重要

巴伦主教论道 ‖ 天主在邀请,我们却一再推脱

巴伦主教论道 ‖ 分裂来自恶魔,耶稣的教导是共融
