
5寒假预习|外研社版初中英语(新标准)七年级下册 Module 5

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Module 5 Shopping.


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01Moudle 5 单词


market['mɑːkɪt] n. 市场

supermarket['suːpəmɑːkɪt]n. 超市

biscuit['bɪskɪt] n. 饼干

lemon ['lemən]n. 柠檬

strawberry ['strɔːb(ə)rɪ] n. 草薄

Mother's Day母亲节

size[saɪz] n. 尺码; 号

take [teɪk] v. ( took ) 穿 (某尺寸的衣服或鞋子)

may v. aux. ( might ) 可以; 可能

try[traɪ] v. 尝试; 试穿; 品尝

try on试穿

certainly['sɜːt(ə)nlɪ; -tɪn-] adv. 当然; 行

wait a minute别急;稍等一会

sale[seɪl] n. 降价出售

price[praɪs] n. 价格

look[lʊk] v. 看起来; 显得

fresh[freʃ] adj. 新鲜的

advantage [əd'vɑːntɪdʒ] n. 有利条件; 优势

anyone [əd'vɑːntɪdʒ]pron. 任何人

anything ['enɪθɪŋ] pron. 任何东西; 任何事情

anywhere ['enɪweə] adv. 在任何地方; 往任何地方

compare[kəm'peə] v. 比较

pay [peɪ] v. 支付; 付钱

post[pəʊst] n. & v. 邮寄

product ['prɒdʌkt]n. 产品

receive [rɪ'siːv] v. 收到; 接到

safe[seɪf] adj. 安全的

several ['sev(ə)r(ə)l]adj. 几个; 一些

online [ɒn'laɪn] adj. 在线的

shopping ['ʃɒpɪŋ]n. 购物

way[weɪ] n. 方式; 道路

one of ... ......之一

almost ['ɔːlməʊst]adv. 几乎; 差不多

something ['sʌmθɪŋ]pron. 某事物; 某种东西

later['leɪtə] adv. 后来; 以后

open ['əʊp(ə)n] adj. 营业的; 开放的

out [aʊt]adv. 外出; 离开

go out外出; 游玩

over ['əʊvə]prep. 通过; 超过

one day 总有一天

one [wʌn] pron. (同一群人或物中)一个

02Moudle 5课文动画

外研版七年级下册Module 5 Unit 1 课文动画

外研版七年级下册Module 5 Unit 2 课文动画

03Moudle 5 知识梳理


1. clothes shop  服装店 

2. half price  半价 

3. try on  试穿  

4. shop worker  店员 

5. too much  太多 

6. Mother’s Day  母亲节 

7. wait a minute  等一下 

8. pay for  付钱 

9. change one’s life  改变某人的生活 

10. go out  出去 

11. online shopping  网上购物 

12. one day  一天 

13. no one  没有人

14. at any time  在任何时候 

15. because of  由于 

16. the price of…  ...的价格 

17. one of…  …中的一个 

18. save money  省钱 

19. and so on  等等 

20. shopping list  购物单 


1. What can I do for you?  我能帮你做些什么? 

2. I'd like to buy a T-shirt for my mum.  


3. Can I help you?  我能帮你吗? 

4. There's a sale on today. Everything is half price.  


5. What colour does she like?  她喜欢什么颜色? 

6. What size does she take?  她穿多大码? 

7. ---May I try it on? 




8. I'll take it.  我买它了! 

9. I'd like some sausages.  我想买些香肠。 

10. How much are they?  多少钱? 

11. What else would you like?  你还想要些什么? 

12. Here's fifty-nine yuan.  这是59元。 

13. There are many new ways of shopping, and online shopping is one of them.  


14. Then you receive it a few days later by post.  


15. Online shopping has several advantages.  First, ...Second, …Third, …  

    网上购物有几个优点。首先,......其次,......  再次,......

16. Shopping usually takes a lot of time.  


17. But to shop on the Internet you only need a computer and a mouse!  


18. But many people like going out and shopping with friends.  


19. Also paying over the Internet isn't always safe.  


20. Online shopping is changing our way of life.  


21. One day no one will go to the shops any more, because you'll be able to buy anything on the Internet, and you will be able to receive it anywhere in the world at any time!  




1.结构:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句 ?


what 什么

when 在什么时候

where 在什么地方

who 谁

which 哪一个,哪些

why 为什么

how 怎么样

what day 星期几  What day is it today? 今天星期几?

what size 多大尺码  What size are your shoes? 你的鞋多大尺码?

how many多少(提问可数名词数量)

How many books do you have ?

How much


How much water is there in the glass?


How old 几岁(提问年龄)

How long

①多长(提问长度)How long is this ruler?这把尺子有多长?

②多长时间(时间持续多久)How long do you go to school ?你去学校要多长时间?

How often 多久(提问频率既单位时间发生多少次)

How soon (还要多久时间才能开始或结束)How soon will he come back ?他多久才能回来?

How far  (提问距离有多远)             

How heavy (提问有多重)



1. 你几乎可以很容易地在网上购买一切东西;

2. 你不必(don’t need to)去商店,可以在家选择要买的,很方便的(convenient);

3. 网上的很多东西比商店和超市里的更便宜(cheap)。

    Now online shopping is popular. I think online shopping has three advantages. 

    First, you can almost buy everything on the Internet and it’s very easy. Second, you don’t need to go to shops to choose things. It is convenient to buy things at home. Third, many things are cheaper than those in shops or supermarkets. 

    So I like online shopping.


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