

和铂医药 药时代 2021-12-13

2019年6月25日 美国圣地亚哥

美国圣地亚哥当地时间2019年6月23日,DIA 2019全球年会拉开了序幕。大会吸引了8000名左右,来自全球各地的医药人士出席。在开幕式上,DIA宣布了DIA全球激励奖的获得者。DIA全球激励奖项授予为推进全球健康做出卓越贡献的个人、团体和组织,以表彰他们在促成DIA的使命上所做出的杰出的领导工作。和铂医药创始人,董事长兼首席执行官,王劲松博士获得了2019年DIA全球卓越服务奖项。该奖项用以表彰王博士在DIA任职志愿者并兼任DIA中国区顾问委员会主席(2015年至今)期间为促进全球健康而做出的重大创新贡献。

“DIA的成员都是杰出的领导者,他们代表了我们行业推进全球健康所需要的前瞻性思维。”DIA全球首席执行官Barbara Lopez Kunz说,“我们每年都非常荣幸地表彰为改善世界各地的健康状况而不懈努力的人员和组织。”


DIA(Drug Information Association,药物信息协会)是一个全球性、中立的组织,旨在为业界提供自由交流和分享知识信息的平台,促进医疗产品的创新和开发。总部位于美国华盛顿,此外在北美、欧洲、非洲、亚洲等地均设有分部。DIA在制药和其他医疗健康领域,孜孜不倦地服务了50余年,为政府,工业和学术机构提供了形式多样的交流和学习的平台,赢得了广泛的赞誉和认可。


DIA Inspire Award Winner(Excellence in Service Award): Jingsong Wang, CEO, Harbour BioMed

Jingsong Wang, MD. PhD, is the CEO of Harbour BioMed (HBM), a very promising biomedical start-up company in China. Before founding HBM, he was the Head of China Research and Development and of Translational Medicine, Asia Pacific, for Sanofi. Wang currently serves as the Chairman of the China Regional Advisory Council, a role he has held since 2015. Under his leadership, DIA China established the Annual Drug Discovery Innovation Conference (DDI) in 2015. This allowed the strategic expansion of DIA China's portfolio from late-phase development to early-stage product discovery and development. Dr. Wang has been an active DIA member since 2012 and has been on the program steering committee for the DIA China Annual Meeting from 2015-2019,and was Co-Chair of the DIA China Annual Meeting in 2016. Tribute to his leadership and dedication to DIA, as well as his strong influence to China's life-science innovation ecosystem, DIA China demonstrated strong growth in both the Annual Meeting and DDI, attracting more than 3,000 and 700 attendees respectively. DIA's sphere of influence gradually expanded from MNCs-centered to Chinese domestic biotech, start-ups, research hospitals, etc.

Q: Where do you see your field going? What is your vision of the field in 2030?

Dr. Wang: The healthcare field is emerging much faster compared to anytime in the history of medical inventions. But we still have a lot of unmet medical and patient needs that can only be addressed when the community including researchers, physicians and policymakers decide to work together. This is happening more and more in recent years – the outcomes of which you see in some of the most advanced medicines and healthcare systems available today. Over the next decade, I can only anticipate this pace of R&D to grow faster and bring novel therapeutics to our patients. My vision for 2030 for all of us involved with DIA and beyond is to break breakthrough therapy for cancer patients. There are millions of patients suffering from various types of cancers and only a collective and collaborative approach between academia, industry, physicians, patients and policymakers is going to make this happen. And the time is now…

Q: What do you like most and least about your job?

Dr. Wang:  What I like the most about my job is that on daily basis, I am working directly and indirectly with a large number of talented scientists and entrepreneurs focusing on developing innovative therapeutics to save lives and improve people’s quality of lives. It is the most rewarding job. As a physician and a scientist in the field of biotechnology, I constantly witness and be reminded of the suffering of the patients in need of breakthrough therapies. This is also the diver for me and my colleague in the field to strive to discover and develop the medicine to fulfil the needs of the patients around the globe.

Q: What advice would you give your younger self about to enter the “real world?”

Dr. Wang: To excel in the biomedical field, you must have the desire and the dedication to help people in need and to serve humanity. Start with the work and the job on hand, establish yourself as the person your colleagues and your manager trust to be able to deliver what you are asked and have promised. At the same time, learn and work with colleagues outside your project and function. Participate in activities to enhance cross-functional collaboration, and cross-industry community volunteer service to promote best practice sharing and operation excellence. Ultimately to become a leader and to generate greater positive impact for the industry and the people to desire to help.

Q: What have you become better at saying “no” to? (Distractions, invitations, requests, etc.) What approaches or realizations helped you?

Dr. Wang: That’s a tough one… but one of the things I have become better saying no to, especially since I started Harbour BioMed, is requests to work on new targets before delivering on older projects. Science is exciting and keeps us all motivated to find that new breakthrough, but it is also important to have the discipline of delivering on what’s in our hand. Many a time, we get distracted by the next new thing and start working on that resulting in delays to our current work. And it’s not just science, it happens even when we have emails open when we are working on something else. So, I have learnt to say no to these distractions before delivering on current projects, be it science or emails.

Q: How has DIA helped you?

Dr. Wang: DIA is a fantastic global platform to share knowledge and exchange ideas. Through this platform I have been able to access unbelievable amount of high-quality knowledge and information, and fortunate to get to know incredible large number of highly talented colleagues and friends dedicated to serving the patient’s unmet medical needs; among them a huge circle of lovely volunteers around the world serving the community for the interest of the industry and the patient’s.


和铂医药是一家聚焦于免疫性疾病(包括免疫与肿瘤免疫)领域的全球化的生物制药公司,目前已有多个创新药物进入临床开发阶段,最快的处于临床二期。公司利用其拥有全球专利的两个全人源抗体转基因小鼠平台(Harbour Mice™)研发针对肿瘤免疫和免疫性疾病的突破性创新疗法。和铂医药还通过与业务伙伴的多元化合作快速拓展其新药研发管线。更多信息,请访问 www.harbourbiomed.com






2019年7月12、13日,药时代主办的“新靶点 新技术 新机遇 助力新跨越!——2019中国抗癌药高峰论坛”将在上海举办。和铂医药创始人、董事长兼CEO 王劲松博士将作为大会主席致开幕词,并做嘉宾演讲,题目是:中国新药研发“全球化时代”面临的机遇与挑战


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