

药时代 2021-12-13

The following article is from 端粒投资 Author 立立





1990年,Richard Friesner和Bill Goddard 共同创立Schrodinger。

插播下Friesner大牛,目前是哥伦比亚大学化学系William P. Schweitzer教授,Principal Investigator。本科毕业于芝加哥大学、博士毕业于UC Berkley、博士后就读MIT。研究领域就是quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) 量子力学和分子力学、蛋白结构预测计算和算法、电子转移理论Electron transfer theory等。回忆下,当年学化学最难的就是物理化学和量子力学。Richard是Fellow of the American Academy of Sciences and a member of the National Academy of Sciences.。Schrodinger的专有算法和IP很多来自Friesner教授,教授后续退居二线、交给职业经理人经营公司,自己担任公司董事,继续从事科研,当然也指导公司技术发展,每年从公司领取30多万美元咨询费用,还有期权option,目前持有公司约2.8%左右股份,每年还可以分royalty等,当然是先分给大学、大学再分给他。

1992年,向Brookhaven National Laboratory售出第一款软件。
1995年,获得来自David E. Shaw的第一笔投资。

再插播下David Shaw大牛。量化投资大牛,UCSD本科、斯坦福计算机博士,后到哥伦比亚大学任计算机科学助理教授,1986年被摩根斯坦利高薪挖到计算机交易部门,1988年自己创立DE Shaw基金。2001年开始,大牛开始亲自从事计算生物化学computational biochemistry研究,目前的title是chief scientist of D. E. Shaw Research,也是哥伦比亚大学计算生物学和生物信息学的高级研究学者、哥伦比亚医学院生物化学和分子生物物理客座教授。David Shaw已成为计算生物学领域大牛,其参与创立的Relay今年已经纳斯达克上市,后续再详细介绍。这就是人帅、多金、还聪明天才的天之骄子!从时间点来看,DE Shawn投资Schrodinger后,开始自己亲自下场,横跨计算机、生物、化学、物理多领域。

专栏 | 书中自有黄金屋——哥伦比亚大学教授大卫·肖尔(David E. Shaw)“任性”做科研

2009年,发布WaterMap,为行业内首个计算蛋白结合水protein-bound water位置和能量的方法。
2009年,与风投机构Atlas Venture共同创立Nimbus Therapeutics。该公司于2016年被Gilead以12亿美元收购。
2012年,建立材料科学Materials Science部门。
2014年,发布FEP+,首个精确预测具有共同核心common core的不同分子的不同亲和力基准方法benchmark method。
2018年,发布Cyro-EM Initiative参与全球冷冻电镜研发中心。
2019年,与无锡药明康德合作成立Faxian Therapeutics药物研发公司。


CEO为Ramy Farid,2002年加入公司,为生物制药领域专业人士。加州理工Caltech化学博士。
科学执行副总裁EVP为Robert Abel,2009年加入公司,负责公司的计算科学平台。哥伦比亚大学博士,导师为Richard Friesner。
首席信息官CIO为Shane Brauner,2009年加入公司。休斯顿大学计算机本科,曾在多家财富50家公司工作。
首席财务官CFO为Joel Lebowitz,2018年加入公司。曾在默克工作26年。布朗大学应用数学和经济学本科、哥伦比亚大学商学院MBA。
首席技术官CTO为Patrick Lorton,2006年加入公司。负责公司的技术平台,领导所有的软件工程团队。印第安纳大学计算机科学、化学、数学本科。

公司的drug discovery团队有超过70人的多学科专业专家团队,包括蛋白科学、生物化学、生物物理、药物化学和计算化学、药物研发等biologists, medicinal chemists, biochemists, crystallographers, drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics scientists, and pharmacologists。


公司的核心技术平台为physics-based computational platform物理计算平台,为预测模型、数据分析、合作等提供整合差异化解决方案predictive modeling, data analytics, and collaboration。顾名思义,物理建模就是能够精准预测分子的关键特性,达到与湿实验physical experiments一样的准确度


From target identification to hit discovery to lead optimization.



公司的计算平台加速药物发现Drug Discovery流程如下,该流程整合了公司的物理方法和机器学习physics-based methods with machine learning。从数十亿个分子进行苗头确认、结构生物学实验、机器学习进行大规模构思、物理和机器学习进行多参数虚拟优化,如达到要求进入开发development阶段;如继续进行流程,进入实验合成和分析、机器学习进行结构活性关系SAR分析等。

理解公司physics-based modeling如何做是关键。要想发现好的lead先导化合物并进行优化,应当考虑如下不同方面。

公司独有的方法能够捕捉计算分子特征,主要是亲和力binding affinity,考虑的是吉布斯自由能△G。考虑分子和蛋白在水中、结合构象、去水状态的自由能变化,得出分子与蛋白结合时的自由能变化。这是公司physics-based method的技术关键。关键的解决方法就是后续讲的自由能扰动 free energy perturbation,相关应用为FEP+。FEP+单个GPU计算一个分子约需要24小时,8个GPU计算一个分子仅需几小时



1. Faster Lead Discovery

如physics-based replacement of the central core of a molecule, known as scaffoldhopping, to identify novel, highly potent molecules unavailable in library collections.

2. Accurate Property Prediction


3. Large-Scale Molecule Exploration

Trained and constructed to yield molecules that are synthetically feasible.

4. Large-Scale Molecule Evaluation


5. Integrated Data Management and Visualization



1. 靶点识别和验证Target Identification and Validation
  • 对可能成为药物研发的蛋白靶点进行识别和验证。

  • WaterMap是公司特有的技术,通过识别靶点蛋白结合位点水分子的位置和能量推导蛋白的成药性druggability。

  • SiteMap能够识别和评估结合位点来预测成药性,包括allosteric sites。

2. 苗头化合物发现Hit Discovery: the identification of hit molecules
  • FEP+为自由能计算软件。通过替代已知结合分子的核心central core来发现库中没有的新分子。

  • Glide为虚拟筛选virtual screening程序。

  • WScore为新一代虚拟筛选方法,尤其适合难分析的蛋白靶点。

  • Shape是通过已知hit分子的结构和形状在库中筛选新的hit分子。

  • AutoQSAR/DeepChem是领先的机器学习方法,用已知的hit分子驯化train后在库中筛选新的hit分子。

  • Induce Fit Docking,IFD可以计算模拟蛋白结合位点的结合模式,包括被结合后的结构变化。

3. 苗头到先导及先导优化Hit to Lead and Lead Optimization
  • Hit到lead主要是优化识别有潜力的lead分子。lead优化主要通过设计新的类似物analogs来提高效力、降低脱靶效应、提高物理化学/代谢特性。

除了FEP+和AutoQSAR/DeepChem继续发挥作用外,PathFinder作为枚举工具enumeration tool可以快速检索合成可追溯配体synthetically tractable ligands,还可以与其他工具一起使用。
除此之外,Schrodinger的LiveDisign为企业信息化平台,便于项目管理、不同项目组合作;Maestro为专业建模者提供advanced modeling solutions。
尽管FEP+很牛、很准确,但是速度慢,再加上机器学习,就是虎上添翼,总结就是FEP+的准确性accuracy加上machine learning的速度speed,因此能够在几天内计算十亿级别的分子。

AutoQSAR: 可以解决在建立传统Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR) 模型时需要大量经验expertise、耗费人力labor intensive等问题,将QSAR流程自动化,可以用于lead optimization, ADME/Tox modeling, genotypic and phenotypic screening analysis等。
BioLuminate: 为行业内首个综合型生物大分子设计应用,综合了行业内各种领先的模拟方法并进行任务和工作流优化。可用于:
Protein-protein docking
Protein modeling:如homology modeling and protein sequence analysis tools, including advanced loop predictions, annotation capabilities, chimeric model building, and interactive protein structure quality analysis.
Protein engineering: residue-based property predictions including binding energy, thermal stability, solvent-accessible surface area, hydrophilicity, and hydrophobicity; cysteine scanning automatically identifies potential mutations that can result in disulfide bridges; hot spots prone to proteolysis, glycosylation, deamidation, and oxidation.
Antibody modeling: Antibody-specific homology modeling workflow including automated prediction of CDR loops from sequence; a curated antibody database with tools to add in-house antibody structures.
Advanced simulations: Such as helical stability/melting analysis from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, free energy perturbation (FEP) calculation of binding affinity and protein stability, large-scale low-mode search for domain movement, and QM/MM prediction of binding site reactivity.
Canvas:化学信息学cheminformatics,可用于lead discovery and lead optimization.
ConfGen: Accurate and Rapid Conformation Generation,多用于ligand-based virtual screening。算法有创新,algorithm utilizes a divide-and-conquer strategy to build feasible molecular conformations in three steps: (1) divide input molecules into fragments by breaking exo-cyclic rotatable bonds; (2) obtain conformations for all the fragments; (3) build conformations for the whole molecule by reconnecting the fragments in various ways.
Core Hopping: Ligand- and receptor-based scaffold exploration for lead optimization。Ligand-based包括Attachment-based、Shape-based core hopping;attachment- and receptor-based core hopping methods provide the option to automatically insert linkers to a candidate core's periphery to achieve proper R-group connectivity for any replacement scaffolds.
CovDock:An all-in-one workflow for pose prediction and scoring of covalently bound ligands.
Desmond:High-performance molecular dynamics simulations, a newly developed MD code created by D. E. Shaw Research.
e-Pharmacophores: Energetically optimized structure-based pharmacophores药效基团。Ligand-based pharmacophore modeling and structure-based protein-ligand docking are both recognized as integral parts of drug discovery, each method offering particular strengths. Ligand-based technologies, such as 3D-pharmacophore modeling, are fast and thus useful for quickly screening large compound databases. On the other hand, structure-based approaches can yield more diverse actives and lead to important target insights, but can be time-consuming. The e-Pharmacophores method achieves the advantages of both ligand- and structure-based approaches by generating energetically optimized, structure-based pharmacophores that can be used to rapidly screen millions of compounds.
Epik: Rapid and robust pKa predictions. for bioavailability and pharmacokinetic profile, ligand protonation states is essential to lead discovery.
FEP+:代表Free Energy Perturbation自由能微扰,High-performance free energy calculations for drug discovery,providing better synthesis decisions during lead optimization thanks to recent advances in force fields and sampling algorithms.
Field-Based QSAR: Discover and optimize new lead compounds using quantitative predictions of binding-site chemistry. requires no knowledge of receptor structure. Ideal for both lead discovery and lead optimization.
Glide: A complete solution for ligand-receptor docking
IFD-MD: IFD代表induced-fit docking; MD为Molecular dynamics, Accurate ligand binding mode prediction for novel chemical matter, utilizes pharmacophore docking to initially place the ligand while ignoring receptor clashes. This allows for conformational sampling of the receptor in the presence of a docked ligand, rather than refining an empty binding-site.
Jaguar: Rapid ab initio Quantum Mechanics electronic structure package, computes a comprehensive array of molecular properties including NMR, IR, UV-vis, VCD, pKa, partial charges, multipole moments, polarizabilities, molecular orbitals, electron density, electrostatic potential, Fukui functions, Mulliken population, and NBO analysis.
KNIME Extensions: A modular, highly configurable framework for easy workflow automation and data analysis.
Ligand Designer: Intuitive, interactive 3D ligand design for hit-to-lead and lead optimization
LigPrep: Versatile generation of accurate 3D molecular models for lead identification, processes approximately one ligand per second.
LiveDesign®:Web-based and cloud-based enterprise informatics for accelerated drug design.Comprehensive solutions, validated across hundreds of targets, to accelerate lead discovery and optimization. FULL COMPOUND PROGRESSION IN ONE ENTERPRISE PLATFORM.
Idea Generation (Med Chemist), Expert Modeling (Comp Chemist, Med Chemist), Synthesis Tracking (Synthetic Chemist), Assay Tracking (Biologist), Review. 
Macrocycles: Tools for conformational search, permeability prediction, enumeration, conformer stability calculation, docking, and free energy calculations of macrocycles.
MacroModel: Versatile, full-featured program for molecular modeling.
Maestro: The completely reimagined all-purpose molecular modeling environment,  portal to all of Schrödinger's computational technology.
Membrane PermeabilityPhysics-based, accurate predictions of passive membrane permeability.
OPLS3e: A revolutionary advance in modern force fields.
Phase: An easy-to-use pharmacophore modeling solution for ligand- and structure-based drug design, in hit identification, core hopping, patent busting, and lead optimization
PIPER: A state of the art protein-protein docking program. Based on well-validated docking code from the Vajda lab at Boston University, judged by previous CAPRI (Critical Assessment of Prediction of Interactions) blind experiments.
Prime: A powerful and innovative package for accurate protein structure predictions, accurate model of the receptor, particularly of the active site, is central to all structure-based drug design efforts.
PrimeX: A comprehensive package for accurate protein crystal structure refinement. 
Protein Preparation Wizard: An easy-to-use tool for correcting common structural problems and creating reliable, all-atom protein models. Researchers can convert a raw PDB structure into all-atom, fully prepared protein models in minutes instead of hours or days.
Protein-Ligand Database (PLDB): An active knowledge base of structural data and protein-ligand interactions. 
PyMOL: Stunning high-performance molecular graphics for communicating structural results. Industry Leader in 3D Molecular Visualization.
QikProp: Rapid ADME predictions of drug candidates. Nearly 40% of drug candidates fail in clinical trials due to poor ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion) properties. 
QM-Polarized Ligand Docking: A research solution that combines the power of Glide with the accuracy of QSite, uses ab inito charge calculations, electrostatic charges is crucial to the success of any docking algorithm.
QSite: A high-performance QM/MM program. Classical molecular mechanics (MM) methods cannot describe the electronic changes during a reaction, and are ill-equipped to address ligand-receptor interactions in systems containing metals.Ab initio quantum mechanics (QM) is required to study reactive chemistry or interactions involving transition metals in a protein environment. 
SARvision | Biologics: A desktop application for biologics informatics. simplifies work with biopolymers, including peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, chemically modified residues, and unnatural amino acids. 
Shape Screening: Virtually screen billion compound libraries quickly with 3D shape-based similarity, using GPU-Accelerated Shape-Based Alignment. Screenable chemical space has recently grown in excess of 10^11 - 10^20 through tools like Schrödinger's Pathfinder and reaction-based enumeration like approaches employed to create Enamine REAL and other similar libraries. docking-based virtual screen of 138 million compounds required 5 years of CPU time to run, a recent GPU Shape experiment screened a version of the Enamine REAL database with 1.85 billion compound states against the 100 diverse targets from DUD-E. Screening required about 90 hours on a single GPU per target. As the calculations are highly distributable in a GPU cluster, when maximally distributed across 376 GPUs the 1.85 billion compound state screening requires about 14 minutes. Most importantly this speed up is achieved with strong early enrichment and chemical diversity in high 3D-similarity compounds.Shape Screening can screen approximately 600 conformers per second.
SiteMap: Fast, accurate, and practical binding site identification. 
WaterMap: A new paradigm in ligand optimization. Ligand binding affinity to the protein target can be explained by a detailed examination of the thermodynamics of binding, including the free energy changes resulting from displacing water molecules in the active site.


公司分为软件software和新药研发drug discovery两大板块,两大板块的商业模式和运营管理方式都不同。
1. 软件业务Software Business
根据公司对活跃客户的定位,年合同额ACV (annual contract value)超过1000美元,2019年底公司有约1266个活跃客户。

2. 药物研发业务Drug Discovery Business
  • 与外部合作研发

  • 自有研发


(a)研究费用和里程碑Research fees, discovery and clinical milestones
(b)未来的商业化里程碑potential future commercial milestones
(c)个位数的许可费single-digit royalties。


(a)可实现结构模拟Structurally Enabled
(b)生物学原理可行Biological Rationale
(c)治疗市场大Therapeutic Momentum



公司的股权结构如下。其中,DE Shawn和Bill Melinda Gates基金分别持有30.2%、12.8%股份。

Market Intelligence

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