GAQC | 二氧化碳与甲烷对极地和城市大气的影响
Global Air Quality Conversation (GAQC)是在教育部“高等学校学科创新引智计划”的资助下,由北京大学环境科学与工程学院主办的国际系列研讨会,主要包括四个主题:大气污染形成化学机制、大气监测与模拟、空气质量与气候变化以及大气污染的健康效应,针对每一主题邀请国际有影响力的专家做主题报告并就最新研究成果进行小规模讨论。项目旨在交流国际前沿研究成果、增强国际学术合作并为学生开拓国际视野和开发科研新思路。
11月11日(周五)晚 20:00-21:30
20:00 - 21:00 主题汇报 + 提问
21:00 - 21:15 BBP Q&A
21:15 - 21:30 指定论文学术讨论
Róisín is an Assistant Professor in the Dept. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University, where her group examines multidisciplinary questions drawing together observations and modeling of atmospheric chemistry and transport with terrestrial ecology. Her recent research has focused on the remote atmosphere (as part of NASA ATom), Arctic ecosystems (through NASA ABoVE), and New York's emissions of carbon and other pollutants. She obtained her PhD from University of Leeds, UK in atmospheric chemistry and was a postdoc and Research Associate at Harvard University 2009-2018.
Carbon dioxide and methane in Arctic and urban atmospheres
Carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane are increasing rapidly in the atmosphere and both have a strong inter-hemispheric gradient driven by non-uniform surface-atmosphere fluxes. The Arctic is warming at twice the global average and the carbon-rich permafrost soils of northern high-latitude ecosystems have the capacity to release large amounts of carbon to the atmosphere. Historically, the focus has been on carbon uptake in summer, when ample light and good weather make airborne and remote sensing measurements possible. However, our recent work has shown that CO2 and CH4 emissions in early winter are increasing, in line with increasing winter-time temperatures, so care must be taken to consider all seasons when calculating annual carbon budgets.
Arctic ecosystems are responding to the warming driven by anthropogenic carbon emissions. If we want to reduce Arctic warming, we have to reduce carbon emissions in lower latitudes, especially in cities. Many city governments in the US have committed to reducing their emissions of GHGs based on inventories calculated for the city. However, few cities measure their carbon emissions to know if the enacted policies are having the desired effect. Fortuitously, we began measuring CO2, CH4 and CO at an observatory in Manhattan in January 2020. I will present a preliminary analysis of the changes we have seen in the atmospheric composition of New York City and discuss the possible causes of these changes.
由我院BBP卓越环境国际班的本科生代表与Porf. Commane进行交流。相关回答和感悟,定期将发表在BBP·交流栏目中。欢迎关注BBP卓越环境国际班公众号了解更多信息~
Climate mitigation policies for cities
must consider air quality impacts
Air pollutants are coemitted with carbon dioxide (CO2) during the combustion of carbon-based fuels used to generate energy. By reducing air pollution in cities, we can improve the quality of life for millions of people, reduce the number of premature deaths, andmitigate the climate impacts of CO2 emissions. Here, we discuss the links between CO2 and coemitted air pollutants released from fossil and biofuels in mobile and stationary combustion and the impact of these emissions on air quality in cities. We highlight important examples of how policies to reduce CO2 emissions can either degrade or improve urban air quality, depending on how they are implemented. Key recommendations are to (1) prioritize the removal of carbon-fuel based combustion, especially coal and wood burning; (2) electrify transportation, especially for colder climates and heavy-duty vehicles; (3) remove sulfur from all fuels; and (4) leverage existing air quality monitoring networks to increase density of CO2 concentration measurements in cities worldwide.
11.25:GAQC | Lisa Whalley
12.09:GAQC | Ronald C. Cohen
03.11:GAQC | Neil M. Donahue
What makes particles grow in Beijing?
03.25:GAQC | Frank Keutsch
Role of Organic Hydroperoxides and Formaldehyde Catalysis in Particulate Matter Formation
04.09:GAQC | Joost de Gouw
Emissions from Wildfires, Oil and Gas Production and the Effects of COVID-19
04.22:GAQC | Frank Kelly
Toxicity of Airborne Particles: Established Evidence and Knowledge Gaps
05.13:GAQC | Hendrik Fuchs
Photochemically produced air pollution in China: Insights from field campaigns
05.27:GAQC | Oliver Wild
Using air quality models to inform short-term emission controls
09.23:GAQC | Eloise Marais
Deleterious effects of space sector air pollutant emissions on climate and stratospheric ozone
10.14:GAQC | Audrey Gaskins
Air Pollution, Climate Change, and Human Reproduction
10.28:GAQC | Junfeng Zhang
Ozone versus Ozone Reaction Products:
Which Is More Responsible for Cardiorespiratory Effects?
组织者 | 刘妍慧,Theodore Koenig
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