国际顶刊 | 《国际组织》2023年第77卷第2期
期 刊 介 绍
International Organization(IO,《国际组织》)是一份领先的同行评审期刊,涵盖了整个国际事务领域。该刊发表的文章提出了可推广的理论,改善了社会科学知识,对构成国际关系和全球政治的广泛主题提供了新的经验性见解。该刊的目标是发表关于国际政治研究的优秀理论和经验工作,包括长期以来在该刊中介绍的重要议题和值得更加重视的新兴议题。该刊欢迎采用广泛的方法论的工作。该刊吸引全球各地的学者投稿,尤其是来自传统上代表性不足的人口群体成员的更多投稿。该刊接受三种类型的投稿:研究文章(最多 14000 字)、研究笔记(最多 8000 字)和评论文章。研究笔记不必主要是经验性的贡献;它们也可以主要是理论性或概念性的,而且它们的范围通常比研究文章更窄。该刊在《科睿唯安 2022 年期刊引用报告》(Clarivate JCR2022)中 JIF=7.8,在 187 种政治科学类(Political Science-SSCI)期刊中排名第 3(Q1),在 96 种国际关系类(International Relations-SSCI)期刊中排名第 1(Q1)。
1.Disorganized Political Violence: A Demonstration Case of Temperature and Insurgency
2.Free Riding, Network Effects, and Burden Sharing in Defense Cooperation Networks
3.The Great Revenue Divergence
4.War and Welfare in Colonial Algeria
5.War Did Make States: Revisiting the Bellicist Paradigm in Early Modern Europe
战争确实造就了国家: 重新审视近代早期欧洲的好战主义范式
6.Wisdom Is Welcome Wherever It Comes From: War, Diffusion, and State Formation in Scandinavia
01 无组织政治暴力:气温与叛乱示范案例
Disorganized Political Violence: A Demonstration Case of Temperature and Insurgency
Andrew Shavera, Alexander K. Bollfrass
Any act of battlefield violence results from a combination of organizational strategy and a combatant's personal motives. To measure the relative contribution of each, our research design leverages the predictable effect of ambient temperature on human aggression. Using fine-grained data collected by US forces during the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts, we test whether temperature and violence are linked for attacks that can be initiated by individual combatants, but not for those requiring organizational coordination. To distinguish alternative explanations involving temperature effects on target movements, we examine situations where targets are stationary. We find that when individual combatants have discretion over the initiation of violence, ambient temperature does shape battlefield outcomes. There is no such effect when organizational coordination is necessary. We also find that ambient temperature affects combat-age males' endorsement of insurgent violence in a survey taken during the conflict in Iraq. Our findings caution against attributing strategic causes to violence and encourage research into how strategic and individual-level motivations interact in conflict.
02 国防合作网络中的搭便车、网络效应和责任分担
Free Riding, Network Effects, and Burden Sharing in Defense Cooperation Networks
Brandon J. Kinne, Stephanie N. Kangb
国家如何分配集体防御的负担?本文提出了一种分担负担的网络理论。我们将重点放在双边国防合作协议(DCA)上,这些协议促进了在各种国防、军事和安全问题领域的合作。通过计量模型,我们表明 DCA 伙伴的国防开支取决于其协议的网络结构。从双边角度看,《国防协议》通过让国家承诺开展国防活动,并允许合作伙伴对搭便车行为进行对等惩罚,从而增加了国防开支。然而,随着一个国家在当地的防务伙伴关系网络中的联系越来越紧密,出现了许多“朋友的朋友”的传递性关系,双边防务协定就会产生减少防务开支的反作用。国家在双边防务网络中的一体化程度越深,国防开支就越少。我们区分了这种效应背后的两种潜在机制:一种是基于效率的提高,另一种是基于搭便车。利用多层次推理网络模型进行的实证分析表明,效率的提高比搭便车的影响更大。国防合作网络可以减少国防开支,而且可以让各国更有效地保障安全。
How do states distribute the burdens of collective defense? This paper develops a network theory of burden sharing. We focus on bilateral defense cooperation agreements (DCAs), which promote cooperation in a variety of defense, military, and security issue areas. Using a computational model, we show that DCA partners' defense spending depends on the network structure of their agreements. In bilateral terms, DCAs increase defense spending by committing states to defense activities and allowing partners to reciprocally punish free riding. However, as a state's local network of defense partnerships grows more densely connected, with many transitive "friend of a friend" relations, DCAs have the countervailing effect of reducing defense spending. The more deeply integrated states are in bilateral defense networks, the less they spend on defense. We distinguish two potential mechanisms behind this effect-one based on efficiency improvements, the other on free riding. An empirical analysis using multilevel inferential network models points more to efficiency than to free riding. Defense networks reduce defense spending, and they do so by allowing countries to produce security more efficiently.
03 国家税收的大分化
The Great Revenue Divergence
Alexander Lee, Jack Paine
本文描述并解释了以前被忽视的国家税收经验模式。早在 1913 年,西方国家中央政府的人均税收水平就与世界其他国家相差无几,尽管它们拥有更富裕的社会,并一直努力进行财政收入方式的创新。西方国家的财政收入水平只是在随后的半个世纪才与其他国家出现了永久性的分化。我们通过构建一个新的具有广泛时空覆盖范围的中央政府收入面板数据集,确定了 20 世纪的税收大分化。为了解释这种模式,我们认为,可持续的高税收需要社会对国家的积极需求以及国家官僚机构的有效供应,这两个因素缺一不可 我们通过一个博弈论模型阐述了这一观点。政府可以在低效率、合法性密集型和任人唯亲三种策略中选择一种来增加收入。 从经验上看,我们的理论解释了低需求时期(19 世纪的西方国家)或低官僚能力时期(20 世纪的前殖民地)的低税收,以及西方国家最终出现的税收高峰。
This article describes and explains a previously overlooked empirical pattern in state revenue collection. As late as 1913, central governments in the West collected similar levels of per capita revenue as the rest of the world, despite ruling richer societies and experiencing a long history of fiscal innovation. Western revenue levels permanently diverged only in the following half-century. We identify the twentieth-century great revenue divergence by constructing a new panel data set of central government revenue with broad spatial and temporal coverage. To explain the pattern, we argue that sustainably high levels of revenue extraction require societal demand for an activist state, and a supply of effective bureaucratic institutions. Neither factor in isolation is sufficient. We formalize this insight in a game-theoretic model. The government can choose among low-effort, legibility-intensive, and crony-favoring strategies for raising revenues. Empirically, our theory accounts for low revenue intake in periods of low demand (the nineteenth-century West) or low bureaucratic capacity (twentieth-century former colonies), and for eventual revenue spikes in the West.
04 殖民时期阿尔及利亚的战争与福利
War and Welfare in Colonial Algeria
Gabriel Koehler-Derrick, Melissa M. Lee
A distinguishing feature of the modern state is the broad scope of social welfare provision. This remarkable expansion of public assistance was characterized by huge spatial and temporal disparities. What explains the uneven expansion in the reach of social welfare? We argue that social welfare expansion depends in part on the ability of the governed to compel the state to provide rewards in return for military service and crucially, that marginalized groups faced greater barriers to obtaining those rewards. In colonial states, subjects faced a bargaining disadvantage relative to citizens living in the colony and were less likely to win concessions from the state for their wartime sacrifices. We test this argument using a difference-in-differences research design and a rich data set of local spending before and after World War I in colonial Algeria. Our results reveal that social welfare spending expanded less in communes where the French subject share of the population was greater. This paper contributes to the state-building literature by highlighting the differential ability of the governed to bargain with the state in the aftermath of conflict.
05 战争确实造就了国家: 重新审视近代早期欧洲的好战主义范式
War Did Make States: Revisiting the Bellicist Paradigm in Early Modern Europe
Lars-Erik Cederman, Paola Galano Toro, Luc Girardin, Guy Schvitz
查尔斯-蒂利(Charles Tilly)关于近代早期欧洲“战争造就国家”的经典好战主义论断仍存在争议。该好战主义范式在其最初的适用范围内外都招致了理论批评。虽然最近有几项研究分析了蒂利理论的内生性问题,但很少有人系统地尝试评估其在国家领土扩张方面的逻辑。在本文中,我们将欧洲国家边界的历史数据与冲突数据相结合,以 1490 年到 1790 年这一时期为重点,直接检验其好战主义理论的这一关键方面。我们从国际体系、国家和社会三个层面进行分析,证实了战争在法国大革命之前(及之后)欧洲国家的领土扩张中确实发挥了至关重要的作用。
Charles Tilly's classical claim that “war made states” in early modern Europe remains controversial. The "bellicist" paradigm has attracted theoretical criticism both within and beyond its original domain of applicability. While several recent studies have analyzed the internal aspects of Tilly's theory, there have been very few systematic attempts to assess its logic with regard to the territorial expansion of states. In this paper, we test this key aspect of bellicist theory directly by aligning historical data on European state borders with conflict data, focusing on the period from 1490 through 1790. Proceeding at the systemic, state, and dyadic levels, our analysis confirms that warfare did in fact play a crucial role in the territorial expansion of European states before (and beyond) the French Revolution.
06 “对智慧敞开怀抱”:斯堪的纳维亚的战争、扩散与国家形成
Wisdom Is Welcome Wherever It Comes From: War, Diffusion, and State Formation in Scandinavia
Eric Grynaviski, Sverrir Steinsson
著名的国家形成理论认为,国家形成的原因一方面是战争和竞争,另一方面是通过学习和模仿。我们建议将这两种理论联系起来,以更准确地解释国家形成的机制。我们认为,战争是社会制度扩散的一个重要来源。战争使政治精英跨越国界建立联系,产生移民潮,并建立新的经济网络。我们通过对维京时代初期至中世纪晚期(公元 800-1300 年)北欧政治单位的比较案例研究,考察了这一理论的有效性,发现挪威和丹麦统治者对欧洲最先进王国英格兰的袭击、定居和征服,启动了挪威和丹麦的国家形成过程。在这些案例中,胜利者反而在战胜后效仿了失败者的制度。
Prominent theories of state formation hold that states formed because of warfare and competition on the one hand, or the diffusion of organizational templates and practices through learning and emulation on the other. We propose that the two strands of theory can be linked to more accurately account for mechanisms of state formation. War, we argue, is an important source of social diffusion. War establishes contacts between political elites across borders, generates migratory flows, and establishes new economic networks. We examine the validity of the theory through a comparative case study of Nordic political units from the dawn of the Viking Age to the end of the High Middle Ages (CE 800-1300), finding that raids, settlements, and conquests by Norwegian and Danish rulers in England, Europe's most advanced kingdom, set in motion state formation processes in Norway and Denmark. In these cases, the winners emulated the losers.
翻 译:高隆绪
校 对:祝嘉聪
二审:大 兰