继续教育!《国际中文教师证书》持证人员 继续教育会议(第七期)的通知
1. Lesson planning
2. Feedback giving and questioning
3. Teaching listening and Speaking (with reference to grammar teaching)
4. Teaching reading and writing skills (with reference to grammar teaching)
5. Teaching Chinese language and culture through films 6. Online teaching and learning
7. Inner cultural communication/working with and beyond curriculum
8. Action research
部分课程将使用英文授课,授课专家将通过丰富的教学视频、 案例说明及小组互动,展现并演示国际中文教学设计、听说读写技能教学、中华文化教学、在线中文教学、跨文化交际与行动研究等国际中文教学相关主题内容,突出实用性、前沿性与国际适用性。
Katharine Carruthers OBE 杜可歆✦ Director, UCL IOE Confucius Institute & Pro-Vice-Provost (East Asia), University College London✦Katharine plays a leading role in promoting and developing the study of Chinese in schools in England. She is an experienced teacher and examiner of Chinese. She is also the series editor of the textbooks for teaching Chinese for 11-16 year olds and wrote the specification for the increasingly popular Cambridge Pre-U Mandarin Chinese qualification. Besides, she is the Strategic Director for UCL’s delivery of the Department for Education’s Mandarin Excellence Programme.
Zhu Xiaoming朱晓茗
Philippa Vallely 刘晓梅
✦Teacher Training Coordinator, UCL IOE Confucius Institute
✦Philippa is responsible for the strategic planning, development, delivery and evaluation of the UCL IOE Confucius Institute for Schools’ CPD programme for Mandarin teachers in the UK. As part of the project management of teacher training, Philippa has developed courses on the UCL IOE Moodle system, and has helped design, support and develop an online beginner’s course in Chinese.
Kay McLeod 刘凯琴
✦Mandarin Excellence Programme Coordinator, UCL IOE Confucius Institute
✦Kay was Subject Coordinator for Mandarin at a school in greater London and taught Chinese and German from KS3 to KS5. Kay is responsible for the day-to-day delivery of the Mandarin Excellence Programme in schools across England.
Victor Wu
✦Teacher Training and Professional Development Coordinator, UCL IOE Confucius Institute
✦Victor works on supporting the growth of the Mandarin Excellence Prorgamme at Key Stage 4 and developing and optimising resources for the teaching and learning of Mandarin in schools across England. He has delivered multiple training sessions to in-service teachers and through regional collaborations.
1.《国际中文教师证书》持证人员直播课全勤出席,将获得继续教育线下课程 10 学分;
3.所有全勤出席者将获得由汉考国际和 UCL IOE 孔子学院颁发的结业证书。
本期继续教育有人数限制,请有意参加者在 2021年10月18日-11月15日登录汉考国际人才网(hr.chinesetest.cn)完成报名与缴费。报名时请务必注意完善个人中心的简历信息,填写有效的邮箱地址与手机号码(手机号码为登录授课平台的唯一识别码),报名人数达到上限后将提前关闭报名通道。
1.《国际中文教师证书》持证人员,300 元/人;
2.非《国际中文教师证书》持证人员(包括面试通过但不具备证书申领资格者),600 元/人,限 30 人;
3. 报 名 咨 询 邮 箱 :jsxm@chinesetest.cn , 咨 询 电 话 :010-59307620/51。