
梅赛德斯-奔驰爵士大师堂 | 当今最具实力的优秀萨克斯风手之一



Craig Handy是一名全才音乐家。除了能演奏中音、次中音萨克斯和长笛长笛以外,他还是一名乐队领队、作曲及编曲家、演员和教师。自幼受到传奇爵士萨克斯风演奏家Dexter Gordon的启发,Craig从著名的伯克利高中爵士部毕业,并在之后获得“查理帕克奖学金”,于北德州州立大学继续深造。他与众不同的声音和扎实的演奏技巧,很快便受到了那些有地位、且致力于在舞台上及巡演中培养新人才艺术家们的赏识。

Craig Handy is an accomplished musician on both alto and tenor saxophone and flute, bandleader, composer and arranger, actor, and teacher. Inspired by the legendary saxophonist Dexter Gordon at the age of 11, Craig graduated from the acclaimed Berkeley High School Jazz Program and then studied at North Texas State University with a Charlie Parker Scholarship. His distinctive sound and authentic instrumental prowess were redoubtable traits immediately noticed by artists of stature, especially those committed to nurturing new talent on the bandstand and road.

Handy在1986年移居纽约后,很快便成为纽约爵士圈中一名有力的演奏者。同时,他也开始了与包括爵士鼓大师Art Blakey和Roy Haynes、南非作曲家Abdullah Ibrahim以及Mingus Dynasty Band在内的众多杰出艺术家们合作。年仅不到30岁时,Handy便以他精湛的演奏技巧以及过人的Post-bop天赋闻名。通过与Betty Carter和Dee Dee Bridgewater等等爵士歌手们的合作,他也更加证明了自己的多才多艺。自那时起,Handy便开始与众多爵士名家们一起巡演及演出,其中包括Herbie Hancock、Cedar Walton、Wynton Marsalis和The Cookers。

Handy moved to New York in 1986 and soon became a strong player in the New York jazz scene. He began several associations with formidable artists including master drummers Art Blakey and Roy Haynes, South African melodist Abdullah Ibrahim, and the Mingus Dynasty Band. By his late 20s, Handy was already known for his technical mastery and prodigious post-bop talent, as well as the versatility demonstrated by performing with vocalists like Betty Carter and Dee Dee Bridgewater. Handy has since toured and performed with numerous jazz masters, including Herbie Hancock, Cedar Walton, Wynton Marsalis, and The Cookers.

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《Introducing Three For All + One》


1992年,Handy决定在Arabesque Records厂牌旗下发行自己的两张现代Hard bop专辑。首先是《Split Second Timing》,由Handy担任次中音与中音萨克斯风,与钢琴手Ed Simon、贝斯手Ray Drummond、鼓手Ralph Peterson, Jr.以及特邀长号手Robin Eubanks合作完成。两年后,他出版了《Introducing Three For All + One》,一张与贝斯手Charles Fambrough与鼓手Ralph Peterson, Jr.合作的三重奏专辑。

In 1992, Handy decided to lead his first of two advanced hard bop recordings on Arabesque Records, Split Second Timing, which featured Handy on both tenor and alto saxophones; pianist Ed Simon; bassist Ray Drummond; drummer Ralph Peterson, Jr.; and guest trombonist Robin Eubanks. Two years later he followed with Introducing Three For All + One, a highly praised trio recording with bassist Charles Fambrough and drummer Ralph Peterson, Jr.

《堪萨斯城》中,Handy扮演了萨克斯风手Coleman Hawkins的角色

Coleman Hawkins (Craig Handy),Lester Young (Joshua Redman)

Handy也是一名有说服力并且上镜的演员。在Robert Altman 1994年的电影《堪萨斯城》中,Handy扮演了萨克斯风手Coleman Hawkins的角色。1995年,他加入了由中音萨克斯风手Donald Harrison、风琴手Dr. Lonnie Smith以及鼓手Idris Muhammad组成的Chartbusters乐队,并在NYC和Prestige两家唱片公司旗下录制发行了2张专辑。

Handy was also a convincing and telegenic actor in Robert Altman’s 1994 film Kansas City, portraying saxophonist Coleman Hawkins. In 1995, he continued playing with the new critically acclaimed band “Chartbusters”, featuring alto saxophonist Donald Harrison, organist Dr. Lonnie Smith, and drummer Idris Muhammad and recorded two releases on the NYC and Prestige labels.

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“Cantaloupe Island” 

Herbie Hancock Quartet –Live at Umbria Jazz Festival 1996

1996年至1999年间,Handy加盟了Herbie Hancock的巡演,并在Sirroco唱片公司旗下发行了两张个人专辑:《Reflections in Change》(1999年)和《Flow》(2000年)。那时,他已经有并具备与Cedar Walton、Elvin Jones、Joe Henderson、George Adams、Freddie Hubbard以及Wynton Marsalis合作演出及录音的经历了。

现如今,Handy在自己名为Craig Handy & 2nd Line Smith的乐队中担任领队。这支乐队以演奏新奥尔良音乐和风琴大师Jimmy Smith律动感的原创作品为主。他们2014年在索尼旗下厂牌Okeh发行的专辑有着强大的明星阵容:Dee Dee Bridgewater、Wynton Marsalis、Jason Marsalis、Herlin Riley、 Ali Jackson 以及Steve Williams。

Handy toured with Herbie Hancock throughout 1996 to mid-1999, and he led two more recording projects on the Sirroco label – 1999’s Reflections in Change and 2000’s Flow. By this time, he had amassed performing and recording credits with Cedar Walton, Elvin Jones, Joe Henderson, George Adams, Freddie Hubbard and Wynton Marsalis.


Handy now leads a new project entitled Craig Handy & 2nd Line Smith, drawing on New Orleans music and the groove-filled re-imaginings of originals and standards by the late, great organist Jimmy Smith. Their release in 2014 under Okeh/Sony featured many well-known stars including Dee Dee Bridgewater, Wynton Marsalis, Jason Marsalis, Herlin Riley, Ali Jackson and Steve Williams.

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Craig Handy & 2nd Line Smith


Craig Handy - Sax & Vocal

Kyle Koehler - Hammond B3

Anthony Vanacore - drums



入场时间/Door Time:6:00 PM

演出时间/Show Time:7:30PM

地址/Add:前门东大街23号 Blue Note Beijing




B2剧场票价Ticket Price:



B1包厢价格Box Prices:

5人包厢价格/5 person:3300RMB

7人包厢价格/7 person:4620RMB

8人包厢价格/8 person:5280RMB

10人包厢价格/10 person:6600RMB










 “感性·纯粹”不仅是梅赛德斯-奔驰对于速度与激情的向往,更是对艺术与美的不懈追求。一直以来,梅赛德斯-奔驰始终积极推动音乐艺术的普及和发展,致力于将纯正的世界顶级音乐带进中国,如今更是联手Blue Note Beijing,带来“梅赛德斯-奔驰爵士大师堂系列”演出,开启又一经典乐章。在这里,世界顶级爵士音乐大师汇聚星徽之下,用生动的现场体验为热爱音乐的朋友们创造无与伦比的殿堂级艺术享受。音乐是心灵的回响,梅赛德斯-奔驰诚邀您沉浸在节奏与律动打造的爵士天籁之中,用音乐表达自我,唤醒内心深处的感动,共赴爵士生活的精彩旅程。


'Sensual Purity' is more than the unswerving yearning for speed and passion but also unswerving yearning for speed and passion for Mercedes-Benz, which has always actively promoted the development of art and music around the world, and committed to bringing the purest form of world-class music into China. To this end, Mercedes-Benz has teamed up with Blue Note Beijing to present the exclusive 'Mercedes-Benz Jazz Master Series'. This special performance series brings together the world's top jazz musicians to deliver unparalleled artistry to music fans and friends alike during a stimulating live show experience. Music is an echo of the soul. Mercedes-Benz invites you to immerse yourself in the rhythm and beats of jazz, awaken feelings deep inside, express yourself with music and start a journey into the extraordinary jazz life.

