本文发表于Geo-spatial Information Science(GSIS,地球空间信息科学学报)
摘 要
武汉大学遥感信息工程学院胡庆武教授团队针对1972 - 2019年青藏高原5个子区域25个湖泊面积、湖面高度和蓄水量的的变化特征进行研究,并分析了该时期湖泊温度、降水、冰川和冻土融化变化的潜在影响。这是地球空间信息科学应用于气候变化的重要和前沿研究方向之一。该文题名为Area, lakelevel and volume variations of typical lakes on the Tibetan Plateau and their response to climate change, 1972–2019,发表在国际SCI期刊Geo-Spatial Information Science(地球空间信息科学学报,GSIS)上。
本文利用基于DEM和Landsat图像,对青藏高原5个地区25个典型湖泊的变化特征进行了研究,并分析了1972 -2019年湖泊温度、降水、冰川和冻土融化变化的潜在影响。
Ju Zhang, Qingwu Hu, Yingkui Li, Haidong Li & Jiayuan Li (2021): Area, lakelevel and volume variations of typical lakes on the Tibetan Plateau and their response to climate change, 1972–2019, Geo-spatial Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/10095020.2021.1940318
1. 与面积和水位相比,湖泊蓄水量能更好地反映区域水循环机制,评价区域内的水量平衡。
Compared to area and lake-level, the water storage volume of lakes can better reflect a regional water cycle mechanism and assess the water balance within a region.
2.可以根据SRTM DEM数据和Landsat图像来提取湖泊水位进而计算湖泊体积变化。这种方法延长了监测湖泊变化的时间跨度。
A method is used to extract the lake-level and then calculate the lake volume variations based on SRTM DEM data and Landsat images. This approach extends the time span for monitoring lake variations.
3. 总体而言,从1972年到2019年,有更多湖泊的水位倾向于上升,而不是下降。高原中部、高原西北部和高原东北部湖泊水位均呈上升趋势。高原南部和西部3个湖泊的海拔略有上升,其余湖泊的海拔有下降的趋势。
Overall, from 1972 to 2019, more lakes tended to increase in lake-level than tended to decrease.
The lakelevels of all lakes within the central plateau, the northwestern plateau, and the northeastern plateau were trending upward.
Three lakes in the southern and western plateau increased slightly, while the remaining lakes tended to decrease in surface elevation.
4. 大部分湖泊的面积年变率不显著,其中乌兰奴拉湖萎缩最快,为1.416 km2/a,色林钴湖扩张最快,为6.391 km2/a。2000-2010年,面积变化与湖泊水位变化相似。
The annual area change rate of most lakes is not significant, with Ulanula Lake shrinking the fastest, by 1.416 km2 per year, and Selin Co expanding the fastest, by 6.391 km2 per year. From 2000 to 2010, the change in area was similar to that of the lake-level.
5. 从1972年到2019年的40年间,大部分湖泊的面积呈扩张趋势,尤其是中央高原、西北高原和东北高原。
与湖泊水位变化相同,面积减少幅度最大的是羊卓雍措湖,年面积减少速率为1.922 km2/a。增长最大的是色林错湖,年面积变化为19.966 km2/a。
Over the four decades from 1972 to 2019, most of the lakes tended to expand in area, especially on the central plateau, the northwestern plateau and the northeastern plateau.
The same as the lake-level change, the largest decrease in area is Yangzhuoyong Co, which the annual area decrease rate is 1.922 km2 /a. The largest increase is Selin Co, which the annual area change is 19.966 km2 /a.
6. 从1972年到2000年,25个湖泊的总水位和水量略有下降,面积略有增加。2000 - 2010年和2010 - 2019年湖泊水位增幅基本相同,面积和体积增幅均高于2010 - 2019年。
Total lake-level and volume decreased slightly for the 25 lakes from 1972 to 2000, with a slight increase in area.
The percentage increase in lake-level was the same for 2000 to 2010 and 2010 to 2019, and the percentage increase in area and volume was higher for 2000 to 2010 than 2010 to 2019.
Total lake-level, area, and volume increased during 1972 to 2019, with 25 lakes tripling in total volume.
7. 总的来说,从1972年到2019年,湖泊可以分为三个变化阶段:2000年之前湖泊略有萎缩,2000年到2010年湖泊急剧扩张,最后十年湖泊增长放缓。
Overall, during 1972 to 2019, the lakes can be divided into three phases of change, with lakes shrinking slightly before 2000, expanding dramatically between 2000 and 2010, and slowing down in the last decade.
8.从总体上看,南部高原的年平均气温大于西部和中部的高原,大于西北和东北高原。青藏高原降水由东南向西北递减。年降水量中部高原为300 ~ 450 mm,南部高原为300 ~ 400 mm,东北部高原为200 ~ 300 mm,西部高原和西北部高原为100 ~ 200 mm。
On the whole, the average annual temperature of the southern plateau is greater than that of the western and central plateau, and greater than that of the northwestern and northeastern plateau.
Precipitation on the Tibetan Plateau decreases from southeast to northwest.
The annual precipitation is 300 to 450 mm in the central plateau, 300 to 400 mm in the southern plateau, 200 to 300 mm in the northeastern plateau, 100 to 200 mm in the western plateau and the northwestern plateau.
9. 1972 - 2000年,高原南部、西部和西北部湖泊水量与区域降水变化不一致。2000 - 2010年期间,高原西部地区降水和体积变化趋势相反,其他地区降水和体积变化趋势一致。从2010年到2019年,所有5个地区的湖泊数量都有增加的趋势。
From 1972 to 2000, lakes volume and regional precipitation variation were inconsistent in the southern, western and northwestern plateaus. From 2000 to 2010, the trends in precipitation and volume within the western plateau were reversed, while the other regions have consistent trends during this period. The volume of lakes in all 5 regions likewise tended to increase from 2010 to 2019.
10. 从1972年到2019年,除西部高原外,气温均呈上升趋势。气温上升可能会融化冰川,导致与冰川相连的湖泊扩张。但与冰川相连的部分湖泊在这一时期有所萎缩,如高原南部的杨羊卓雍措、佩枯错等。
From 1972 to 2019, temperature tended to increase except for the western plateau. Rising temperatures could melt glaciers, which could cause lakes connected with glaciers to expand.
But some of the lakes connected with glaciers shrank during this period, such as Yangzhuoyong Co, Peigu Co in the southern plateau.
11. 青藏高原湖泊的水平衡除了受气候因素影响外,还受到冰川、雪水当量、冻土融化、地表径流、地下水和人类活动等多种因素的影响。
In addition to climatic factors, the water balance of lakes on the Tibetan Plateau is also influenced by a variety of factors such as glaciers, snow water equivalent, permafrost melting, surface runoff, groundwater and human activities.
作 者 简 介
A u t h o r s
1. 张菊,博士生,主要研究方向为遥感技术与应用。
Ju Zhang is currently pursuing the PhD. degree with Wuhan University. Her research interests include techniques and applications of remote sensing.
2. 胡庆武,博士,武汉大学教授,研究方向为RS、GIS与GPS集成,摄影测量等方法、技术与应用。
Qingwu Hu received the B.Eng., M.Eng. degree and PhD. degree in Wuhan University. He is currently a professor with Wuhan University. His research interests include methods, techniques and applications of remote sensing, GIS and GPS integration, photogrammetry, and so on.
3. 李英奎,博士毕业于北京大学,目前任田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校的教授。研究方向是青藏高原湖泊水位波动对气候变化的影响,以及利用RS和GIS技术和水文模型评估土地利用变化/城市化对地表径流和水质的影响。
Yingkui Li received the B.Eng., M.Eng. degree and Ph.D. degree in Peking University. He is currently a professor with University of Tennessee Knoxville. His current work focuses on investigating the response of lake level fluctuations to climate change in the Tibetan Plateau and assessing the impact of land use change/urbanization on surface runoff and water quality using RS and GIS techniques and hydrological modeling.
4. 李海东,南京市环境科学研究所副研究员,研究方向为区域生态与矿山环境恢复、气候变化与生物多样性等。
Haidong Li received the PhD. degree in Nanjing Forestry University. He is currently an associate researcher with Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences. His main research interests are regional ecology and mine environment restoration, climate change and biodiversity, etc.
5. 李加元,博士,武汉大学副研究员。目前主要研究方向为遥感、图像匹配和特征配准。
Jiayuan Li received the B.Eng., M.Eng. degree and PhD. degree in Wuhan University, where he is currently an associate researcher. His current research is mainly focused on remote sensing, image matching and feature registration.
图1. 研究区地图(Ma et al. 2011)
图2. 湖泊面积、水位、水量计算流程图
图3. 湖泊水位计算流程图
图4. 1972-2000年、2000-2010年、2010-2019年和1972-2019年25个湖泊年湖泊水位变化率空间分布
图5. 1972 - 2000年、2000 - 2010年、2010 - 2019年和1972 - 2019年25个湖泊年湖面面积变化率空间分布
图6. 2010 - 2019年色林钴湖界变化特征
图7. 1972 - 2000年、2000 - 2010年、2010 - 2019年和1972 - 2019年25个湖泊年水量变化率空间分布
图8. 青藏高原2010 - 2019年年平均气温的空间变化
图9. 青藏高原2010 - 2019年年降水量的空间变化
图10. 1972 - 2019年25个湖泊年平均气温(AAT)和年降水量(AP)的年变化率
图11. 1972-2000年、2000-2010年和2010-2019年的平均AAT和AP
表1. 研究区湖泊的位置以及每个湖泊流域的冰川和永久冻土覆盖范围
表2. 1972 - 2000年、2000 - 2010年、2010 - 2019年和1972 - 2019年25个湖泊的面积、水位和水量的年变化率
表3. 各区域湖泊面积、水位和体积增长百分比
表4. 1972 - 2000年、2000 - 2010年、2010 - 2019年和1972 - 2019年5个区域AAT和AP年变化率
本文采用的SRTM高程数据为国际农业研究协商组织(Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research, http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/)提供的4.1版数据。
气象数据由美国国家海洋和大气管理局 (https://www.noaa。gov/)和中国气象数据中心提供。
Ju Zhang, Qingwu Hu, Yingkui Li, Haidong Li & Jiayuan Li (2021): Area, lakelevel and volume variations of typical lakes on the Tibetan Plateau and their response to climate change, 1972–2019, Geo-spatial Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/10095020.2021.1940318
翻译:杨佳琪 | 排版:王 威
编辑:王晓醉 | 审核:张淑娟
关于 Geo-spatial Information Science
Geo-spatial Information Science(GSIS)是由武汉大学主办的测绘遥感专业英文期刊,主编为中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士李德仁教授。2020年9月被SCI收录,2020影响因子为4.288,Q2分区。2020 CiteScore为7.4,Q1分区。
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