

2016-10-21 Ashitaka 无限宇宙之爱





解密外星人档案 外星植入物-纪录片视频-爱奇艺











你说了算  if you say so


刚刚出来的是什么?  what is that that's coming through

你告诉我  you tell me

记住我甚至不说英语  remember i am not speaking even the English language

我只是送出思想波然后它们被翻译成这个管道所理解的语言  i am simply sending thought pulses and they are being translated into the language that the channel understands

所以这个管道只是作为一个生物翻译机  so the channel simply acting as a biological translator

假如这个管道的大脑无法理解  and if the channels brain cannot make sense out of it

信息通常也不会被翻译到我这边来  it usually will not translate on this end either

我已经花了很多时间与你和你的文明  I've spent much time with you in your civilization

在我来看作为在第五,六维度  as I see it within fifth and sixth dimension

因为现在你转移了,不过当你说话时我与你度过了时光  because you now transferred but I've spent time with you when you were speaking

我记得有时还有转换到心灵感应  and I remember times and transitioning over into telepathy

好吧,但是那不是我们古语的表达方式  alright but that is not a representation of our ancient language

它更像是那种从天狼星星系的较高维度所发出的东西  it is something far more similar to the idea of that which issues from the higher dimensional planes of the star system of Sirius

是的,我从海豚那里收到的  yeah i got from the dolphins

是的,就是这样  yes well there you go

因为他们更甚于我们以心灵感应的方式连结天狼星能量  ok because they're telepathically connected to serious energy even more than our

然后?  and so

然后我有个关于植入物(implants)的问题  and so I have a question about implants

关于?  about?

植入物 恩  implants yes

我想知道... 我们在谈论哪一种植入物?  I wondering if I had  what kind are we talking about


不,我没有那种的,虽然那是城里人用的植入物  no I don't have any of those even though that is the city for it

好吧...  alright

硅胶入物(silicon implants)  【译注:丰胸用的(╯▽╰)】

喔,我的天呐! (台下的观众: 去做吧,妹纸!)

我的意思是那种植入物... 是是,我知道,我只是在跟你开点小玩笑  I mean implants yes yes i know i'm having a little fun with you

因为你知道我可接受不了它  because you know I can't take it

是的 嘿嘿嘿!

关于它们什么?  what about them

我想知道我是不是有那些植入物, 其实我有那些,来自...  I'm wondering if I have them i do come from yeah

我想知道你是不是也有那些?  i'm wondering if there for you

不,我们不那样做  no we don't do

好吧,没有人,这很酷  okay no who that's cool

要明白很多人已达成协议同意参加那个计划  understand that many people have made an agreement to participate in that program

所谓的植入物,当它们存在是有多种原因的  the idea of the so-called implants when they exist are for a variety of reasons

它们不只提供信息、位置和追踪那些参与混血计划的人  they not only provide information location and tracking of those that participate in that program in that hybridization program

它们也提供信息下载,还有输送能量给你  but they also feed and download information and energy to you

并且帮助和协助你从一个维度转换到另一个维度  and also aid and assist in the shifting from one dimension to another

这能理解吗? 是的  does that make sense yes

这解决了你的情况了吗?  does that address your situation

还有你想更细节地讨论其它东西吗?  or is there something else you wish to discuss in more detail

我还想讨论一件事,他们感觉好像我刚刚降落在这里  there's something outside i wish to discuss they feel as though i have just landed here

喔,相对来说你确实是的  oh,relatively speaking you have

还有...  and

我在想是否有人愿意带一个混血人回家  i'm wondering if anyone would like to take home a hybridized human

哈哈,我不是吃货  I don't eat much

我有各种各样有趣的故事,我今晚在旅馆过夜, 但是在这里我没有一个家  and I have all sorts of fun stories i'm staying in a hostel tonight but I don't have a home here

好的  alright

真的?我是说...我知道我明白你的意思...  really?i mean i do I know I get that

不管你在哪里你都有一个家,光是刚刚问的那句话  you have a home wherever you are and by simply putting that out there

你将会看到你所吸引来的(家)  you will see what it is you attract

好吗? 好的  alright alright

那对你有帮助吗? 有, 谢谢  does it help you?yes thank you

喔,还一件事 是,喔喔喔!┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ 呜呜,还有好多呢  oh one more yeah oh there's so much

恩..我们共有一个超灵吗?  um we we shared oversoul

“我们”指谁? 你和我  who?you and I

没有  no

那我跟阿尼玛呢?  me and Anima?

较接近 好的  closer ok

你告诉我,我应该继续钓鱼还是?  shall i keep fishing or will you tell me

那要看你用哪种鱼饵  depends on what kind of bait you're using

很多我们社会的成员我们还没提到过  we have not mentioned many members of our society

不过有一位与你的振动比较接近  but there is another one that you're closer to vibrationally

好的  ok


我不知道那是什么,就是脱口而出 接近  I don't know what that is just came out close

你有个好的开始 好  you've got the right ok

Essassani艾莎莎尼的古语里代表数字“13”的单词叫什么?  what is the old Essassani word for the number 13

(音译)塞博尔  seibel

这古老的单词用来代表我们种族里的一员  which is an ancient word that is being used to represent one of our kind

祂都是和转变、改变有关  who is all about transformation and change

而且事物永远不会是一样的  and things never being the same

完美,谢谢 谢谢  perfect thank you

我想唱首歌给你听  I would like to sing you a song

也许不是现在,改天?  maybe not now but someday

那首歌已经被接收到了  it's already been received

完美,谢谢 谢谢  perfect thank you

日安! 日安!  good day!







