
看到Green Tea Bitch时,会想到"绿茶婊"是什么鬼吗?

2016-06-22 翻吧君 翻吧

今天偶尔乱翻书,打开陈德彰教授新编著的《热词新语翻译谭(三)》的目录,看到后面有一篇《对女性时髦称呼》的文章。在正文里,有一个词闯入眼帘——“green tea bitch”。翻吧君顿时一愣,这个词是什么呀?“绿-茶-婊”?

果然,这个英文对应的词是在2013年break the Internet的词“绿茶婊”。陈教授指出:"这是一个网络用语",并引用了网友的解释,“特指那些装纯妓女,总是长发飘飘、清汤寡面、貌似素面朝天(without makeup)但暗地里化了妆,特质是装出人畜无害、心碎了无痕、岁月静好的样子……”。嗯,这个解释好熟悉呀,找了度娘一看,果然这是对这一类人的定义。《汉语世界》的英文版在2014年10月有一篇标题TOP FIVE MOST HATED CHINESE SUBCULTURES的文章,将这个词列入其中,并用英文加以解释:

GTB(Green tea bitch)’s are considered some kind of conspiracy/subculture mostly by their ex-boyfriends who feel manipulated (see: stuck with a girl who’s sexy but doesn’t want to put out.) In China’s frequently sexist culture, calling a woman a GTB means that she acts modest enough to be desirable, but can still be shamed for sexy pictures she puts online, or who she chooses to date. Doubtless, there are some GTBs who actually take advantage of men, but the vast majority get labeled out of jealousy or sexism.

可是,为什么是“绿茶”,而不是“奶茶”呢?如果将“绿茶婊”翻译成“grean tea bitch”的话,那“奶茶婊”就必然会翻译成“milk tea bitch”啰!这种翻译方式,肯定不对,英语人士肯定理解不了文化内涵如此深的Chinglish。


翻吧君记得,“绿茶婊”这个词在互联网上兴盛源于2014年的一件丑闻事件——在海南举办的所谓“海天盛宴”(sex party)。这件丑闻不仅制造了“绿茶婊”一词,还让“外围女”和“嫩模”这个群体——她们早在2013年就出现了——正式进入到大众的视野之中。但是,这仍然无法解释“绿茶”这么一个与bitch八杆子打不着的词,能结合在一起。


那将“绿茶婊”翻译成green tea bitch就更上错上加错了。《21世纪英文报》的微信公众号(i21stCentury)曾在一篇文章中提到过英文翻译。不过,作者认为green tea btich过于直译,为了让外国人更了解这个词的意思,可翻译成angelic girl。不过,这篇文章援引的Yahoo Entertainment上的一篇题为China’s ‘Green Tea Girls’–love them or hate them 的博客文章,却道出了英文中如何准确“打开”这个词的方式:

She has the innocent face of an angel, complete with a creamy complexion, beautiful silky long hair and perfect skin. But under that unambitious and pure looking facade lies a climber of the social ladder and a gold digging monster whose main goal is to snag a rich boyfriend or husband.


图片中的这位女子是不是与上面英文里的描述100%重合呢? 据说她是中国第一位网民指认的GBT。

在green tea bitch更让人纠结在文化层面的理解情况下,按英文的习惯,直截了当的翻译似乎更能让外国人理解了。有人在知道里认为,更为直接地用Urban dictionary网站上的一个词,prententious bitch

An annoying, usually psuedo-intellectual, skank or artist who listens to alternative music genres and thinks she's better than everyone. In order to maintain whatever self-esteem she has, she criticizes everyone and everything she sees, but in a very passive aggressive way, as to avoid open conflict. If she does fall into a verbal conflict her only defense mechanism is to rattle off random bullshit that makes no sense. Because her target doesn't know wtf she's talking about, she feels she is above the whole thing.

I hate pretentious bitches.

--by WHOknewHOZ March 19, 2011


在2014年,网易的一篇文章中列出全球热门词汇,将这么一个词翻译成“绿茶婊”,就是basic bitch。网易发的这篇文章将basic bitch“用来形容那些喜欢生活中简单快乐的姑娘们,比如太妃榛果拿铁配焦糖浓缩咖啡奶油,浪漫的贺岁片和艺术指甲。”如果是这样,这个词的意思可就与“绿茶婊”的意思相去甚远,不一样。当然,在urban dictionary上的解释也是很逗的:

Someone who is unflinchingly upholding of the status quo and stereotypes of their gender without even realizing it. She engages in typical, unoriginal behaviors, modes of dress, speech, and likes. She is tragically/laughably unaware of her utter lack of specialness and intrigue. She believers herself to be unique, fly, amazing, and a complete catch, when really she is boring, painfully normal, and par. She believes her experiences to be crazy, wild, and different or somehow more special than everything that everybody else is doing, when really, almost everyone is doing or has done the exact same thing. 

当然,对于这样没有个性,随大流的女孩,如果不是为了表示一种“蔑视”态度,我们可以称之为basic girl。也可以称她们是Starbucks girl——原因也很简单,Starbucks coffee是美国人最喜欢的饮料,自然也会是这些女孩们视中的“时尚”和“潮流”,但是,这也在很大程度上反映出在品味层面没有个性,比较容易人云亦云。

不过,翻吧君还查到另一个词,会用来表示“绿茶婊”的,就是thot。Thot 一词源自that ho(whore),指那种喜欢promiscuous girls。这个词似乎接近于更不接近“绿茶婊”的特征。在美国Slate网站上,一名知名专栏作家Miley Syrus专门针对thot这个词写了一篇文章。在文章中,她考据了一下thot的最初含义:

The archetypical thot, as constructed through memes circulated on Instagram and Twitter, drinks cheap alcohol, eats Chipotle, uses a Metro PCS phone card, and shops at mall staple Aeropostale. She has a beauty mark piercing on her upper lip, just as the “tramps” who came before her sported tattoos on their lower backs. She is “grocery shopping in heels looking like” she’s “going to the EBT awards.” In their most absurd forms, thot memes position thotness as a quality that’s predestined from birth: A thot is named “Jasmine” or “Sasha,” and she stands 5-foot-1 to 5-foot-5. Most of the time, she’s black.

好了,对于这么一个对女性并不是很好的词的研究到此为止。对了,这种女孩似乎并不是中国社会里独有的。看看一位美国人是怎么讲她的一位侄媳女当年的一段wuli糗事吧!——注意,她将侄媳妇称为faux innocent sweetie virgin

This faux innocent sweetie virgin is not something new....in the late 1960s, my cousin's girlfriend (now his wife) was exactly like that....she would purse and quiverrrrr her lips when looking at him adoringly and batting her lashes, a plump bottom heavy #$%$ with thin spindly leg, that he picked up from a bar...he came from a rich family. I was in my early teens then ...ooops, now you all can guess how ancient I am.....anyway I caught her in bed with the younger brother of the said cousin...went home, consulted my parents who said not to get involved. Now she is an even heavier bottomed auntie with the same splindy legs....reminds me of a florence flask sitting on a tripod, that I used to heat up over a bunsen burner during chemistry lessons....


The "Coffee B*tch"(咖啡婊) is used to describe high-end office ladies who like to speak in a mix of English and Chinese and love taking photos of themselves enjoying the high life.

The "Black Tea B*tch"(红茶) on the other hand, is a rougher version of her Green Tea counterparts, applying thick eye make-up, and openly smoking and drinking while wearing revealing clothes.

The "Milk Tea B*tch"(奶茶婊) is typified by a woman who talks in a child-like lisp and affects a generous and giving nature to everyone around her with the aim of attracting men who will shower attention and gifts on her.

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