

2017-05-03 马文英等 翻吧


The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, which takes the theme "strengthening international cooperation and co-building the 'Belt and Road' for win-win development," will be held from May 14 to 15 in Beijing. President Xi Jinping will attend the opening ceremony and host a round-table leaders' summit.



“一带一路”(the Belt and Road)指“丝绸之路经济带”(the Silk Road Economic Belt)和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”(the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road)。2013年9月和10月,中国国家主席习近平在出访中亚和东南亚国家期间,先后提出共建“一带一路”的重大倡议,得到国际社会高度关注。

“一带一路”贯穿亚欧非大陆,一头是活跃的东亚经济圈(the vibrant East Asia economic circle),一头是发达的欧洲经济圈(developed European economic circle),中间广大腹地国家经济发展潜力巨大。丝绸之路经济带重点畅通中国经中亚、俄罗斯至欧洲(波罗的海);中国经中亚、西亚至波斯湾、地中海;中国至东南亚、南亚、印度洋。21世纪海上丝绸之路重点方向是从中国沿海港口过南海到印度洋,延伸至欧洲;从中国沿海港口过南海到南太平洋。


“一带一路”建设是沿线各国开放合作的宏大经济愿景,需各国携手努力,朝着互利互惠、共同安全的目标(the objectives of mutual benefit and common security)相向而行。努力实现区域基础设施更加完善(improve the region's infrastructure),安全高效的陆海空通道网络基本形成(put in place a secure and efficient network of land, sea and air passages),互联互通达到新水平(lift their connectivity to a higher level);投资贸易便利化水平进一步提升(further enhance trade and investment facilitation),高标准自由贸易区网络基本形成(establish a network of free trade areas that meet high standards),经济联系更加紧密(maintain closer economic ties),政治互信更加深入(deepen political trust);人文交流更加广泛深入(enhance cultural exchanges),不同文明互鉴共荣(encourage different civilizations to learn from each other),各国人民相知相交、和平友好(promote mutual understanding, peace and friendship among people of all countries)。


一是通过各国发展战略和政策对接,形成优势互补和协同发展,解决各国发展不平衡、国际合作碎片化的问题。(we need to align the development strategies and policies of various countries, so that we can complement our advantages and develop in a collaborative way to deal with the imbalance of global development and the fragmented international cooperation.)

二是通过集中突破基础设施不足这一发展瓶颈,从供给侧挖掘经济增长潜力,推进跨境互联互通,产生辐射带动效应,实现各国联动发展。(we need to work together to break the bottleneck of inadequate infrastructure, explore the economic growth potential from the supply side and improve cross-boundary connectivity to generate radiating effect in a bid to realize interactive development of all countries. )

三是通过加强金融合作,打造世界经济持久增长的支撑体系,完善区域的产业布局。(we need to strengthen financial cooperation and build a system to support sustained world economic growth and to consummate regional industrial distribution.)

四是通过深化各国人民友好往来,形成经济合作和文化融合的良性循环,营造和平安宁的发展环境。(we need to deepen friendly exchanges among people of all countries to form a positive cycle between economic cooperation and cultural exchanges, and create a peaceful and tranquil environment for development.)



strengthening international cooperation and co-building the 'Belt and Road' for win-win development



领导人参加的圆桌峰会是本次论坛的重点,分为两个阶段,第一阶段议题是:“加强政策和发展战略对接,深化伙伴关系”(better integrate the policies and development strategies of the countries along the Belt and Road, deepen partnership); 第二阶段议题是:“推进互联互通务实合作,实现联动发展”(push forward connectivity and practical cooperation and achieve inter-connected development)。圆桌峰会期间将举行工作午餐,领导人将围绕“促进人文交流合作”(enhance people-to-people exchange and cooperation)议题展开讨论。


  • “政策沟通和发展战略对接——创新机制、共谋发展”(Policy Communication and Development Strategy Docking-Innovative Mechanisms and Common Development)

  • “互联互通,走向繁荣”("Interconnection and Moving towards Prosperity)

  • “畅通高效,共赢发展,深化'一带一路'经贸合作”(Smooth, Efficient, Win-win Development and Deepening the Economic and Trade Cooperation of 'the Belt and Road)

  • “建立多元化投融资体系,促进'一带一路'建设”(Establishing Diversified Investment and Financing System and Promoting the Belt and Road" Construction)

  • “共建民心之桥,共促繁荣发展”(Jointly Build the Bridge of People's Hearts and Promoting Prosperity and Development)

  • “携手打造智力丝绸之路”(Joining Hands to Create Intelligence Silk Road)。

高级别会议(high-level conference)的八个重点研讨内容:

  • 基础设施(infrastructure)

  • 产业投资(industry investment)

  • 经贸合作(economic and trade cooperation)

  • 能源资源(energy and resources)

  • 金融合作(financial cooperation)

  • 人文交流(people-to-people and cultural exchanges)

  • 生态环境(ecological civilization)

  • 海上合作(maritime cooperation)



  • 凝聚更多共识(pool more consensus)

  • 明确合作方向(identify cooperation directions)

  • 推动项目落地(push forward the implementation of projects)

  • 完善支撑体系(improve supporting systems)


  • 政策沟通(policy coordination)

  • 设施联通(facilities connectivity)

  • 贸易畅通(unimpeded trade)

  • 资金融通(financial integration)

  • 民心相通(people-to-people bond)。


  • 以本次高峰论坛为契机,打造一个更加开放和高效的国际合作平台(use the forum to build a more open and efficient international cooperation platform)。

  • 以共商、共建、共享原则为遵循,构建一个更加紧密和强劲的伙伴关系网络(build a closer, stronger partnership network through consultation to meet the interests of all)。

  • 以开放包容、合作共赢理念为引领,推动构建更加公正、合理和均衡的全球治理体系(push for a more just, reasonable and balanced international governance system under the guidance of openness and inclusiveness, cooperation and mutual benefit)。



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