
人教版八年级英语上册Unit10 课文朗读+微课视频+知识点

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Unit 9 Can you come to my party?


1、on Saturday afternoon 在星期六下午, 

2、have to 必须,

3、 prepare for  准备,

4、go to the doctor去看病,

5、have the flu 患流感,

6、help my parents给父母帮忙,

7、come to the party 参加晚会,

8、meet my friend见朋友,

9、go to the party  参加晚会, 

10、too much homework 太多的家庭作业, 

11、go to the movies去看电影, 

12、another time下次,

13、last fall 去年秋天,

14、hang out 闲逛,  

15、after school 放学后,

16、on the weekend 在周末, 

17、study for a test备考,

18、visit grandparents 拜访爷爷奶奶, 

19、the day before yesterday 前天,

20、the day after tomorrow后天, 

21、have a piano lesson 上钢琴课, 

22、look after 照看,

23、accept an invitation 接受邀请,

24、turn down an invitation拒绝邀请,

25、take a trip  参加郊游,

26、at the end of this month在本月底, 

27、look forward to  期望/渴望,

28、 the opening of…开幕/开业,

29、reply in writing 写回信,

30、go shopping 购物,

31、do homework 做作业,

32、go to the concert参加音乐会, 

33、not…until 不…直到才


1、invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事, 

2、What  a/an + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 (+ 主语 + 谓语)!

3、help sb. (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事, 

4、What + 形容词 + 名词复数/不可数名词(+ 主语 + 谓语)!

5、be sad to do sth. 做某事感到悲伤,

6、see sb to do sth /see sb doing sth看见某人做某事,

7、the best way to do sth.做某事的最好方法, 

8、have a surprise party for sb为某人举办一个惊喜的晚会,

9、look forward to doing sth. 期望做某事,

10、reply to sth/sb.回答某人/回答某事,

11、What’s today? 今天星期几,几月几日?

12、What’s the date today?今天几月几日? 

13、What day is it today?今天星期几?


1、Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?星期六下午你能参加我的晚会吗?

2、Sure, I’d love to.  /  Sorry, I can’t. I have to prepare for an exam.


Can you come to my party on Saturday?    

Sure, I’d love to. /Sorry, I must study for a math test.

Can you go to the movie tomorrow  night?

Sure. That sound great. I’m afraid not. I have the flu.

Can he go to the party?           

No, he can’t. He has to help his parents.

Can she go to the baseball game?   

No, she’s not available. She must go to the doctor.

Can they go to the movie?         

No, they’re not free. They might have to meet their friends.


1、prepare意为“准备”,强调准备的动作与过程。宾语是这一动作的承受者。其后也可接双宾语,还可接不定式。  prepare for sth. 为…准备好。for的宾语不是动作的承受者,而是表示准备的目的,即所要应付的情况。  /  prepare to do sth  准备做某事。 

prepare 强调准备的动作与过程。宾语是这一动作的承受者。其后也可接双宾语,还可接不定式。

get/be ready意为“准备好”,强调准备的结果。常见结构有:①be ready(for sth.)②get sth. ready③be ready(for sth)④be get ready to do(准备干某事,乐于干某事)

We _____ the mid-term examination.  Miss Li said, “Everyone should ______before class.

2. have the flu 患感冒, have a cold 感冒 ,have a cough 咳嗽, have a fever 发烧 ,  have a sore throat 喉咙痛, have a headache 头痛 ,have a toothache 牙痛,

3. hang out 常去某处,泡在某处, hang on 紧紧抓住,  hang about 闲荡, hang up  挂电话,悬挂,挂起

4. catch you =see you = bye bye ,catch a cold感冒 , catch sb’s eye引起某人注意, catch the train 赶上火车 

catch up with =keep up with 赶上,跟上 ,catch hold of=take hold of 抓住

5.accept 接受 , 反义词为: refuse。  accept指主观上愿意接受,receive 收到,指客观上收到或拿到,但主观上不一定会接受。 I received his gift yesterday, but I wouldn’t like to accept it.

1. turn down = refuse 拒绝    turn up 放大,调高    turn over 翻身    take turns 依次,轮流

2. help sb.(to) do sth 帮助某人做某事  help sb. with sth  在某方面帮助人   help oneself to sth  随便吃

3. at the end of  在…末尾,在…尽头,  by the end of   到…末为止     in the end of  终于

4. surprised 形容词,感到意外的,主语是人be surprised to do sth  对做某事感到意外

surprising 形容词,令人惊讶的,主语是物  The news was surpring.

surprise 名词,惊奇、惊讶 to one’s surprise使某人吃惊,动词,使惊奇,使感到意外 It surprise sb to do sth.

5. look forward to  期待,盼望,to 是介词,后跟名词,代词或动名词作宾语。

hear from sb. 收到某人的来信 = receive a letter from sb.

hear of = hear about 听说

6. make it 在约定的时间内到达,能够来 =  arrive in time;   Glad you could make it.

商量确定的时间,表示将来某项计划的安排,后接时间状语。 Let’s make it at seven o’clock on Tuesday.

成功办成某事 = succeed  After years of hard work, he finally made it.

7. reply  回答,指用口头或书面形式回答,不及物动词  reply to sb/sth.  对…..作出回答。

作及物动词,意为 回答,回答说。作名词,意为:答道,回信,答复,后跟介词 to .

answer 是最普通的用语,包括口头,书面或行动的回答,可作及物和不及物动词


Unit 9-Unit 10重点单词、短语及句子专练



exam, available, accept, glad, delete

1. Oh, I can’t ________ the gift. It’s too expensive.

2. The doctor is not ________ now. You have to wait.

3. Sam is very ________ that his sister will study in Peking University.

4. ________ Mark’s name from the list(名单). He doesn’t want to go camping with us.

5. She usually gets over 90 points in any ________.


1I'm really looking f________ to getting good grades.

2I want to keep healthyso I eat fruit and vegetables instead of chips and c________.

3The school art festival is coming. The students are  p________  for it at present.

4The beggar(乞丐)r________  to enter the room because he was very dirty.

5The diary always reminds me of the meaningful  e________

6Please a________  our best wishes for your exams.

7I don't know how to o________  a show. Can you tell me?

8When I feel s_________my friends always encourage me to cheer up.

9After a night's work w________  sleephe looked very sleepy.

10Thanks for i________  me to see such a wonderful movie.

11In the Chinese lunar(阴历的)c________12 animal signs appear in a fixed order.

12You will find various books a________  in the school library.

13My wife advised to move to the southbut I couldn't take her a________.

14They tried to run fast in order to c________  up with me.

15Tony is an u________  boy. He can always bring us warmth and pleasure.

16What? Jack had his purse stolen on the busHow c________  he was!

17My father looked angrily at me because I had made such a big m________.

18—That important problem has been discussed for nearly two weeks.

—Yes, it's hard for us to s________  it.

19You can t________  him because he never tells a lie(说谎)

20Please keep the secret between you and me. Nobody e________  knows it.


1. Susan ________ her friend’s invitation because of an important meeting.

Atook down  Bput down  

Cturned down  Dwrite down

2.It’s raining hardso we ________ stay at home to watch TV.

Amust  Bhave to  

Ccan  Dcan’t

3.— It’s too late. I have to go now.

—Ohit’s raining outside. Don’t leave ________ it stops.

Asince  Bwhen  

Cuntil  Dwhile

4.________ the sun’s heat or lightwe can’t live at all.

AWithout  BWith  

CFor  DUnder

5.Susan can’t go to the movies with usbecause she must ________ her grandma at home.

Alook for  Blook at  

Clook like  Dlook after

6. Who ________ can give me better advice on how to learn English well?

Aother  Belse  

Cothers  Danother

7. We can see lots of aunts dancing on the square if it ________ in the evening.

Adoesn’t rain  Brains  

Cwill rain  Dwon’t rain

8. Don’t forget ________ thanks when others help you.

Aaccept  Bto accept  

Csay  Dto say

9. They had a great time ________ a picnic in the park last weekend.

Ahave  Bto have  

Chaving  Dhad

10. If I have enough moneyI ________ that beautiful dress for my mom.

Abuy  Bbought  

Cwill buy  Dbuys


1Jane didn't play computer games until she  ________ (finish)her homework.

2He had many interesting  ________ (experience)while traveling in Africa.

3It's important to know how to turn down an  ________ (invite)politely.

4All the students are busy making  ________ (prepare)for the school music concert.

5I  ________ (take)a trip to Shanghai the day after tomorrow.

6Thank you for _ ________ (ask)me to your birthday party.

7He is trying  ________ (go)out. Please  ________ (help)him  ________ (open)the door.

8He is too ________ (care)to pass the exam.

9He  ________ (catch)me by the arm and said“Don't forget.”

10Some students have problems in ________ (learn)English.

11Please cut the watermelon into two  ________ (half)

12Do you want  ________ (go) ________ _(swim)with us on Saturday afternoon?

13Would you like ________ (come)to my office  ________ (discuss)the report?

14Do you often practice  ________ (play)soccer after school?

15The man always keeps all problems to  ________ (he)

16My English teacher often advises us ________ _(practice)speaking more often.

17Do you know the way of  ________ (solve)the problem?


1. 他们一家人打算去大连旅行。

His family plan ________ ________ ________ ________ to Dalian.

2. 我们可以只是闲逛一下,开开心。

We can just ________ ________ and have a good time.

3. 琳达前天参观了消防站。

Linda visited the fire station ________ ________ ________ ________.

4. 如果你感冒了,你应该去看医生。

You should ________ ________ ________ ________if you have a cold.

5. 上个月我没有收到我表妹的来信。

I didn’t ________ ________ my cousin last month.




一、1. accept  2. available  3. glad  4. Delete  5. exam

二、1. forward  2. chocolate  3. preparing  4. refused  5. experience  6. accept  7. organize  8. sad  9. without  10. inviting  11. calendar  12. available  13. advice  14. catch  15. understanding  16. careless  17. mistake  18. solve  19. trust  20. else


四、1. finished  2. experiences  3. invitation  4. preparations  5. will take  6. asking  7. to go; help; (to)open  8. careless  9. caught  10. learning  11. halves  12. to go ;swimming 13. to come; to discuss  14. playing  15. himself 16. to practice  17. solving  

五、1. to take a trip  2. hang out  3. the day before yesterday  4. go to a/the doctor  5. hear from




