
备战中考 | 初中英语 中考听力冲刺训练11

更多微课点关注→ 初中微课资源 2023-01-02






听下面五段小对话和对话后的问题,从每小题 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。


A. In a bank.

B. In a hospital.

C. In a hotel.


A. 2.5 dollars.

B. 5 dollars

C. 7.5 dollars.


A. To go climbing.

B. To watch TV.

C. To stay at home.


A. A hat.

B. A jacket.

C. A sweater.


A. 8:00.

B. 8:30.

C. 9:00.




6. How will Peter go to the shop?

A. By car.

B. By bike.

C. On foot.

7. What can’t Peter do?

A. Fold clothes.

B. Make breakfast.

C. Drive.

8. What does Peter think of doing the dishes?

A. Relaxing.

B. Boring.

C. Creative.


9. When will Tom go to China?

A. This summer.

B. Next week.

C. Next month.

10. How long will Tom stay in China?

A. For two weeks.

B. For three weeks.

C. For three days.

11. In which city will Tom’s father have an international meeting?

A. Beijing.

B. Shanghai.

C. Guangzhou.


12. How many people in total are in the singing group?

A. Twelve.

B. Fifteen.

C. Twenty-seven.

13. What is the singing group doing now?

A. Performing a new song.

B. Practicing eight songs.

C. Practicing for a school show.

14. When did the woman start practicing songs?

A. Three months ago.

B. Four months ago.

C. Eight months ago.

15. What’s the name of the new song?

A. Sunny Ages.

B. Sunny Days.

C. Sunshine.


16. Why did nobody want to work for the farmer?

A. Because the farmer paid little.

B. Because the farmer got angry easily.

C. Because they were afraid of the terrible storms.

17. When the man told the farmer that he could sleep when the wind blew, the farmer felt         .

A. surprised

B. upset

C. interesting

18. When the wind blew one night, the man was        .

A. sleeping in his room

B. working on the farm

C. tying things down

19. Form the passage we can infer(推断) that        .

A. the farmer was not happy with the man

B. the man rushed outside to tie things down after the storm came

C. the man had had all the things done before the storm came

20. According to the passage, we know        .

A. the farmer was very rich

B. the man worked well

C. the man was lazy.



Study Tips for Better  Results!

« 21.   off the TV and keep  your mobile phone away from you. You can listen to some relaxing music but  not  22.   music.

« Keep your  23.   tidy  and read them every day.

« Learn to organize  your time well, and write a 24.  study timetable(时间表).

« Have healthy food and  drink  25.  water.




听下面五段小对话和对话后的问题,从每小题 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。

(B)1. A. In a bank.B. In a hospital.C. In a hotel.

(C)2. A. 2.5 dollars.B. 5 dollarsC. 7.5 dollars.

(A)3. A. To go climbing.B. To watch TV.C. To stay at home.

(B)4. A. A hat.B. A jacket.C. A sweater.

(A)5. A. 8:00.B. 8:30.C. 9:00.


1. M: I’m not feeling well with my stomach, doctor.

W: Lie down, please. Let me have a check.

Q: Where does the conversation probably take place?

2. M: How much is a cup of coffee?

W: 2.5 dollars.

M: Give me three cups, please.

Q: How much should the man pay for his coffee?

3. W: Jack, I don’t want to watch TV at home this weekend.

M: Why not go climbing. Then we can get close to nature.

Q: What’s the man’s advice?

4. M: I really like your sweater. Is it new?

W: Yes, I got it and had from the shop called Blue Moon.

M: I think I’ll go there tomorrow to see if I can find a nice jacket.

Q: What does the man want to buy?

5. M: I’m glad to visit the museum with you. So I’m coming to your house, and pick you off in half an hour. Is that all right? 

w: Good. That means you’ll be here at 8:30.

Q: What time is it now?




(A)6. How will Peter go to the shop?

A. By car.B. By bike.C. On foot.

(B)7. What can’t Peter do?

A. Fold clothes.B. Make breakfast.C. Drive.

(B)8. What does Peter think of doing the dishes?

A. Relaxing.B. Boring.C. Creative.


W: Peter, could you help me do some chores at home?

M: What do you want me to do, Lily?

W: Could you do the shopping? We need some vegetates and food.

M: Yes, I’d like to. It’s relaxing. But could I drive your car to do that?

W: Certainly. And one more thing, could you phone to only clothes? 

M: Me? Well, I’ll do it in a minute. Anything else?

W: Yes. Could you please make breakfast?

M: Me? I don’t know how to cook?

W: I can teach you.

M: Oh, my god!

W: After that, could you do the dishes?

M: I hate to do the dishes. It’s not creative. 


(C)9. When will Tom go to China?

A. This summer.B. Next week.C. Next month.

(A)10. How long will Tom stay in China?

A. For two weeks.B. For three weeks.C. For three days.

(B)11. In which city will Tom’s father have an international meeting?

A. Beijing.B. Shanghai.C. Guangzhou.


W: Hello, Tom. You look so happy. Is there any good news?

M: Yes, Lucy. My father says he will take me to China next month. It will be my first time to go to China. Have you ever been there?

W: Yes. I’ve been there twice. How long will you stay there?

M: We have three-week holiday. But we will only stay there for two weeks.

W: Which city will you go to?

M: We’ll fist go to Beijing to see a few places of interest. And stay there for 3 days. And then we’ll go to Shanghai and Guangzhou.

W: Why don’t you stay in Beijing for more days. It’s a beautiful city with long histories.

M: I know. But my father has to take part in an International meeting for a week in Shanghai. After that, I’ll fly to Guang Zhou.


(C)12. How many people in total are in the singing group?

A. Twelve.B. Fifteen.C. Twenty-seven.

(C)13. What is the singing group doing now?

A. Performing a new song.

B. Practicing eight songs.

C. Practicing for a school show.

(A)14. When did the woman start practicing songs?

A. Three months ago.B. Four months ago.C. Eight months ago.

(B)15. What’s the name of the new song?

A. Sunny Ages.B. Sunny Days.C. Sunshine.


M: What do you usually do in your spare time?

W: I have joined a singing group and we practice two afternoons each week.

M: That’s a very interesting thing to do.

W: Yes, it’s a small group of only fifteen girls and twelve boys. But.nobody has been late for the practice.

M: I see. How many songs can you sing now?

W: We started only 3 months ago. But we practice eight songs.

M: Are you going to perform any time?

W: Yes. There will be a school show next month and we’re going to sing a song in it. We’re practicing a new song now. It’s a frighten by one of the singers in the group.

M: Really. What’s the name of song?

W: Sunny days. 

M: That’s a nice name. I hope to listen to it soon.


(C)16. Why did nobody want to work for the farmer?

A. Because the farmer paid little.

B. Because the farmer got angry easily.

C. Because they were afraid of the terrible storms.

(A)17. When the man told the farmer that he could sleep when the wind blew, the farmer felt.

A. surprisedB. upsetC. interesting

(A)18. When the wind blew one night, the man was.

A. sleeping in his roomB. working on the farmC. tying things down

(C)19. Form the passage we can infer(推断) that.

A. the farmer was not happy with the man

B. the man rushed outside to tie things down after the storm came

C. the man had had all the things done before the storm came

(B)20. According to the passage, we know.

A. the farmer was very richB. the man worked wellC. the man was lazy.


Years ago, a farmer had a farm on the Atlantic beach. He wanted to hire a worker. But no one wanted to work for him because they didn’t want to work on farms along Atlantic. They were afraid of terrible storms.

Finally, a short, thin man, contact the farmer. "Are you a good farm worker?" the farmer asked him.

"Well, I can sleep when the wind blows.” answered the little man.

The farmer was surprised at the answer, but he really needed help, so he hired him. The little man worked well and the farmer was very happy with his work.

One night the wind blew hard. Jumping out of the bed, the farmer rushed to the worker’s room. He cried to the little man “Get up! A storm is coming! Tie things down before the wind blows them away!"

The little man said, "No sir. I told you, I can sleep when the wind blows.”

The farmer was angry, he hurried to prepare for the storm by himself. To his surprise, he found that all the things had already been tied down. The farmer then understood what his worker meant.



Study Tips for Better  Results!

« 21. Turn  off the TV and keep  your mobile phone away from you. You can listen to some relaxing music but  not  22. loud  music.

« Keep your  23. notes  tidy  and read them every day.

« Learn to organize  your time well, and write a 24. weekly study timetable(时间表).

« Have healthy food and  drink  25. enough water.


Are you always worried about your studies? Do you know to get better results? Here I have some tips for better results.

Turn off the TV and leave your mobile phone away from you. You can listen to music but relaxing music is better than loud music. We are all different, so we write a note differently. Some people like list words, but other people prefer important sentences. Anyway, you must keep your notes tidy and read them every day. Many students get bad results, because they don’t organize their time well. So write a weekly study timetable and follow it. When you are studying hard, it’s easy to forget to exercise. But you can only work better if you keep healthy, don’t forget to sleep well. Have healthy food, such as fresh fish, meat, fruit and vegetables. Drink enough water, don’t eat lots of junk food. It may make you think slower.

●● END ●













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