
英语听力 | 九年级中考英语听力冲刺训练39

更多微课点关注→ 初中微课资源 2023-01-02










(  ) 1. A. In a library.

         B. In a classroom.

         C. In a lab.

(  ) 2. A. Jane’s phone number.

         B. Jane’s address.         

         C. Jane’s e-mail.

(  ) 3. A. It’s a restaurant.     

         B. It’s a hospital.     

         C. It’s a library.

(  ) 4. A. Joe’s.

         B. Jeff’s.

         C. Cindy’s. 

(  ) 5. A. Because he doesn’t like the hotel.

         B. Because he doesn’t like the food there.

         C. Because he can’t afford to stay there.


    听下面三段长对话和一段独白,每段长对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。


(  ) 6. When can she fly to New York?

        A. On Sep. 15th.          

        B. On Sep. 14th.          

        C. On Oct. 15th.

(  ) 7. What’s the flight number?

        A. CA438.              

        B. CA348.             

        C. CA834.

(  ) 8. How much does one ticket cost?

        A. Three hundred dollars.    

        B. Five hundred.      

        C. Four hundred dollars.

   听下面一段对话,回答第 9~11小题。

(  ) 9. Who is the woman talking to?

        A. Her husband.      

        B. A policeman.       

        C. A teacher.

(  ) 10. What colour is the girl’s sweater?

        A. White.    

        B. Blue.   

        C. Brown. 

(  ) 11. What’s the woman’s telephone number? 

        A. 714 2069.            

        B. 714 0269.       

        C. 714 2096.

    听下面一段对话,回答第 12~15小题。

(  ) 12. When will the visitors come?

        A. In April.          

        B. In May.            

        C. In June.

(  ) 13. How many visitors are coming?

        A. 11.              

        B. 14.                

        C. 15.

(  ) 14. What will the visitors do on the second day?

        A. Have a party.      

        B. Give a talk.         

        C. Visit the schools.

(  )15. Where will the visitors go sightseeing the last two days?

        A. Schools.        

        B. New York.     

        C. Niagara Falls.

 听下面一段独白,回答第 16~20小题。

(  )16. How many cities are talked about in the story?

        A. Three.

        B. Four.

        C. Five.

(  )17. What is the speaker talking about?

        A. Cities.

        B. Songs.

        C. Stars.

(  )18. Which is the most exciting city?

        A. Las Vegas.

        B. San Francisco.

        C. Los Angeles.

(  ) 19. What is I Left My Heart in San Francisco?

        A. The name of a movie.     

        B. The name of a book.            

        C. The name of a song.

(  ) 20. What is Los Angeles famous for?

        A. Its nice songs.

        B. Its kind people.

        C. Its good weather.



Tips for the first school morning

The first one

Get up 15  21  earlier.

The second one

Get   22  done the night before, such  as choosing clothes, doing homework, collecting 23  and other things.

The third one

Don’t have breakfast in a hurry.

Make a   24   breakfast.

The passage is written for       25       .





1. W: You’re a new student, aren’t you?

M: Yes, I am.

W: Here are the rules for the library. Please read them before you go in.

Question: Where does the dialogue probably take place? 

2. M: Could you give us Jane’s address?

W: With pleasure. Do you want her phone number?

M: No, thanks. We have her phone number, but we can’t get her on the phone. 

Question: What does the man ask the woman for? 

3. M: Would you like to go out for dinner tonight, Amy?

W: Good idea. Let’s go to Blue Ocean. I love its fried chicken.

Q: What is Blue Ocean?

4. W: There is a dictionary on the desk. Is it yours, Joe?

M: No, it’s Cindy’s. I have lent mine to Jeff. 

Question: Whose dictionary is it on the desk?

5. W: Why don’t we stay at the Grand Hotel? The food and the service there are great.

M: You’re joking? Do you know how expensive that place is? We can’t afford to stay there.

Question: Why is the man against staying at the Grand Hotel? 


    听下面三段长对话和一段独白,每段长对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。


M: Can I help you, madam?

W: Yes, please. I’d like to buy some tickets to New York.

M: Certainly. When would you like to fly?

W: On the 14th of next month.

M: September? Let me see. Mm, I’m sorry. We don’t have any planes on that day to New York. What about the 15th?

W: Yes, that’s OK. What’s the flight number?

M: It’s CA348.

W: What time does it leave?

M: Er, it leaves Beijing at 14:30. How many seats do you want?

W: I’d like four, please.

M: OK, just a minute, please. They are 1,600 dollars.

   听下面一段对话,回答第 9~11小题。

M: Garden Road Police Station. Can I help you?

W: Yes, please. It’s my daughter. She is lost.

M: What’s her name?

W: Betty Green.

M: Tell me more about her, please.

W: Well, my daughter went to The Central Park this morning. Now, she hasn’t come back yet. It’s nearly 7:00, and it’s getting dark. We can’t find her anywhere. 

M: What does your daughter look like?

W: She’s a pretty girl. She has big eyes and brown hair.

M: And what is she wearing? 

W: A white sweater and blue jeans.

M: Er… Tell me your address and telephone number, please.

W: Yes, No.23, Bridge Street. And call me at 714 2069.

M: All right. Take it easy, Madam. We will help you !

    听下面一段对话,回答第 12~15小题。

W: When are the visitors coming, Philip?

M: They had three dates to choose, April 25th, May 12th and June 28th. They chose the earliest one. 

W: OK. How many visitors are coming? 14 or 15?

M: They said 14 at first, but they changed to 11 this morning. 

W: Good, we have two weeks to get everything ready. Here are my suggestions. On the first day, we’ll have a welcome party. Then they can visit the schools on the second and third days.

M: Since the visitors want to learn about how computers are used in the classroom, we may ask Mr. Goodman to give them a talk about it on the third day afternoon.

W: That will be nice. What about the last two days?Have a tour in New York?

M: Why not take them to Niagara Falls? I’m sure they’ll love them. 

W: Good idea.

 听下面一段独白,回答第 16~20小题。

This is America in VOA Special English. Today we’ll bring you the story of songs about American cities. First, New York. Many people dream about going there. Songs about this dream are the most popular ones written about New York. American’s most exciting city is Las Vegas. There you can play games all night long. In 1964, Elvis starred in a movie called Viva Las Vegas. There was a famous song from that movie. One of the most beautiful cities in America is San Francisco. The most popular song about the city is called I Left My Heart in San Francisco. Tony recorded it in 1962. Many people love Los Angeles. It is now America’s second largest city. Los Angeles is popular because the weather there is warm and the sun shines almost all the year. Randy sings about his feelings for the city in his song.



The first morning of the school year is very important. I am glad to tell you some good tips. These tips will help you and your children have a good start. First, get up early. On the first day back to school, starting fifteen minutes earlier is necessary. Then you and your children can have enough time to get things ready. Second, get everything done before going to bed, such as choosing clothes, doing homework, collecting books and other things. Help your children if they need. Third, don’t have breakfast in a hurry. Ask kids what they want to eat for breakfast the night before and plan out breakfast ideas. A simple breakfast is enough.


1~5 ABACC    

6~10 BBCBA   

11~15 AAACC     

16-20 ABACC

21. minutes  

22. everything  

23. books   

24. simple   

25. parents

●● END ●

















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