
人教版 |八年级英语下册Unit 1 Section B 3a-Self Check 导学案+ppt课件

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Unit 1  Whats the matter?

Section B 2a-2e

导   读

本课时是人教版新目标八年级下册Unit1 What’s the matter?的第四课时阅读课。学生在七年级下册Unit9 What does he look like?已经初步认识身体各部位英语表达。本单元主题是谈论身体部位的健康问题及不适,对事故伤害、急救的讨论。该部分词汇及表述更加丰富,有意突出对步骤顺序的表达。策略上,引导学生利用作者对事件描写的先后顺序来促进语篇理解。情感上教育学生树立顽强的意志品质和果敢独立的精神,学习课文中主人翁热爱生活、珍惜生命,只要有一线希望就不会放弃的优良品质。









2.通过运用 skimming跳读策略,能根据课本图片和首句正确概括出文章大意并回答问题。

3.通过运用 scanning扫读策略,找出文章细节,把握故事性文章的先后顺序,并根据思维导图复述课文。



1.Task 1:Activity 一、二 (Aim 1,test Aim 1)

2.Task 2:Activity  三 (Aim 2, test Aim 2)

3.Task 3:Activity四五七(Aim 3, test Aim 3)

4.Task 4:Activity六 (Aim 4, test Aim 4)


1. 本课时的学习流程如下:(读前)预习检测;观看表格及图片,引出本文Aron的故事→(读中)略读文本,寻大意和各段落大意;细读各段,完成阅读任务→(读后)借助思维导图复述巩固课文内容,引导学生利用作者对事件描写的先后顺序来促进语篇理解。情感上教育学生树立顽强的意志品质和果敢独立的精神,学习课文中主人翁热爱生活、珍惜生命,只要有一线希望就不会放弃的优良品质。

2. 本课时的重点:通过文本阅读,培养学生读懂理解文本,获取信息的能力。


3. 学生通过填写自我评价表和撰写学后反思,完成自我评价,及时发现自己掌握较好地方和薄弱环节,及时查漏补缺,调整学习状态,不断完善自己。

一、功能:Finding the order of events.

二、词汇和常用表达Learn to use words and sentences: climber, risk, accident, situation, rock, knife, mean, importance, decision, control, death, As a mountain climber, he is used to taking risks. ……

三、学习策略Look up the words in a dictionary. Get the general idea by skimming and get more information by scanning. Pay attention to the order of events.

四、文化知识:Encourage all students to fight against the unfair fate and to be a strong-mind person.

【设计意图】  目标引领,采用尽量简单的语言表述本节课的学习目标。

Teaching and learning steps:


一. Read from P6 to P7 and put the following into English orally. Then write them down without looking at the book.

1. 作为一个登山者,他习惯了冒险。


2. 有很多次,因为事故他几乎丧命。


3. 但是他的水用光了,他知道他必须采取措施来挽救自己的生命。________________________________________________________

4. 在这本书里,Aron讲述了做出好的决定以及掌握自己命运的重要性。________________________________________________________

5. 三天后Aron 用光了水。


6. 那次事故后Aron 没有放弃,现在仍继续爬山。


 Check the preview.

T: Boys and girls! Let me check your preview. If you know the answers, you can translate them. Please stand up without putting up your hands. Then I’ll give you one mark. Let’s see which group

二、Warm up and lead in

1. T: Boys and girls! Lets make a survey. You can ask your classmates the following questions.

What accidents can sometimes happen when we do sports? When the accidents happen what should we do? Then fill in the chart. (Give everyone a chart.)

Classmates  accidents

Suggestions / Advice


2. T: (Ask some students to read their charts in front of the class.) Well done! Now lets come to 2a. Write the letter of each sport next to each accident or problem that can happen.

_______ fall down       _______ have problems breathing   _______ get hit by a ball

_______ get sunburned   _______ cut ourselves             _______ hurt our back or arm

While-reading activities

三、Read for the general idea of 2b

Ask students to look at the picture in 2b and discuss the follow questions.

1. What is the man doing?

2. How do you think of him?

T: Boys and girls! The mans name is Aron Ralston. Today well learn a passage about him. Now look at the picture and the tile. Can you guess the general idea of the passage?

S1: Climbing.

S2: An accident.

S3: A strong-minded person.


T: OK, please read the passage quickly. Lets see which answer is right?

The general idea of the article is about ____________.

A. an accident

B. a sport

C. a strong-mind person

四、Read for the specific ideas of 2b

T: Class! We all know Aron is a strong-minded person. How did he fight against the unfair fate? Perhaps you don’t know. Now lets read for the specific ideas. Then youll know the answer.

Task One: Complete 2b.

Read the passage and underline the words you dont know. Then look up the words in a dictionary and write down their meaning.

(After a while, ask some students to read their results.)

Task Two: Complete 2c.

Read the statements and circle True, False or Dont Know.

1. Ask students to read the statements. Make sure everyone can read them and know the meanings of them.

2. Check the answers.

Task Three: Complete 2d.   p7

1. Ask students to read the passage and answer the questions.

2. Ask students to read the questions and answers. Then ask them to ask and answer in pairs

Task four: Complete 2e.

Put the sentences in the correct order. Then use them to tell Arons story to your partner. Try to add other details from the reading.

五、Post-reading activities

Task One: Read aloud.

1. Listen and repeat.

2. Ask some students to read the passages by imitating the tape in front of the class.

Task Two: Retell.

1. Ask students to retell the passage individually in a whisper according to the following chart.

2. Ask students to retell the passage in groups.

3. Ask several students to retell the passage in front of the class.

Basic information about Aron

…… an American man who is interested in ……. As a ……, …… is used to ……. There were many times when …… because of …….

The serious mountain climbing accident

On April 26, 2003, …… was caught under a …… rock when ……. Because …… not free ……, …… stayed there for five days. When …… ran out, he knew …… to save his life. So …… knife to cut off ……. Then, …… bandaged …… so that …… blood. After that, …… climbed down …….

His book

After losing his arm, …… a book called ……. This means being in a difficult situation that …… tells of the importance of ……. His love for …… so great that …… kept on …….

六 T: After reading the story “He Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing, how do you feel?

Ss: Were deeply moved by him.

T: So am I and I admire him much. When he was in a dangerous situation, he tried his best to save his life. Although he lost his arm, he still kept on climbing. From him, we know whatever a difficult situation we are in, we must try our best to get out of it and we must be able to control our own life. Do you think so?

Ss: Yes.

七、Inquiry into knowledge by translation

Ask students to look at the following sentences and try to summarize the language rules and fill in the blanks. The students can help each other and have a discussion after doing the following by themselves.

一)、As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. __________________________________

1. ①be / get / become used to ……意为“_______”,to是_____词,后跟名词、代词或动词的______形式。如:我爷爷不习惯住在城市。

My grandpa ________ __________ _________ _________ in the city.

②be used to do 是use的被动语态形式,表示“_______”,used to do表示“_________”。如:

I never used to _________ (eat) cakes, but I eat a lot now.

This knife can be used to __________ (cut) the cake.

2. take a risk / risks意为“___________”,risk为_________词,也可用作动词,意为“冒……的危险”,后跟名词或动词的________形式。如:为了挽救祖国,他宁愿冒牺牲生命的危险。

He was willing to ______ _________ to save his motherland.

= He was willing to ________ ________ ________ ________ to save his motherland.

二)、In this book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of ones life. __________________________________________________________

1. tell of意为“______”;importance的定语有两个,一个是making good decisions,另一个是being in control of ones life。因为of是______词,所以make和be都用_______形式。

如:这个故事讲的是一个著名科学家的生平。The story _____ _____ the life of a famous scientist.

2. make good decisions意为“_______”,decision是______词,它的动词是______。“决心做某”的结构可以是_______或_________。

3. be in control of 意为“_______”,be out of control / lose control of 意为“_______”,control是名词,也可用作及物动词。


No one knows who _______ ________ _________ _________ the club.

= No one knows who ______________ the club.

The-end-of class Test


1. My parents ____ getting up early on weekdays.    (2013 四川雅安)

 A. used to   B. be used to C. was used to   D. are used to

2. We’re talking about “China Dream”

these days. It’s ___ exciting ____ all of the Chinese people are interested in it.  (2013 黑龙江)

A. such; that  B. so; that   C. too; to


be used to,  take a risk, run out of cut off,  get out of, be in control of, give up

1. I ___________ walking to school.

2. I want to help Lily to ____________ this big trouble.

3. He threatened to ____  my hair ____.

4. My grandma  ____________ this  company.

5. – I failed the final English exam. I’m so depressed.

    -- Don’t _______. You’ll do it better next time.

6. Jimmy is such a coward (胆小鬼) that he dare not ___________.

7. Sam has _________ every penny to help the poor.


Read the letter, then write back and give advice.


















