

提高成绩点关注☞ 初中微课资源 2023-02-27












四、16.go out17.dishes

18. reading19.10 o'clock

20. the guitar


一、1. Nancy usually gets up at 6:45 every morning.

2. Jim often goes to the sports club on weekends.

3. Linda is talking on the phone.

4. David likes koalas best, because they are cute.

5. Mrs.Sun usually gets to her school by bus.

二、6. Can you help the kids with their homework?

7. What time do you go to the music club?

8. How long does it take you to go to the zoo?

9. Don't arrive late for class.

10. Are they reading in the library?

三、11.W: Who is that boy?

M: He is my brother, and he can play the guitar well.

12. W: Do you always get up so early?

M: Yes.I usually get up at a quarter past seven.

13. M: Is your school far from your home, Linda?

W: No, it just takes me ten minutes to walk to school.

14. M: Do you have to clean your room every day?

W: No, I have no time, and I just clean it on weekends.

15. M: Where is Mike, Alice? I can't find him anywhere.

W: Oh, he is swimming in the river.

四、 Mary has to follow many rules at home. She has to do her homework after school. She can't go out on school nights. She has to wash the dishes after dinner, and then she can watch TV for half an hour. She likes reading. She usually reads at night. She has to go to bed at 10 o'clock, because she has to get up early the next morning. She joins the music club. She has to practice the guitar every weekend. She doesn't like these rules at home.


五、21.C  点拨:用语法判定法。句意为“这个年轻的女士在周末教孩子弹吉他”。动词play后跟表示“乐器”的名词时, 名词前用定冠词the, 故答案选C。

22. C 点拨:句意为“——从你家到学校多远? ——步行大约10分钟”。how long多久; how soon多久以后; how far多远; how often多久一次。答语是距离, 应用how far提问“多远”。故选C。

23. A 点拨:用固定搭配法。句意为“父母应该告诉孩子不要吃不健康的食物。那不益于他们的健康”。tell sb.not to do sth.意为“告诉某人不要做某事”。故选A。

24. D 点拨:句意为“我的妈妈不会说英语, 但是她会讲故事”。say“说”, 强调内容; speak说某种语言; talk“谈话”; tell“告诉; 讲”。第一个空后是语言, 故用speak; 第二个空后是stories, 故用tell。故选D。

25. D 点拨:句意为“他通常骑自行车上学, 但是有时候他步行去上学”。by bike是固定短语, 骑自行车; on foot也是固定短语, 步行。故选D。

26. C 点拨:用语法判定法。上句是一个祈使句, 而且是否定的意思, 应在句首加Don't, 故选C。

27. A 点拨:用固定搭配法。句意为“因为人们砍倒了很多树, 所以大象处在极大的危险中”。in great danger是固定短语, 处在极大的危险中, 故选A。

28. B 点拨:用前后文语境暗示法。句意为“你的衣服脏了, 在周末的时候请洗一下”。save拯救; wash洗; wear穿, 戴; leave离开, 留下。根据dirty可知, 衣服脏了, 应该洗一下, 故选B。

29. A 点拨:句意为“——我的一个同学来自美国。——真的吗? 谁? ”be from与come from都表示“来自”。本句主语是单数第三人称, 所以选A。

30. B 点拨:用情景交际法。问句是打电话用语,  肯定答语可用“Yes, this is... speaking.”或者“Speaking, please.”, 故选B。

六、31.B 点拨:be far from… “离……远”。

32. D 点拨:句意为“因此她们乘公共汽车去那里”。因为there是副词,  应把to省略。

33. C 点拨:由语境可知, 去动物园看动物。

34. B 点拨:句意为“在十一点二十分的时候,  她们觉得有点饿了”。

35. C 点拨:句意为“午饭后,  她们去超市”。

36. B 点拨:萨莉想为爷爷买一些苹果。

37. D 点拨:她们看见一个小男孩在哭。

38. B 点拨:小男孩找不到他妈妈了。

39. D 点拨:根据文章可知,  琳达很聪明,  她给男孩的妈妈打了电话,  让他妈妈过来找男孩。

40. C 点拨:琳达知道了男孩的妈妈的电话号码,  一定是给他妈妈打电话,  故选calls。

七、A)41.B 点拨:用细节查找法。题干中“a good teacher”与第二篇招聘广告Teachers Wanted中的招聘条件相一致, 又由“Call John at 378­5788 for more information(信息). ”可知, 应该打电话给John, 故选B。

42. A 点拨:用细节查找法。由题干关键词the Chinese Character Club可知在第三篇广告中查找答案, 又根据上课时间是“8:30 a. m.-11:00 a. m.(from Monday to Friday)”可计算出是两个半小时, 故选A。

43. B 点拨:用细节查找法。依据题干中信息“look for a job as a musician”可知在第四篇招聘广告中查找答案, 由广告中“Please call Tina at 8983443 or send an email to music@163.com.”可知选B。

44. D 点拨:用细节查找法。依据题干中信息“teach you to play soccer”可知在第一篇招聘广告中查找答案, 由此则广告中“Mr.Smith can teach you to play soccer.”可知是“史密斯先生教踢足球”, 故选D。

45. C 点拨:用细节查找法。依据题干中信息“want to be a musician”可知在第四篇招聘广告中查找答案, 由此则广告中“Can you play any instruments(乐器)? ”可推知, 你必须会弹乐器。故选C。

B)46.A 点拨:此题用语境还原法解答。“It was a cold day in December in New York City.”点明了故事的时间和地点。

47. B 点拨:根据前面的cold和barefooted(赤脚的)可以推测, 因为寒冷而发抖。

48. A 点拨:根据“‘I am asking someone to give me a pair of shoes, ’ the boy said.” 可知孩子想要一双鞋。

49. C 点拨:根据“She asked the clerk to get a pair of socks for the boy.”以及“The lady helped… bought him a pair of shoes.”可知答案选C。

50. B 点拨:由文章中这位女士的行为可以推断出答案。

C)51.A 点拨:由原文的“Jane is very happy because her mother takes her to the zoo today.”可知答案。

52. C 点拨:由第三段的“There are also two big elephants and a small one. The elephants are friendly. Jane rides on an elephant and she is so happy.”可知答案

53. A 点拨:由“Lions and tigers are scary animals, so when they are in zoos, they live in cages(笼子). ” 可知答案。

54. C 点拨:由“There are also two big elephants and a small one.” 可知答案。

55. B 点拨:由最后一段中的“They are fat and shy.”可知答案。


61. arrive62.uniforms63.first64.important65.remember


十、71.years72.in73.doing74.goes75.is eating

76. because77.it78.has79.who80.my

十一、81.F82.It's 6 kilometers.

83. They usually take a walk in the park.

84. After breakfast, I walk to school.

85. 我爸爸买了一辆新车, 他想每天早上送我去上学。


Dear Peter,

Thanks for your email. I'm very happy to tell you something about myself. I like to play the guitar and I can play it well. Every morning, I get up at six o'clock. At 7:00, I usually ride a bike to school. I have lunch at school at 12:00.And I get home at 5:00 pm. I like pandas because they are cute and smart. But they are in great danger. These days, I am reading a book about pandas. I want to help and save them.

Can I know more about you? I hope to get your e­mail soon.



点评:本文很好地运用了“总分法”写自己的日常活动和喜好。内容有条理。首先引入话题, 然后具体分条叙述自己的日常生活和喜好。

添彩点:作者恰当地运用了every morning, because, but, these days等词汇, 使作文结构紧凑、连贯。

本文运用疑问句式Can I know more about you? 结尾, 既让文章结尾自然, 又委婉地表达了作者的意图。


















